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Part 5 - Unpublished Dissertations, Manuscripts
Compiled by historian Don Meints.
Barton, Richard H. Michigan Railroad Regulation: A Historical Treatment. M.A., Michigan State Univ., 1948.
---- The Agrarian Revolt in Michigan. Ph. D., Michigan State Univ., 1958.
Benison, Saul. Railroads, Lands and Iron: A Phase in the Career of Lewis Henry Morgan. Ph.D., Columbia Univ., 1954.
Bernot, Clarence F. Michigan Railroads, 1837-1846: A Study in Internal Improvements. M.A., Michigan State Univ., 1967.
Burns, Mary R. A Comparative Study of Four Railroad Reorganizations: CGW, C&NW, CMStP&P, MSSP&SSM. Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1948.
Camm, Robert Wendell. History of the Great Western Railway. M. A., Univ. of Western Ontario, 1947.
Campbell, George P. and Roberts, Joseph G., ed. The Electric Railway in South Central Michigan. 1957. (Copy at Bentley Historical Library, Ann Arbor)
Carlson, Bruce W. The Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay Railroad. M.A., Central Michigan Univ., 1972.
Gaffney, Thomas J. "The Changing Role of the Railroad and its Effect on the Thumb Region of Michigan." M.A., Clemson Univ., 1999.
Hansen, Walter Jacob. State Aid to Railroads in Michigan During the Early Statehood Period. Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, 1941.
Hayes, Volanda. An Analysis of a Century of Change in the Transportation System of Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1850-1950. M.A. research, Dept. of Geography, Michigan State Univ., 1972.
Hedrick, Wilbur O. The History of Railroad Taxation in Michigan. Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, 1909.
Hoffenbacher, Harold B. Michigan Internal Improvements, 18386-1846. M.A., Wayne State Univ., 1937.
Holihan, Glen G. The Flint-Corunnna Interurban R. R. M.A., Michigan State Univ., 1916.
Ivey, Paul W. The Pere Marquette Railroad Company. Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, 1917.
Kubicki, Dale L. An Early Intracounty Railroad Network and the Development of Fruit Culture, Van Buren County, Michigan. M.A., Western Michigan Univ., 1969.
Laning, Paul F. "History of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad in Ohio." M.A., Ohio State Univ., 1938.
Martin, Evan S. Preliminary Survey of the Electric Railway Between Lansing and Grand Ledge. M.A., Michigan State Univ., 1908.
McClintock, William R., Jr. Early Railroad Regulation in Michigan: 1850-1863. Ph.D., Univ. of Wyoming, 1976.
Morgan, Edward James. Sources of Capital for Railroads in the Old Northwest before the Civil War. Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1964.
Mussman, Robert. James Couzens and the Detroit United Railway. M.A., Wayne State Univ., 1977.]
Nybeck, Ernest W. Interurban Transportation in Michigan. M.A., Wayne State Univ., 1938.
O'Geran, Edward G. A History of Detroit Street Railways. Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, 1931.
Parks, Robert J. Democracy's Railroads: Internal Improvements in Michigan, 1825-1846. Ph.D., Michigan State Univ., 1968.
Reagan, Gerald M. The State Railroad Program in Michigan as a Public Issue, 1834-1846. M.A., Western Michigan Univ., 1959.
Rush, Carleton, Kenneth. A History of Railroads in Michigan to 1925. M.A., Michigan State Univ., 1947.
Scott, Thomas William. Lake Michigan Trainferries and their Freight Traffic. Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois, 1957.
Shim, Kyung Sik. Railroads and Development in the Midwest: Battle Creek as a Case Study. M.A., Michigan State Univ., 1989.
Smith, Ernest F. A Complete Railroad Survey. M. A., Michigan State College, 1904.
Stroup, Donald. The Manistee and Northeastern. M.A., Western Michigan Univ., 1963?
Teal, Sheridan. The Michigan Central Railroad, 1832-1846. M.A., Wayne State Univ., 1947.
Young, Cyrus W. Transportation Network Development: The Railroad Network of Southern Michigan. Ph.D., Michigan State Univ., 1970.