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Part 4 - Serials
Compiled by historian Don Meints. - Last update: April 9, 2018
"Abandonment of Ohio & Morenci Recalls Proud Interurban Days." Short-Line Railroads, 1:5 (Oct. 1954), 6.
Adams, Rob. "Boat Landing: A Look Back." The Double A, part 1, 10:4 (Fall 1994), 6-13; part 2, 11:1 (Winter 1995), 6-12; part 3, 11:2 (Spring-Summer 1995), 8-14; part 4, 12:1 (Winter 1996), 10-20.
Agnew, Andy. "Robert R. Young for PROGRESS." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 23:10 (Oct. 1991), 9-17.
Allie, Roob H. "They Shed No Tears." Trains, July 1951, 40-45. (Detroit & Mackinac)
Anderson, Jim "St. Clair County's 'Educated' Line." The Inside Track, 12:2 (March 1981), 3-6. (Port Huron & Detroit)
Anderson, Jim and Anderson, Dwayne. "Unseen Wonder of the World." Chronicle, 19:2 (Summer 1983), 8-19. (GTW St. Clair River tunnel)
---- "The Environmental Car Ferry." The Inside Track, 10:3 (May 1979), 17-20, 24. (St. Clair River car ferry)
---- "Pheasants, Creosote, and a French Chef." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 23:9 (Sept. 1991), 8-10.
---- "The Branch Line Station Agent." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 27:2 (Feb. 1995), 3-4, 12.
Anon. "Corporate History of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company." Central Headlight, 24:1 (1st Q. 1994), 19-38.
---- "Arches of Flying Snow" Mileposts, 2 (Fall 1994) 1ff. (Reprint of Marquette Weekly Mining Journal article on MH&O snowplow, 8 March 1890)
---- “Great Lakes Car Ferries (Map of the Month).” Trains, 72:2 (February 2012), 30-31.
Anderson, Robert C. "Copper Range Recalled." Classic Trains, 4:4 (Winter 2003), 74-83.
Ariemma, Nick. “Steam and High Wheels; Richard Borsos: A Most Interesting Career.” Central Headlight 46:1 (1Q 2016), 17-24.
Armstrong, William F. "Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway Co. Ore Dock No. 6." The SOO, April 1985, 34-35.
Ashdown, Dana. "Afloat on the Great Lakes, A Short History of the New York Central System'[s Great Lakes Steamship Services." Central Headlight, 19:3 (1989), 12-25.
Ashlee, Laura Rose. "Michigan Profiles: Elijah McCoy." Michigan History, 77:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1993), 70-71.
Ashley, James M. [Biographical information] Northwest Ohio Quarterly, 36 (1964).
Babish, Byron. "Detroit - Motor City Railroading." Rails Northeast, July 1980, 10-45.
---- "Memories of GTW/SEMTA Commuter Service." The Semaphore, Aug. 2001, 4-11.
Baggerly, Larry and Robinson, Vince. “Tragedy at Trenton.” part 1, Central Headlight 42:4 (2012), 12-21; part 2, Central Headlight 43:1 (2013, 36-46.
Bailey,Tom and Leffler, Doug. “Jackson, Michigan, Fall 1952 and Today.” Central Headlight 45:2 (2nd Q. 2015), 26-29.
Baird, Victor A. "The Fort Wayne Branch Circa 1918, A Journey 'Frozen in Time'." Central Headlight, 20:3 (1990), 12-44. (New York Central)
Bajema, Carl Jay. "Standing in the Way of Progress." West Michigan, 16:1 (Jan.1987), 5, 51-53.
---- "The First Logging Railroads in the Great Lakes Region." Forest and Conservation History, 35 (April 1991), 76-83.
---- "Timber Express." Michigan History, 77:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1993), 42-46. (Logging railroads)
Ballert, Albert G. "Lake Michigan Carferry Service." Mich. Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Papers, 34 (1950), 155-172.
Barnett, Le Roy, "Roads, Railroads, Recreation." Michigan History, 72:4 (July 1988), 28-34. (Land grants)
---- "Detroit, Mackinac & Marquette." The SOO, 12:4 (Oct. 1990), 21-37 and 13:1 (Jan. 1991), 16-41.
---- "Cartographer's Corner: The Detroit Terminus of the Detroit & Milwaukee." Michigan History, 64:2 (March-April 1980), 32.
---- "Taming the Tahquamenon." Michigan History, 74:1 (Jan.-Feb. 1990). (Detroit, Mackinac & Marquette)
---- "Fascinated With Railroads." Michigan History, 77:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1993), 8-9. Same subject in "Steel Rails-, Iron Horse, Golden Age." Central Headlight, XXIV:2 (2nd Q., 1994), 18-19.
---- "Short-Lived Short Rails" Michigan History, 82:2 (Mar.-Apr. 1998), 17-23. (2 early U.P. roads)
---- ”Putting Michigan Farmers on the Right Track." Michigan History, 84:1 (Jan.-Feb. 2000, 48-55. (Farm demonstration trains)
---- "All Steamed Up in the Village." Michigan History, 84:4 (July-Aug. 2000), 26-36. (Roundhouse at Greenfield Village)
---- "The First Railroad and Township Map of Michigan." (H.S.M.) Chronicle & Newsletter 25:2 (Summer 2002), 7-8.
---- "The Great Depression Takes Its Toll." Michigan History 8:4 (7/8 2003), 48-52. (GTW industrial superhighway)
---- “Bridging the Gap Between Port Huron and Flint.” (Grand Trunk Hist. Society) The Semaphore 4 (Winter 2006), 14-18.
---- “When Ontonagon Pursued Iron More than Copper.” Chronicle 30:1 (Spring 2007), 9-12. (Ontonagon & Brule River)
---- “Fighting to Cross.” Michigan History 91:4 (July-August 2007), 8-16 (Straits of Mackinac auto car ferries)
---- “An Upper Peninsula Railroad that Failed to Make the Grade.” Michigan History 91:5 (Sept.-Oct. 2007), 44-51. (Iron Range & Huron Bay)
---- “When Bands of Iron Brought Fans to the Gridiron.” Michigan History 92:6 (Nov.-Dec. 2008), 40-45. (Football specials to Ann Arbor)
---- “Putting The ‘Go” in Gospel.” Michigan History 93:1 (Jan.-Feb. 2009), 48-53. (Rail cars used as churches)
---- “Fire Cars Fight Forest Fires.” Chronicle, 33:1 (Spring 2010), 8-12.
