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Cross Reference
Most recent update, 5 February 2018. Last prior update, 30 December 2017.
This cross-index does not list each individual reference to every railroad in the bibliography. The compiler relies on the user having some familiarity with corporate history and will be able to refer to related companies.
The entry designates the section of the compilation where found and the author's name or first word of the title.
Amboy, Lansing & Traverse Bay - 5/Carlson
Amtrak - 2/Sanders, 2/Wilner, 4/Johnson(3), 4/McKinney; 4/Michigan
Ann Arbor - 3/Brown, 3/Elve, 3/Frederickson, 3/Hannum(2), 3/Riggs, 4/Adams, 4/Burger, 4/Cowles, 4/Garrett(2), 4/Harding, 4/Ingles, 4/Jordan, 4/Keenan(3), 4/Maddock(4), 4/McLaren, 4/Meints, 4/Morgan(2), 4/Mueller(2), 4/Nelson, 4/Rapp, 4/Shedd, 4/Uckley, 4/Warrick
Arcadia & Betsey River 4/Simmons
Bear Lake & Eastern - 4/Meints
Blaney & Southern - 4/Earle
Boyne City - 3/Baker, 4/Briggs
Cadillac & Lake City - 4/Cadillac, 4/Hart, 4/Noble, 4/Viekman
Cadillac & Northeastern - 4/McGovern
Canada Southern - 3/Smith, 3/Tennant
Canadian National - 1/Andresen, 1/Gilda, 3/Stevens, 4/Glischinski, 4/Murray
Central Michigan - 4/Gaydek
Chesapeake & Ohio - 3/Dorin, 3/Shaver, 3/Shuster, 4/Dolinger, 4/Holland, 4/Lyon, 4/Pere Marquette, 4/Shuster(see also Pere Marquette)
Chicago & Grand Trunk - 4/Larmour
Chicago & Michigan Lake Shore – 4/Chicago, 4/Meints
Chicago & North Western - 3/Casey, 3/Dorin, 3/Grant, 3/Hirsimaki, 3/Stennett, 4/Barnett, 4/Blaszak(3), 4/Bourke(4), 4/Cleary, 4/Donovan, 4/Kaminen, 4/Leffler, 4/"Slices", 4/VanCleve, 4/Wright, 4/Zimmerman
Chicago, Kalamazoo & Saginaw - 4/Harthy
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific - 3/Derleth, 3/Johnson, 4/Blasak, 4/Hardie
Chicago, Saginaw & Canada - 3/Kleiman
Cincinnati Northern - 3/Brown, 4/Brown
Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis - 4/Anon., 4/Murphy
Conrail - 3/ Grant, 3/Loving, 4/Burt, 4/DeYoung, 4/Loving, 4/Smith, 4/Stephens
Conrail Shared Assets - 4/Frailey
Copper Range - 2/Fields, 3/Anderson, 3/Monette, 4/Anderson
CSX Transportation – 4/Blaszak, 4/"CSXT", 4/Murray
Delray Connecting – 4/Geletzke
Detroit & Mackinac - 3/Thornton, 4/Allie, 4/Cady(3), 4/Garrison, 4/"Michigan," 4/McLaren, 4/Parker
Detroit & Milwaukee - 3/Burch, 4/Barnett, 4/Olds
Detroit & Pontiac - 4/Stevens(2), 4/Trap
Detroit & Toledo Shore Line - 3/ Geletzke, 3/Poupark, 4/Geletzke
Detroit, Bay City & Western - 4/Miller
Detroit, Caro & Sandusky - 3/Grant
Detroit, Hillsdale & South Western – 4/Maddock(2)