---- “The Chicago & North Western Railway in Michigan.” Railroad History no. 205 (Fall-Winter 2011), 50-69.
---- “Michigan’s Decorated Depots.” Michigan History (Jan.-Feb. 2012), 42-47.
---- “Fontaine’s Folly.” Michigan History 97:6 (Nov.-Dec. 2013), 51-55. (Locomotives)
Bauer, Thomas. "Ships of the Soo." The Soo, 5 (1983), 39-41.
Baumgartner, Paul. "The Michigan Northern Railway, 1976-1984." The Double A, 14:2 (Spr.-Sum. 1998), 7-18.
---- “Those Who Derail...” Trains 74”6 (June 2014), 32-33. (Michigan Northern)
---- “Getting Nowhere Fast.” Trains 74:6 (June 2014), 36-37. (Michigan Northern)
Beal, Junius T. "The Beginnings of Interurbans." M.P.H.C. Vol. 35 (1907), 260-266.
Biglow, Barry. “St. Clair Tunnel: The Forgotten Electrification.” Canadian Rail Mar-Apr 2009, 68-72.
Bishop, John C. "The Repudiation of State Debts." Southern Studies, 3 (Summer 1992), 79-85.
Blaszak, Michael W. "Chicago & North Western: Evolution of a Survivor." Trains 54:4 (Apr. 1994), 32-45. <151>
---- "Chicago & North Western: A Survivor No More." Trains 55:6 (June 1995), 17-20.
---- “Ousted Chief Ed Burkhardt Tries to Regain Wisconsin Central Control.” Trains 61:1 (Jan. 2001), 20-21.
---- “The Ben Heineman Era of the Chicago & North Western.” Northwestern Lines 2012:4 (Winter 2012), 5-6.
---- “Is There Still an Urge to Merge.” Trains, 75:1 (Jan. 2015), 6-7. (CSX, Canadian Pacific)
---- and Scribbins, Jim. "The Copper Country Limited." The Milwaukee Railroader, 12"1-2 (1982), 7-14.
Bliss, A. H. "Federal Land Grants for Internal Improvements in the State of Michigan." M.P.H.C., vol. 7 (1884), 52-68.
Boelio, Bob. "Travel: Michigan's Interurbans." Chronicle, 22:3 (1986), 40-47.
---- "Michigan's Tourist Railroads." Chronicle, 19:2 (Summer 1983), 42-44.
Boggs, Brian J. “Durand’s Union Station.” Chronicle, 32:2 (Summer 2009), 9-12.
Bohi, Charles W. "Michigan Central: Division Structure in the 1920's." Central Headlight, 9:3 (1979), 16-19.
Boles, Frank. “Ferryboat Railroad: Michigan’s Ann Arbor Railroad.” Chronicle 28:1 (Spring 2005), 8-9, 23-25)
Borsos, Richard F. “ The Coal Strike of 1950.” Central Headlight 44:3 (3rd
Q., 2014), 18-19. (Michigan Central)
---- “To Scotty.” Central Headlight 44:3 (4th Q., 2014), 34-37. (Michigan Central)
---- “Low Water, Close Call.” Classic Trains 16:2 (Summer 2015), 32-37. (Michigan Central)
Borsos, Robert L. "Honeymoon Depot." Trains 63:11 (Nov 2003), 64-71. (MC)
Bourke, Frank. "A Route to the Soo for the Soo." Chronicle, 19:2 (Summer 1983), 20-23. (Soo Line)
---- "Escanaba and Lake Superior Railroad." The Inside Track, (9:5 (Nov. 1978), 13-16.
---- "Farewell, 400!" The Inside Track, 11:3 (May 1980), 3-5.
---- "Train Time at Escanaba." North Western Lines, 10:2 (1983), 48-49.
---- "Railroads to Everywhere." in A Most Superior Land: Life in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Lansing MI: Two Peninsula Press, 1983.
---- "Pullmans and Private Sleeping Cars." The Soo, 13:2 (April 1991), 36-38. (Upper Peninsula service)
---- "Escanaba's Tie Treatment Plant." North Western Lines, 25:3 (Summer 1998), 37-39. (Further note in 26:1, 72)
---- "The Escanaba Ore Pooling Plan." North Western Lines, 23:4, Fall 1996, 66.
---- and Easton, Larry E. "IXL and the Soo." the Soo, 13:4 (Oct. 1991), 14-33, 36-53.
"The Boyne City Railroad: A Brief Outline." Michigan Railfan, Oct. 1990, 3-4.
Briggs, David. "Railroading in Greenfield Village." National Railway Bulletin, 55:5 (1990), 24-28.
Brock, Thomas D. "Paw Paw Versus the Railroads." Michigan History, 39:2 (June 1955), 129-182.
Brogan, Gary. "Memories of DSS&A No. 586: The L'Anse Caboose." The SOO¸ Summer 2004 (26:3), 9-12.
---- “The Depots of L’Anse, Michigan -- And That Troublesome Hill.” The SOO, 33:2 (Spring 2011), 10-24; 33:3 (Summer 2011), 6-16. (Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic)
Brown, Jim. “Remembering the Cincinnati Northern.” Central Headlight 45:3 (3rdQ 2015), 28-32.
Bruce, Harry J. “Perlman the Magnificent.” Trains 62:3 (Mar. 2002), 38-45.
Brumgard, James W. "The Recycled Geeps of Battle Creek." Trains 54:9 (Sept. 1994), 58-64.
Bryan, Ford R. "Henry's Gasoline Rail Car." Dearborn Historian, 26:1 (Winter 1986), 9-12.
Buchanan, Brian. “The Ties That Bind.” Trains 66:7 (July 2006), 50-57. (Grand Trunk Western)
Buncschuh, Scott W. “Erie & Michigan Railway & Navigation Company.” The Great Lakes Pilot Vol. 11, No. 12, 2017.
Burger, Henry. "Azalia and its Railroads." The Inside Track, 9:2 (March 1978), 12-14.
---- "Building the Ann Arbor Railroad." AARRT&HA Newsletter, 1984:3, 4-6; 1985:2, 9-11.
Burt, William D. "Was the Conrail Monopoly Necessary?´ Journal of Transportation Law, Logistics and Policy, vol. 66 (Fall 1998), 19-53.
Burton, Robert E. "Car Ferry from Northport." Michigan History, 51:1 (March 1967), 1-17. (Northport-Manistique car ferry)
Burton, Sandy. "Alligators in the North Woods." Railfan, July 1985, 48-55. (Lake Superior & Ishpeming)
"Cadillac & Lake City Gets All Steamed Up for Tourists and Shippers." Railway Age, July 26, 1965, 42-43.