Detroit, Jackson & Chicago - 3/Schramm
Detroit, Mackinac & Marquette - 4/Barnett(2)
Detroit, Monroe & Toledo Short Line - 3/Hague
Detroit Street Rys - 3/O'Geran, 3/J.Schramm, 3/K.Schramm, 5/O'Geran
Detroit, Toledo & Ironton - 3/Trostel, 4/Cosgrove, 4/Crowther, 4/Henry, 4/Hodges, 4/Ingles, 4/Lewis, 4/Lisman, 4/Malone, 4/Middleton, 4/Pletz(2), 4/Terry
Detroit United Rys - 3/Hutchins, 3/Schramm, 5/Mussman
Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic – 33/Anderson, / Burg, 3/Dobson, 3/Dorin, 3/Gaertner, 4/Armstrong, 4/Brogan, 4/Buhrmaster, 4/DSS&A, 4/Durocher, 4/Easton, 4/Gruber, 4/Kaminen, 4/Oom(4), 4/Merritt, 4/Ouillette, 4/Peet, 4/Roth(3), 4/"South Shore", 4/Stevens, 4/Worrall
East Jordan & Southern - 4/Pinkepank(2), 4/VandeVusse
Electric roads - 3/Bajema (2), 3/Henning, 3/Hilton, 3/Monette, 3/Schramm(6), 3/Sell, 3/Sproule, 3/Zink, 4/Beal, 4/Boelio, 4/Easton, 4/Gierada, 4/Herek, 4/Jones, 4/Krentel, 4/Lee(2), 4/Lenderink, 4/Lotts, 4/Schramm, 4/Treppa, 4/Worthington, 5/Campbell, 5/Holihan, 5/Martin, 5/Nybeck
Epworth League Ry. – 4/Trap
Erie & Kalamazoo - 4/Dodge, 4/Downes
Escanaba & Lake Superior - 4/Bourke, 4/Glischinski, 4/Gregory, 4/Zimmerman
Flint & Pere Marquette - 3/Burch
Garden Bay - 4/Springer
Grand Rapids & Indiana – 2/Federspiel, 3/Church, 3/Coverdale, 3/Meints, 4/Couch, 4/Johnston, 4/McLaren, 4/McGovern, 4/Norman, 4/Rothwell, 4/Smith, 4/Wakefield, 4/Winslow
Grand Rapids, Grand Haven & Muskegon - 3/Bajema
Grand Trunk Ry. of Canada - 3/Currie, 4/Carlos, 4/Edson, 4/Lavallee (see also Canadian National)
Great Western Ry - 5/Camm
Hecla & Torch Lake - 2/Benedict, 4/Mailer
Hermansville & Western - 4/Bourke, 4/Easton
Hillsdale County - 3/Lewis, 4/Guiding, 4/Keefe
Houghton Country Traction – 3/Maki, 3/Monette, 3/Sproule
Huron & Eastern - 4/Davey
Indiana & Ohio - 4/McClelland
Industrial railroads – 4/Guay
Internal improvements program – 3/Berndt, 3/Parks, 4/Bishop, 4/Comstock, 4/Frantz, 4/Jenks, 4/Keith, 4/Krentel, 4/Scheiber, 4/Strum, 5/Bernot, 5/Hoffenbacher, 5/Parks, 5/Reagan
Iron Range & Huron Bay - 3/Dobson, 4/Barnett
Jennings & Northeastern - 4/McGovern, 4/Olds
Kalamazoo, Lake Shore & Chicago – 4/Meints, 4/Million
Keweenaw Central - 3/Monette, 4/McLaren
Lake George & Muskegon River - 4/Keenan
Lake Michigan & Superior - 4/Springer
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern - 3/Biographical, 3/Warrick, 3/Poupark, 4/Baird, 4/Hillebrant, 5/Laning (includes subsidiaries)
Lake States Transportation - 4/Cady
Lake Superior & Ishpeming – 2/Reynolds, 3/Dorin, 3/Schauer, 4/Burton, 4/Durocher, 4/Lake Superior, 4/Scribbins, 4/Simonson, 4/Zimmerman
Lansing, Alma, Mt. Pleasant & Northern - 3/Ceasar
Ludington & Northern - 4/Lenardson
Mackinac Transportation - 3/Burgtorf
Manistee & Luther - 4/McGovern
Manistee & North Eastern - 3/Stroup, 4/Freestone, 4/Gregory, 4/Milhaupt, 5/Stroup
Manistique - 4/Springer
Manistique & Lake Superior - 4/Gregory, 3/Hornstein, 4/Hornstein(2)
Marquette City & Presque Isle - 4/Easton
Marquette Rail - 4/Cady
Mason & Oceana - 4/Garasha
Menominee & St. Paul – 4/Kuhl
Michigan Central (includes subsidiaries and predecessors) - 2/Conot, 3/Cook, 3/Doughty, 3/Finkelman & Hershock, 3/Forbes, 3/Harlow, 3/Hirschfield, 3/Larson, 3/Marsh, 3/Poupark, 4/Ariemma, 4/Ashdown, 4/Baggerly & Robinson, 4/Bailey & Leffler, 4/Bailey, 4/Bohi, 4/Borsos(4), 4/Cosgrove 4/Cousins(2), 4/Dain, 4/Dodd, 4/Fisher, 4/Garrett, 4/Gilbert, 4/Hagman, 4/Harthy, 4/Hill, 4/Hirschfield, 4/Johnson, 4/Keefe, 4/Laarson, 4/Leffler, 4/Leonard, 4/Loomis, 4/Marsh, 4/McLaren, 4/Meints(4), 4/Michigan(2), 4/Olds, 4/Robinson, 4/Rothwell, 4/Sears, 5/Teal
Michigan Northern - 4/Baumgartner, 4/Cady, 4/Higdon, 4/Keefe, 4/Loving, 4/Baumgartner(2), 4/Saillard, 4/Volgenau
Michigan Southern - 3/Warrick, 4/Meints(2)
Milwaukee & Northern - 4/Specht
Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western - 4/Specht
Milwaukee (Road) – 3/ Johnson, 4/Olsen
Mineral Range – 3/Anderson, 3/ Burg, 3/Monette, 4/Rupley
Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie - see Soo Line
Nahma & Northern - 4/Duchaine, 4/Springer`
New York Central - 2/Borntrager, 3/Cook, 3/Doughty, 3/Edson, 3/Harlow, 3/Poupark, 4/Bailey, 4/DeWolfe, 4/Hassett, 4/Leonard, 4/Meehan, 4/Meints, 4/Stegmeier(2), 4/Uckley(2) (see also Michigan Central and other subsidiaries)
Norfolk & Western - 4/Lyon
Norfolk Southern - 4/Frailey - see also Norfolk & Western, Wabash
Ohio & Morenci - 4/Abandonment, 4/Leffler
Ontonagon & Brule River - 4/Barnett
Penn Central - 3/Daughen, 3/Salsbury, 4/Holzsweiss, 4/Swanberg
Pennsylvania - 3/Baer, 3/Burgess, 3/Churella, 3/Cupper
Port Huron & Northwestern – 3/Wallace
Quincy & Torch Lake - 2/Lankton, 4/Gregory, 3/Pomazal
Rapid Ry - 3/Schramm
Saginaw, Tuscola & Huron - 4/Kirkpatrick
St. Joseph Valley - 4/Myers
Soo Line - 3/Abbey, 3/Dorin, 3/Gjevre(2), 4/Bourke(2), 4/Glischinski, 4/Hammer, 4/Lake States, 4/Olsen, 4/Welton, 4/Wilder
Southern Michigan - 3/Bradley
Terre Haute & Indianapolis - 3/Wallis
Toledo & Saginaw Bay - 4/Countryman
Toledo & Western - 3/Sell
Traverse City, Leelanau & Manistique - 4/Burton