Cady, Ron. "D&M's Mackinaw Division." Railfan, July 1978, 53-55 (Detroit & Mackinac, Michigan Central)
---- "Farewell to the Maroon and Gray." Trains, Aug. 1981, 25-29. (Detroit & Mackinac)
---- "Trout Lake." Rail Classics, Sept. 1980, 46-53. (Soo Line)
---- "Michigan Metamorphosis." Trains, Oct. 1987, 26-38.
---- "Michigan Northern." Rail Classics 1978 Yearbook, 4-11.
---- "Detroit & Mackinac." Trains, 52:7 (July 1992), 28.
---- "Alcos on the Road Less Traveled: Michigan's Lake State Railway." Railfan & Railroad 23:12 (Dec 2004), 32-38.
Calkins, Edmund A. "Railroads of Michigan Since 1850." Michigan History, 13:1 (Winter 1929), 5-25.
Calumet. 1899 and 1900 newspaper articles on new service to Calumet. Mileposts no. 19 (Spring 2003), 1-4.
Carlos, Ann M. and Lewis, Frank D. "The Creative Financing of an Unprofitable Enterprise: The Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, 1853-1881. Explorations in Economic History, 32 (July 1995), 273-301.
Carter, James. "All Aboard the Grand Marais." Alger Footprints, 11:2 (June 1987). (W. R. Burt's private car)
---- "Getting Back on Track." Natural Resources, 43:1, 10-12. (Mass transit)
Chamberlain, John. "Close Up: Robert R. Young." Life, 22:8 (Feb. 24, 1947), 102-117.
Chandler, Ron. "A Visit to Wyoming Yard - 1950s Style." Chesapeake & Ohio Historical Magazine, 32:6 (June 2000), 8-11. (Pere Marquette)
Chase, Lew Allen. "Michigan's Share in the Establishment of Improved Transportation Between the East and the West." M.P.H.C., vol. 38 (1912), 598-609.
Chavez, Art. "Farewell, Mighty Midland." Pere Marquette Rails, 5 (Oct. 1998), 3-12.
----, ed. "Pere Marquette's Lake Michigan Car Ferries." Pere Marquette Rails, 12 (May 2001), 3-24.
---- "Training for War on Lake Michigan." Pere Marquette Rails no. 14 (May 2003), 3-19. (car ferries)
---- “A Brief History of Pere Marquette’s Detroit River and St. Clair River Car Ferries.” Pere Marquette Rails no. 20 (Nov. 2005), 3-13. (Also has other material). (Car ferries)
Chicago & Michigan Lake Shore Railroad. “President’s Report (dated 8 April 1873)”. PM Tracks 19:4 (July-Aug. 2014), 4-7
Chipman, Paul. "Transportation Builder." Pere Marquette Rails, 8 (Oct. 1999), 3-7. (Reprinted from Chesapeake & Ohio Lines Magazine, Jan. 1942) (William B. Sears)
Clark, Sandra Sageser. "Whirlwind Whistle Stops." Michigan History, 77:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1993), 47-49. (Pres. Truman 1948 campaign train)
Cleary, Mike. "The Ore Lines Today." North Western Lines, 8:3 (1981), 16-22. (Chicago & North Western)
Cliff, Frederick C. "The 'Coldwater' Is Born." R&LHS Bulletin, no. 119 (Oct. 1968), 67-71.
Comstock, O. C. "Internal Improvements." M.P.H.C., vol. 1 (1875), 46-48.
Cooley, Mortimer. "Michigan Railroad Appraisal." Michigan Political Science Association, 4 (June 1901).
Cosgrove, Robert W. "DTI: From Ford to Grand Trunk, DTI Served Its Owners Masterfully." GT Reporter, 19 (March 1984).
---- “Detroit River Tunnel Centennial.” Central Headlight, 40:4 (2010), 14-24. (Michigan Central)
---- “A Tunnel Turns 100.” Michigan History, 74:4 (July/August 2010), 44-48. (Michigan Central)
Couch, Edward T. “Grubbing and Grading for the GR&I.” Michigan History Mar.-Apr. 1980 (64:2), 16. (Grand Rapids & Indiana)
Countryman, Kelly. “Sand and Snow: Winter Railroading on TSBY’S Western District.” The Double A, 25:1 (Spr.-Sum. 2009), 8-19.
Cousins, G. R., and Maximuke, Paul. "The Station That Looks Like a Hotel." Trains, Aug. 1978, 40-48. (Michigan Central Detroit station)
---- "The Ceremony Was 61 Years too Late." Trains, Sept. 1978, 44-51. (Michigan Central Detroit station)
Crowther, Samuel. "Ford's Story of His Railway." World's Work, June 1924, 161-166. (Detroit, Toledo & Ironton)
"CSXT Navy Keeps Chemical Traffic on the Move." CSC Today, Feb. 1991, 15. (Port Huron-Sarnia ferry)
Dain, Floyd Russell. "The Michigan Central Railroad and the Michigan May Flower." Detroit in Perspective, 2:1 (Autumn 1973), 45-67.
Dancy, Thomas B. "Lake Michigan Car-Ferries Yesterday and Today." Inland Seas, 16 (1945), 2-15.
Davey, Steve. “Huron & Eastern.” Railfan & Railroad 32:3 (Mar. 2013), 42-47.
DeBoer, David J. “Papa John.” Central Headlight, 39:3 (2009), 6-13. (John W. Barriger III)
Despres, G. "Railroad Logging." Michigan History, 38:2 (June 1954), 182-184.
De Vries, Brian. "Grand Trunk Western Operations on West Michigan Branch Lines, 1974-1987." West Michigan RR Hist. Socy. Waybill, 30 (July 1998), 3.
DeWolfe, Bob. "The Old Road Bows Out." The Inside Track, 13:2 (March 1982), 3-8. (New York Central)
DeYoung, Larry. “The View from 6 Penn Center Plaza.” Trains 59:1 (Jan. 1999), 44-49. (Conrail)
Diehm, Harold F. “Good-bye, Pere Marquette." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, part 1, 29:6 (June 1997), 4-9; part 2, 29:7 (July-Aug. 1997), 3-13.
Dixon, Thomas W., Jr. “Pere Marquette Dabbles in Diesels; An Opinion.” Chesapeake & Ohio Historical Magazine 46:6 (June 2014), 20-21.
---- “The Chessie on the Pere Marquette” Chesapeake & Ohio Historical Magazine 46:11&12 (Nov.-Dec. 2014), 38-47.
Dobek, Jeff. "Detroit Commutes Derail." The Cross Tracks, part 1, Feb.-March 1984, 1, 8; part 2, April-May 1984, 4-6.
Dobnick, Otto P. "A Hub and Spoke System for Trains." Trains, 50:10 (Oct. 1990), 40-53. (Wisconsin Central)
---- "Acting Like a Class I, but Not Always Thinking Like One." Trains, 50:9 (Sept. 1990), 32-47. (Wisconsin Central)
Dobnick, Otto P. "The Wisconsin Central Story." Trains Part 1, 50:11 (Sept. 1990), 32-47, Part 2, 50:12 (Oct. 1990), 40-53. <155>
Dodd, L., and Wood, B. "Ice Was for Harvesting at Barron Lake." Chronicle, 12:4 (1976), 16-24. (Michigan Central)
Dodge, (Mrs.) Frank P. "Marking Terminus of Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad." M.P.H.C., vol. 38 (1912), 491-498.
Dolinger, Milton B. ”Close-Up: The Chessie-Seaboard Merger." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 32:1 (Jan. 2000), 6-11.
Donovan, Frank P., Jr. "A Long Comfortable Train: The Peninsula 400." North Western Lines 2005:3, 54-60. (Reprint of same from Trains July 1948.) <191>
Downes, Randolph C. "Ottawa Indians and the Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad." Northwest Ohio Quarterly, 24 (Summer 1952), 136-138.
Drager, Carey L. "The Greatest Show on Rails." Michigan History, 77:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1993), 56-59. (Circus trains)
Drutchas, Geoffrey G. “The Man With a Capital Design.” Michigan History 86:2 (March-April 2002), 26-34. (James McMillan)
---- "Gray Eminence in a Gilded Age: The Forgotten Career of Senator James McMillan of Michigan. Michigan Historical Review 28:2 (Fall 2002), 79-113.
“D.S.S.&A. White Pine Branch Constructed in 1953.” Soo Line Mileposts no. 42 (Fall 2014), 1-4. (from Railway Age, Dec. 20, 1954)
Duchaine, William J. "Michigan Loses a Logging Railroad." Trains, June 1949, 50-51. (Nahma & Northern)
Durocher, Aurele A. "The Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railway Company." R&LHS Bulletin, no. 111 (Oct. 1964), 10-64.
---- "The Lake Superior and Ishpeming Railway Company." R&LHS Bulletin, no. 98 (Oct. 1958), 7-21.
---- "The Railroads of the City of Marquette." The SOO, July 1984, 8-23; Oct. 1984, 12-35; Jan. 1985, 12-43; April 1985, 12-23; July 1985, 14-29.
Earle, G. Harold. "Blaney & Southern's Railcar." the Soo, 13:4 (Oct. 1991), 34-35.
Easton, Larry E. "A Little More IXL." the Soo, 14:1 (April 1992), 14-23.
---- "Houghton's Classic Depot." the Soo, 14:3 (July 1992), 13-27.
----, ed. “Marquette’s Electric Railway: The Marquette City & Presque Isle Railway Company.” Soo Line Mileposts no. 35 (Spring 2011), 1-4.
---- “Michigamme: A Marquette Range Mining and Railroad Town.” The Soo, 33:3 (Summer 2011), 29-47. (Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic)
Eckert, Kathryn Bishop. "Stations of Distinction." Michigan History, 77:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1993), 60-64.
"Ed Burkhardt: World Class by Any Measure." Railway Age, 200 (Jan. 1999), 33-43. (Wisconsin Central)
Edson, William D. and Corley, Raymond F. "Locomotives of the Grand Trunk Railway." Railroad History, no. 147 (Autumn 1982), 42-183.
Eicher, Al and Dave. "The Little Wanderers." Michigan History 87:1 (Jan.-Feb. 2003), 40-47. (Orphan trains)
Elliott, Frank N. "When the Railroad Was King." Michigan History, 49:4 (Dec. 1965), 289-343.
Farrant, Don. "The Last Cruise of the Pere Marquette 18." Natural Resources, 43:5 (Sept. 1974), 14-17.
Fay, Lewis C. "Lake Michigan's Floating Railroads." Trains, Aug. 1949, 46-49.
"Ferry Sale Marks End of an Era." Chessie News, July 1983, 1-2.
Fisher, Charles E. "The Michigan Central." R&LHS Bulletin, no. 19 (1929), 4-31.
---- "The Wabash." R&LHS Bulletin, no. 93 (Oct. 1957), 116-117.
Fisher, Douglas. “A Forgotten Force: Mexican Railroad Workers in Wartime Michigan. Michigan History. 95:3 (May/June 2011), 35-40.
Frailey, Fred W. “Norfolk Southern: How Fast Can This Horse Run.” Trains 61:10 (Oct. 2005), 26-37.
---- “Hunter’s Way or the Highway.” Trains, 69:8 (August 2009), 30-43. (Hunter Harrison of CN)
---- “Conrail Lives!” Trains 72:10 (Oct. 2012), 20-31. (Conrail Shared Assets Co.)
Frantz, Patrice Stegall. “Sixteen Miles on the Clinton and Kalamazoo Canal.” Chronicle 40:4 (Winter 2018) 14-17.
Franzen, James M. "Jackson." Motor Coach Age, 41:2 (Feb. 1989), 4.
Freestone, Ron, ed. "Information Pertaining to the Manistee & North Eastern Railroad.” Pere Marquette Rails, 10 (Nov. 2000), 3-12. (overview ca. 1920)
Friday, David. "Methods of Railway Taxation in Michigan" in The Railway Library and Statistics, 1914. Chicago: Bureau of Railway News and Statistics, 1914.
Frimodig, David M. "The $2,000,000 Ride." in A Most Superior Land: Life in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Lansing MI: Two Peninsula Press, 1983. (Iron Range & Huron Bay)
Frobom, Aarne H. "Project 1225 - Bringing PM Power Back to Life." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, June 1989, 3-9.
---- "Project 1225." Railway and Locomotive Preservation, 42 (July-Aug. 1993), 13, 62-63. (PM loco. 1225 preservation)
Fromm, Galen. "Wisconsin Central: What makes it tick?" the Soo 19:4, (Fall 1997), 18-33.