Tuscola & Saginaw Bay - 4/Cowles, 4/Ingles, 4/Maddock, 4/Wise
Wabash - 3/Dickens, 3/Grant, 4/Fisher, 4/Ingles, 4/Stephens, 4/Swartz
Wisconsin & Michigan - 4/McLaren, 4/McLeod
Wisconsin Central - 3/Dobnick, 4/Blaszak, 4/Dobnick(2), 4/Ed Burkhardt, 4/Fromm, 4/Gallegos, 4/Glischinski, 4/Martin, 4/WC
Abandonments - 2/Schwieterman
Atlas of maps – 3/Hannum, 3/Meints
Bridges - 2/Hyde(2), 4/Gaffney, 4/Schultz
Car ferries - 1/Trap, 3/Bagley, 3/Brown, 3/Elve, 3/Frederickson(2), 3/Hilton, 3/Holton, 3/Zimmerman, 4/Adams, 4/Anderson, 4/Anon., 4/Ashdown, 4/Ballert, 4/Barnett, 4/Burton, 4/Chavez(4), 4/CSXT, 4/Dancy, 4/Farrant, 4/Fay, 4/Ferry, 4/Hanna, 4/Hilton(2), 4/Hornstein, 4/Hubbard, 4/LeLievre, 4/McDonnell, 4/Mohowski, 4/Morrison, 4/Rails, 4/Schneider, 4/Simonaitis, 4/Threkeld, 4/Trap, 4/Uckley, 4/VandeVusse(2), 4/Wilson, 4/Zimmerman(4), 5/Scott
Car restoration – 4/Buhrmaster
Circus trains - 4/Drager
Commuter trains, Detroit - 4/Babbish, 4/Dobek, 4/Uckley
Corporations - 3/Meints
Electric roads - 3/Bajema, 3/Henning, 3/Hilton, 3/Monette, 3/Schramm(6), 3/Sell, 3/Sproule, 3/Zink, 4/Beal, 4/Boelio, 4/Easton, 4/Gierada, 4/Herek, 4/Jones, 4/Krentel, 4/Lee(2), 4/Lenderink, 4/Lotts, 4/Schramm, 4/Treppa, 4/Worthington, 5/Campbell, 5/Holihan, 5/Martin, 5/Nybeck
Employees - 4/Fisher, 4/Rich
Equipment, cars - 2/White(2), 3/Massie, 3/Myers, 4/Barnett (2), 4/Kujovich, 4/Million, 4/Myers, 4/White
Equipment, track - 4/Meints
Farm demonstration trains - 4/Barnett
Financing - 2/McGrane, 2/Scott, 2/Veenendaal, 4/Carlos, 5/Morgan
Fort St. Union Depot – 4/Keefe
Internal improvements program – 3/Berndt, 3/Parks, 4/Bishop, 4/Comstock, 4/Frantz, 4/Jenks, 4/Keith, 4/Krentel, 4/Scheiber, 4/Strum, 5/Bernot, 5/Hoffenbacher, 5/Parks, 5/Reagan
Interlocking towers – 4/Ingles
Interurbans - see Electric roads
Iron ore trains - 3/Hirsimaki, 4/Bourke
Land grants - 4/Barnett, 4/Bliss
Legislation - 1/Alward, 4/Seavoy, 4/Shade(2)
Locomotives – 3/Gaffney, 3/Keefe, 3/Koch, 4/Barnett, 4/Edson, 4/Frobom(2), 4/Keefe(3), 4/Million, 4/Terry, 4/Trap(2)
Logging roads - 2/Karamanski, 2/Maybee, 3/Klumpp, 3/Koch, 4/Bajema(2), 4/Despres, 4/Olds(2), 4/Rector, 4/Springer(3), 4/Takis
Management, officials – 3/Meints
Mass transit - 4/Carter, 4/McKee, 4/Woodford
Mergers - 4/Grant
Mining roads - 4/Terry
Narrow gauge roads - 3/Hilton
Presidential campaign trains - 4/Clark, 4/Ingles, 4/Smith
Private cars - 4/Carter, 4/Lewis
Railroad car building - 4/Meints
Rails to trails - 4/McHaney
Railway Mail Service - 2/Kay, 4/Rothwell
Reorganizations - 5/Burns
Regulation - 4/Kilbourn, 5/Barton, 5/McClintock
Summer trains - 4/Hauck(2), 4/Olds(2)
Stations - 2/Hyde(2), 2/Potter, 3/Hodges, 3/Kavanaugh, 3/Massie, 3/Mrozek, 3/Uhelski, 4/Barnett, 4/Boggs, 4/Cousins(2), 4/Easton, 4/Eckert, 4/Kaufman, 4/Kovl, 4/Neuhaus, 4/Scott, 4/Sloan, 4/Tamlin, 4/Uckley, 4/VandeVusse, 4/Vrooman
Steamships - 4/Marsh
Streetcars – 4/Meints
Taxation - 4/Friday, 5/Hedrick
Telegraphy - 4/Schmid
Timetables - 4/Rothwell, 4/Winslow
Tourist roads - 4/Boelio
Tunnels - 2/Hyde, 4/Anderson, 4/Cosgrove (2), 4/Gorenc, 4/Hyde, 4/Keen, 4/Kinnear, 4/Pinkepank, 4/Smith, 4/Uckley
Valuation - 4/Cooley
Wrecks - 2/Griswold, 3/Dickens, 3/Worrall, 4/Hassett, 4/Jones, 4/Norman, 4/Riddering, 4/Robinson
Alger, Russell A. - 4/Merk
Ashley, James M. - 4/Ashley, 4/Warnes
Barriger, John W. III - 4/DeBoer
Burdakin, John H. – 3/Hofsommer
Burkhardt, Ed - 4/Kube
Corning, Erastus - 3/Neu
Edison, Thomas - 3/Massie, 4/Uckley
Forbes, John Murray - 3/Forbes, 3/Larson, 3/Pearson
Ford, Henry - 2/Bryan, 3/Trostel, 4/Bryan, 4/Crowther, 4/Henry
Gould, Jay - 2/Grodinsky, 2/Renehan
Harrison, Hunter (CN) - 4/Frailey
Heineman, Ben W. - 4/Blaszak
Hutchins, Jere C. - 3/Hutchins
Jervis, John B. - 3/Larkin
Kimball, George C. – 4/Meints
Langdon, Jervis, Jr. - 3/Grant
McCoy, Elijah - 3/Marshall, 4/Ashlee
McMillan, James – 4/Druchas(2)
Morgan, Lewis Henry - 5/Benison
Perlman, Alfred E. - 4/Bruce
Pingree, Hazen S. - 4/Staring
Potter, Henry C. – 4/Meints
Sears, William B. - 4/Chipman
Vanderbilt, Cornelius - 2/Lane, 2/Renehan, 2/Stiles
Van Horne, William C. - 2/Knowles
Van Sweringen, Oris P. and Mantis J. - 2/Harwood
White, William - 4/Grant
Wright, Ammi Willard - 2/McMacken
Young, Robert R. - 3/Borkin, 4/Agnew, 4/Chamberlain, 4/Meehan, 4/Skidmore
PLACES, Michigan
Allegan County - 3/Green
Azalia - 4/Burger
Battle Creek - 3/Convis, 5/Shim
Champion - 4/Hedetneimi
Clio - 3/Reed
Dearborn - 4/Goebel
Delta County - 4/VanCleve
Detroit - 2/Conot, 3/Henning, 4/Babish, 4/Cousins(2), 4/Smith
Gogebic iron range - 4/Gaertner
Grand Haven - 3/Trap
Grand Rapids - 4/Chandler, 5/Hayes
Greenfield Village - 4/Barnett
Holland - 3/vanReken(2)
Jackson - 4/Franzen, 4/Shoemaker
Kalamazoo - 3/Hager
Lansing - 3/Reniger, 4/Stimson
Livingston County - 4/Wilhelm
Mackinac Island – 4/McLaren
Marquette - 4/Durocher
Muskegon County - 3/Lydeksen
Niles - 4/Niles
Ottawa County - 4/Percival
Paw Paw - 4/Brock
Petoskey - 4/Olds
Sault Ste. Marie - 4/Wilson
Traverse City - 3/Wakefield(2), 4/LaMaire
Trout Lake - 4/Cady
Upper Peninsula - 3/Harrison, 4/Barnett, 4/Bourke(2)
Van Buren County - 4/Meints, 5/Kubicki
Washtenaw County - 4/Telfer