Frost, Clarence. "The Early Railroads of Southern Michigan." M.P.H.C., vol. 38 (1912), 498-501.
Gaertner, John. "The Gogebic Range." the Soo, part 1, 18:1 (Winter 1996), 22-38; part 2, 18:2 (Spring 1996), 28-44; part 3, 18:3 (Summer 1996), 26-37; part 4, 18:4 (Fall 1996), 22-33.
Gaffney, T. J. “The Pere Marquette Black River Bascule Bridge in Port Huron.” PM Tracks 18:2 (March 2013), 3-7.
Gallegos, Bob. "Ghosts of the Soo." Railfan & Railroad, 17:2 (Feb. 1998), 28-31. (Wisconsin Central)
Garasha, Robert W. "The Mason & Oceana." R&LHS Bulletin, no. 89 (Oct. 1955), 82-96.
Garrett, Evan. "Sarah Bernhardt's Christmas at Urania." Chronicle, 20:4 (1984), 2-7. (Ann Arbor)
---- "Huron Valley: The Water Level Route." Michigan Railfan, April 1990, 3-5.
---- "The Annie." The Ann Arbor Trail, 80:5 (1980), 5-7; 81:1 (1981), 6-8; 81:2 (1981), 4-7. (Ann Arbor)
Garrison, Anne C. "Northeast Michigan and the Detroit and Mackinac Railway." Business Topics, vol. 5 (1957), 23-30.
Gaydek, Jerry. "Saginaw Southbound." Railfan, May 1980, 24-25.
Geletzke, Charles H., Jr. "The Detroit & Toledo Shore Line." Railfan, July 1981, 40-47.
---- “The Delray Connection.” Nickel Plate Magazine vol. 47 (Summere 2013), 4-9. (Delray Connecting)
Gibbs, Russell L. "Early Michigan Railway History." Canadian National Railway Magazine, 22 (Sept. 1936), 13, 25.
Gierada, Tracy. “The Paw Paw Lake Division: A Look at the Interurban Era.” Chronicle, 34:4 (Winter 2012), 18-22. (Benton Harbor-Paw Paw Lake)
Gierman, Karl. "Salem Township's Other Railroad." Salem Area Historical Socy. Historical Monograph II, 1988.
Gilbert, John. "The Great Conspiracy." M.P.H.C., vol. 31 (1901), 232-238. (Michigan Central)
Glischinski, Steven. "The Elongated Escanaba & Lake Superior." Trains, July 1984, 31-41.
---- "Return of the Wisconsin Central." Railfan, Feb. 1990, 55-64.
---- "Unions finally win representation on Wisconsin Central." Trains 57:10 (Oct. 1997), 16-17. <157>
---- “CN Makes Play for Missabe and Bessemer.” Trains 64:1 (Jan. 2004), 12-13.
---- “A ‘Little Jewel’ of a Railroad.” Classic Trains, 18:3 (Fall 2017), 16-19. (Soo Line)
Goebel, Malita T. "Transportation to Dearborn in 1837." Dearborn Historian, August 1964, 47-65.
Gorenc, Louis. "Tunneling Two Rivers." Michigan History, 77:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1993), 31-32. (St. Clair and Detroit River rail tunnels)
Gorsky, John L. ”Milwaukee Junction 1960." National Railway Bulletin, 56:1 (1991), 4-11. (Grand Trunk Western)
Grant, H. Roger. "Detroit to Chicago in 1888." Railroad History, No. 165 (Autumn 1991), 99-108.
---- "William White: Railroad Leader." Classic Trains, 3:2 (Summer 2002), 60-63.
---- “Grouping America’s Railroads: The Transportation Act of 1920.” Classic Trains, 12:4 (Winter 2011), 30-37. (Mergers)
Gregory, George H. "Diesels and Dinkies." Short-Line Railroader, Dec. 1955, 3, 7-8. (M&NE, E&LS, M&LS, Q&TL)
Grimm, Kyle. “The Tiny Trolley of Western Michigan University.” Michigan History 96:5 (Sept.-Oct. 2012), 42-45.
Gruber, John. "Fitch's Plans for Expansion." Railway Gazette, Jan.-Feb. 1896, 10-16. (Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic)
Guay, David R. P. Ford’s Railroad at the Rouge.” Railroad History 218 (Spr. 2018), 30-67.
"Guiding a Short Line from Survival to Success." Railway Age, Aug. 31, 1981, 38-39. (Hillsdale County)
Hagman, Harlan L. "By Train to Ypsilanti: The Central's First Run." Chronicle, 16:1 (1980), 4. (Michigan Central)
Hakken, Robert. “More than Meets the Eye” and “Little Black Book.” Pere Marquette Rails no. 21 (May 2006), 3-10. (Also one additional article) (Centralized traffic control)
Halsey, John. "Abandoned Legacy." Michigan History, 77:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1993), 66-67.
Hammer, C. H. "Genesis of a Miller's Road: The Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie." Railroad History, no. 146 (April 1984), 23-28.
Hanna, Frances. "The F. ^ P. M. No. 1." Inland Seas, Winter 1954.
Hardie, George, Jr. "Passenger Service to Upper Michigan on the Milwaukee Road." The Milwaukee Railroader, 12:1-2 (1982), 4-6.
Harding, Michael. “Ann Arbor Today.” Railfan & Railroad 31:5 (May 2012), 26-31.
Hart, Dennis. "The History of the Cadillac & Lake City Railway Company." West Michigan RR Hist. Socy. Waybill, 21 (Nov. 1989, Dec. 1989, March 1990).
Harthy, Charles O. "The Chicago, Kalamazoo & Saginaw Railway Company." Central Headlight, 19:2 (1989), 13-22.
---- "The Michigan Central Railroad." Central Headlight, 19:4 (1989), 17-30.
Harvey, Charles T. "Great Railway Connections Between Lake Superior and Gulf of Mexico." M.P.H.C., vol. 35 (1907), 170-175.
Harvey, Mark. "The Fish Who Rode the Rails." Michigan History 87:2 (March/April 2003), 19-26. (fish railcar Wolverine)
Hassett, Albert J., Jr. "Call Out the Big Hook." Central Headlight, 24:3 (3rd Q. 1994), 22-38 (Wrecks on NYC)
Hauck, Cornelius. ”Pullmans, Lounge Cars and 2-10-2's: The Pennsylvania Railroad in Northern Michigan.´ R&LHS Newsletter 19:3 (Summer 1999), 1-2.
---- "Northern Arrow." R&LHS Newsletter 20:3 (Summer 2000), 3-6.
Hedetneimi, Charles J. "The Depots of Champion." the Soo, 15:2 (Spring 1993), 20-31.
Helfman, Harold. "The Early Railroads Increase Crime in Michigan." Michigan History, 39:3 (Sept. 1955), 365-366.
"Henry Ford's Railroad Experiment." Railroad, July 1938, 8-28. (Detroit, Toledo & Ironton)
Herek, Raymond J. “Tragedy at a Bridge.” Michigan History 91:3 (May-June 2007), 18-23. (Interurban)
Higdon, Ben. "The Michigan Northern." Michigan Railroads. No. 12 (Sept. 1996), 2-10.
Hill, Arthur S. "The Romance of a Railway." Michigan History, 23:1 (Winter 1939), 53-76. (Michigan Central)
Hillebrant, Thomas. "Michigan Southern: 'The Old Road.'" Railfan & Railroad, 16:3 (March 1997), 40-49.
Hilton, George W. "Great Lakes Carferries: An Endangered Species." Trains, Jan. 1975, 42-51.
---- "Pere Marquette." Trains, Aug. 1945, 9-19.
---- "Pere Marquette District, C&O." Tracks, Nov. 1949, 29-34.
---- "The Almont Branch." Pere Marquette Rails, 11 (May 2001), 3-12.
Hirschfield, Charles. "The Great Railroad Conspiracy." Michigan History, 36:2 (June 1952), 97-219. (Michigan Central)
Hodges, Ed. "The D&LN Comes to Town." The Cross Tracks, Summer 1987, 6-7. (Detroit, Toledo & Ironton in Tecumseh)
Holland, Kevin J. "The C&O Air Force." Chesapeake & Ohio Historical Magazine, 33:4 (April 2001), 3-27.
Holzweiss, Robert. “Penn Central Reconsidered.” Railroad History No. 217 (F-W 2017), 24-45.
Hornstein, Hugh A. The Manistique and Lake Superior Railroad.” The Double A, 5:4 (Fall 1989), 5-13; 6:1 (Winter 1990), 8-15; 6:2 (Spring 1990), 15-17; 6:4 (Fall 1990), 7-9, 12-15; 7:1 (Winter 1991), 7-9, 13-19; 7:2 (Spring 1991), 7, 12-16; 7:4 (Fall 1991), 9-20; 8:1 (Winter 1992), 9-23; 8:3 (Summer 1992), 7-12; 8:4 (Fall 1992), 7-11.
---- "A Brief History of the Manistique & Lake Superior Railroad." the Soo, 16:1 (Winter 1994), 17-22.
Hornstein, Hugh. "The Michigan Northern Railroad and its Relationship with the Ann Arbor." The Double A, 19:1 (Spring 2003), 4-10. <175>
Howard-Filler, Saralee K. "That Species of Improvement." Michigan History, 64:2 (March 1980), 17-31.
Hubbard, Freeman H. “Rails Across the Great Lakes.” Railroad 65:3 (Nov. 1954), 10-21, 63-68.
Hyde, Charles. "The St. Clair Tunnel: A Triumph of Canadian Engineering." Industrial Archeology, 21:1 (1995), 47-56.
Ingles, J. David. "GTW's Stubborn Final Curtain." Classic Trains, 1:2 (Summer 2000), 36. (Final steam excursions)
---- “Homebodies.” Trains 65:11 (Nov. 2005), 74-77. (Ann Arbor, Tuscola & Saginaw Bay)
---- “Cannon Ball Runs.” Classic Trains, 10:4 (Winter 2009), 22-33. (Wabash)
---- “From Henry Ford’s Lab to a Key Connection.” Classic Trains, 11:2 (Summer 2010), 18:21. (Detroit, Toledo & Ironton)
---- “Whistle-stopping in the 1960s.” Classic Trains, 18:2 (Summer 2017), 68-75. (Political campaign trains)
---- “America’s last Rail Steam Show.” Classic Trains, 19:1 (Spr. 2018) 20-29. (GTW)
Jenks, William L. "Michigan's Five Million Dollar Loan." Michigan History, 15:4 (Autumn 1931), 575-633. (Internal improvements program)
Johnson, Bob. "Getting Up to Speed." Trains, 59:11 (Nov. 1999), 52-57. (Amtrak, Detroit-Chicago)
---- “Fast Trains Get Highway Help.” Trains, 71:4 (April 2011), 18-19.
---- “Michigan Speeds Plummet.” Trains, 71:9 (Sept. 2011), 8.
Johnson, Cary E. "The Michigan Central Railroad: Its Early History and Postmarks." Transit Postcard Collector, vol. 33 (May 1982), 56-58.
Johnston, Marie. "The Building of the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad." Indiana Magazine of History, 41 (1945), 152-166.
Jones, David. Á Tragedy at Green Oak" Pere Marquette Rails, 4 (Oct. 1997), 1-10.
Jones, Russell D. "The Battle for Huron Street." Ann Arbor Observer May 2003, 37-43. (Interurban) <164>
Joy, James F. "Railroad History of Michigan.” M.P.H.C., 22 (1894), 292-304.
Kaminen, Ronald L. “A Fireman on the Copper Country Limited.” The Soo 30:1 (Winter 2008), 29-38. (Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic)
---- “The Wreck of Train 214 in Rock, Michigan.” North Western Lines, 2011:3, 36-41.
Kaplan, Bob. "Railroads in the Upper Great Lakes." Rail Classics, 7:3 (May 1978), 40-49.
Kaufman, Vera. "Lake Odessa Depot." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, July 1989, 14-17.
Keefe, Kevin P. "How Michigan Got Into the Railroad Business." Trains, Oct. 1976, 46-49. (Hillsdale County, Michigan Northern)
---- "Hitting the century mark in Michigan." Trains 57:1 (Jan. 1997), 19-20. (Amtrak) <154>
---- “Pere Marquette: Bigger than it Looked.” Classic Trains vol. 6 (Winter 2005), 16-17.
---- “A Train for CEOs.” Classic Trains 13:3 (Fall 2012), 38-45. (Michigan Central Twilight Limited)
---- “Train Time in Durand.” Classic Trains 14:3 (Fall 2013), 54-57. (GTW)
---- “Riding the Rails: Michigan’s Super-Power Locomotives.” Michigan History 100:6 (Nov.-Dec. 2016), 17-23. (PM locomotive)
---- “Vagabonds of the Pere Marquette.” Classic Trains 17:3 (Fall 2016), 64-67. (PM locomotive)
---- “Thoroughbreds of the Pere Marquette.” NRHS Bulletin Vol. 79 (2016), 14-19. (PM locomotive)
---- “Detroit’s Fort St. Roundhouse Area in the ‘40s.” Classic Trains, 18:3 (Fall 2017), 42-45.
Keen, John M. "The St. Clair River Railroad Tunnel." Inland Seas, 31:3, 212-213.
Keenan, Hudson. "America's First Successful Logging Railroad." Michigan History, 44:3 (Sept. 1960), 292-302. (Lake George & Muskegon River)
---- "Shepherd's Bizarre Log Train Calamity: May 9, 1891." The Double A, 10:2 (Spring 1994), 5-7.
---- "The Narrow Gauge Comes to Mount Pleasant." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 27:2 (Feb. 1995), 8-12.
---- "Head-On in the Smoke and Fog: September 17, 1895." The Double A, 11:2 (Spring-Summer 1995), 4-6.
---- "The Wreck of a Pere Marquette Flyer -- August 24, 1911." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 27:12 (Dec. 1995), 8-9 (Loomis, Mich.)
---- "1912 Bridge Collapse on the Pere Marquette." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 28:12 (Dec. 1996), 8-9. (Mt. Pleasant, Mich.)
---- "The Blizzard of 1898 on the Flint & Pere Marquette." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 30:1 (Jan. 1998), 4-6, 9.
---- "The Saginaw and Mount Pleasant Rail Road." Pere Marquette Rails no. 18 (Nov. 2004), 3-10.
---- “Weather Travel Hazards on the Old Ann Arbor.” The Double A, 25:1 (Spr.-Sum. 2009), 4-7.
Keith, Hannah Emily. "An Historical Sketch of Internal Improvements in Mich-igan." Mich. Political Science Assn. Publications, 4 (1900), 1-48.
Kellogg, Harold W. "How to Sponsor a Streamliner." Trains, Nov. 1979, 30-32. (Pere Marquette)
Kenn, John M. "The St. Clair River Tunnel." Inland Seas, 31 (1975), 175-185.
Kilbourn, Russel D. "The Michigan Railroad Commission." Michigan History, 3:3 (Summer 1919), 445-472.
Kinnear, Wilson S. "The Detroit River Tunnel." American Society of Civil Engineers Transactions, vol. 74 (1911), 288-374.
Kirkpatrick, Frank A. "The Saginaw, Tuscola and Huron: An Early Railroad of the Michigan Thumb." Michigan History, 52:3 (Sept. 1968), 196-217.
Knapp, Ellsworth. "The Overnighter." Trains, Aug. 1941, 37-41. (Fast freight service, Detroit-Chicago)
Kovl, David R. "Potter Street Station." Railway and Locomotive Preservation, 42 (July-Aug. 1993), 66-68. (Pere Marquette Saginaw station)
---- "Saginaw Railway Museum." Railway and Locomotive Preservation, 42 (July-Aug. 1993), 68-69. (Pere Marquette Hemlock station)
---- "Saginaw Round House.” Railway and Locomotive Preservation, 42 (July-Aug. 1993), 64-66.
Kresse, Al and Miles, David. “Charlevoix Railroad Drawbridge.” Chesapeake & Ohio Historical Magazine, 50:9&10 (Sept.-Oct. 2018), 30-44.Kube, Kathi. “What’s Ed Burkhardt Doing Now?” Trains 67:2 (Feb. 2007), 28-29.
Kuhl, Wayne A. “The Menominee and St. Paul; What Could Have Been.” The Double A 21:1 (Summer 2005), 3-5. (Other reprinted material included 6-16.)
Kujovich, Mary Yeager. "The Refrigerator Car and the Growth of the American Dressed Beef Industry." Business History Review, 44 (Winter 1940), 480-482. (Swift cars on Grand Trunk)
"Lake States Transportation Division." Soo Liner, 1st Q., 1986, 13-16.
"Lake Superior & Ishpeming Railroad Company." Michigan Railfan, 48:10 (Oct. 1987), 5-7.
LaMaire, Tom. "Traverse City - The Great Town of Northern Michigan." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 20:11 (Nov. 1988), 16-17. (Pere Marquette)
Larmour, W. G. "The Chicago & Grand Trunk Railway: Reminiscences of an Apprentice, Period 1884-1898." R&LHS Bulletin, no. 31 (April 1933), 24-29.
Larson, Robert H. “The Railroad Comes to Dearbornville.” Dearborn Historian 48:1 (Spr. 2011), 4-9. (Michigan Central)
Lavallee, Omer and Corley, Raymond F. ”The Grand Trunk Railway: A Look at the Principal Components." Railroad History, no. 147 (Autumn 1982), 19-30.
Leary, Margaret. “William W. Cook and Detroit Street Railways, 1891-1894.” Chronicle 29:4 (Winter 2007), 21-23.
Lee, Robert E. "Car Tracks to Oblivion." Detroit Historical Society Bulletin, April 1958, 6-12.
---- "The Streetcar Lines of Grand Rapids." Michigan History, 46:1 (March 1962), 15-27.
Leffler, Doug. "Pellets and Pulpwood." Railfan, March 1980, 24-28. (Chicago & North Western)
---- "The O&M Story." The Cross Tracks, part 1, Jan. 1984, 6-7; part 2, Feb.-March 1984, 4-6. (Ohio & Morenci)
---- and Bailey, Tom. “From Pacifics to RDC’s in 1952: MCRR’s Last K-3’s Bowed to RDC’s on the Grand Rapids Branch.” Central Headlight, 42:1 (1st Quarter, 2012), 14-17.
Lenardson, Bob. "The 'Other' L&N." Railfan, Jan. 1981, 33-36. (Ludington & Northern)
Lenderink, A. R. "The Electric Interurban Railway in Kalamazoo County." Michigan History, 43:1 (March 1959), 43-93.
Leonard, Richard C. “Michigan Memories of the NYC.” Central Headlight 42:3 (3rd Quarter 2012), 4-10.
LeLievre, Roger. “Fascinating Ferries.” Michigan History 98:3 (May-June 2014), 32-38 (Ferries)
Lewis, David L. "Henry Ford's Other Car." Chronicle, 19:2 (Summer 1983), 38-41.
---- "The DT&I." Ford Life, July-Aug. 1972, 18-23. (Detroit, Toledo & Ironton)
Lisman, F. J. "The Sad Romance of the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton." Railway Age, July 23, 1920, 143-145.
Loomis, Bill. “The Great Railroad Conspiracy.” Michigan History 97:5 (Sept.-Oct. 2013), 37-43. (Michigan Central)
Lotts, Catie. "Electric Avenues." Michigan History, 77:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1993), 50-55. (Interurbans)
Loving, Rush, Jr. ”Michigan's Wacky Ride on the Little Railroad That Couldn't." Fortune, Oct. 23, 1978, 42-44. (Michigan Northern)
---- “The Prize.” Trains 66:7 (July 2006), 30-39. (Conrail)
Lyon, Ed. "The Merger That Was--But Never Was." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 29:11 (Dec. 1997), 4-10. (C&O, Norfolk & Western)
Maddock, Don. “A Thumbnail History of the Tuscola and Saginaw Bay Railway Company.” The Double A 23:1 (Summer 2007), 14-15.
---- “The Turkey Trail -- A Brief History.” The Double A, 26:2 (Fall-Wint. 2010), 15-16. (Grand Trunk Western)
---- “The Ann Arbor GP35s - Part 4: The Tuscola & Saginaw Bay and Great Lakes Central Eras.” The Double A 29:1 (Spring-Summer 2013), 4-19 (history; locomotives)
---- “The Detroit, Hillsdale and South Western Railroad; part 1.” The Double A 29:2 (Fall-Winter 2013), 4-23.
---- “The Detroit, Hillsdale and South Western Railroad; part 2.” The Double A 30:1 (Spring-Summer 2014), 4-35.
---- “Up to Date with the Great Lakes Central.” The Double A, 30:2 (Fall 2014), 5-12.
---- “Diesel Locomotives of the Ann Arbor Railroad, Part 1.” The Double A, 31:1-2 (Year 2015), 4-37.
---- “The Ann Arbor in the City of Ann Arbor.” The Double A 32:1&2 (Year 2016), 14-54.
---- and Sinclair, Jim. "The History and Development of the Ann Arbor Railroad's Central Terminal." The Double A 18:1-2 (Spr.-Sum. 2002), 3-44.
Mailer, Stanley H. "Mason Bogies, 3-per-cent-plus grades, a compound, an odd gauge, Camelbacks...." Trains, Aug. 1972, pp.29-36 (Calumet & Hecla)
Malone, Frank. "Grand Trunk: Good Track is Good Business." Railway Age, April 12, 1982, 18-20.
---- "GTW-DTI: A Slow Transition to Avoid Merger Shock." Railway Age, June 30, 1980, 38-42.
Mapes, Lynn G. "The Iron Horse." Grand Rapids, July 1975, 21-24.
Marsh, Nicholas. “Michigan’s Own Magnificent Steamship: May Flower. Chronicle 35:4 (Winter 2013), 10-12. (Michigan Central)
Martin, R. L. "History of the Wisconsin Central." R&LHS Bulletin, no. 54 (1941), 1-170.
Massie, Larry. "Depot Dreams and Jerkwater Schemes." Michigan History, 77:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1993), 19-23.
McCann George. “C.T.C. on Pere Marquette.” PM Tracks 17:6 (Nov. 2012), 9-10.
McLaren, M. Bruce. “Michigan Railroad Resorts and the Iron Horses That Gave Them Life.” Chronicle 29:2 (Summer 2006), 19-22. (Ann Arbor RR, Royal Frontenac Hotel)
---- “Wisconsin & Michigan Railroad and the Miscauno Inn.” Chronicle 29:3 (Fall 2006), 21-24.
---- “The Keweenaw Central Railroad and the Crestview Resort and Casino.” Chronicle 30:1 (Spring 2007), 19-22.
---- “The Detroit and Mackinac Railway’s Tawas Beach Flyer and the Tawas Beach Resort.” Chronicle 30:2 (Summer 2007), 20-23.
McDonnell, Greg. "Detroit tunnel work puts carfloats out of business." Trains 54:8 (Aug. 1994), 15-17. <149>
---- "New St. Clair Tunnel bodes well for CN's Chicago corridor." Trains 55:7 (July 1995), 14-15. <150>
---- “Grand Hotel: The Ultimate Travel Destination.” Chronicle 36:4 (Winter 2014), 20-23. (Mackinac Island, Michigan Central, Grand Rapids & Indiana)
McGovern, M. J. "Cadillac and Northeastern Railway." Michigan Railfan, 48:7 (July 1987), 6-7.
---- "Mitchell Brothers' Jennings & Northeastern Railway." Michigan Railfan, 49:9 (Sept. 1988), 3, 7-9.
---- "The Missaukee Branch of the Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad and the Sawmill and Logging Operations it Served." The Michigan Railfan, 53:4 (July-Aug. 1992), 8-9.
---- "Manistee and Luther Railroad Company." GR&I Chap. PRRT&HS Newsletter, part I, 10:1 (Apr. 1997), 5-16; part II, 10:2 (Oct. 1997), 6-12; part III, 10:3 (Dec. 1997), 7-16; part IV, 11:2 (June 1998), 6-16; part V, 11:3 (Sept. 1998), 5-18.
McHaney, Sharon E. ”Riding the Rails." Michigan History, 77:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1993), 65-66. (Rails to trails)
McKee, Russell. "What Good is Mass Transit." Natural Resources, 42:5 (Sept. 1973), 2-7.
McKinney, Kevin. "Rebirth of Michigan's Corridor." Passenger Train Journal, 13:8 (Jan. 1982), 20-31.
McLeod, Richard. "History of the Wisconsin and Michigan Railway." R&LHS Bulletin, no. 118 (April 1968), 4-68.
McMacken, David. "History of the Ann Arbor Railroad in Alma." The Double A, 20:1 (Fall 2004), 7-9. <187>
Meehan, Tommy. “Robert R. Young Takes Aim at New York Central.” Central Headlight 38:3 (2008), 7-15, 38:4 (2008), 15-24.
Meints, Graydon M. "Michigan and Its Railroads: A Prologue." Chronicle, 19:2 (Summer 1983), 4-7.
---- "A Short History of Railroads in Van Buren County." Historical Van Buren County, May 1987.
---- "Hillsdale, Saturday, October, 11, 1930." The Inside Track, 13:1 (Jan. 1982), 3-10. (New York Central)
---- "Michigan's Main Line." Michigan History, 77:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1993), 12-19. (Michigan Central)
---- "Building the Ann Arbor Railroad." The Double A, part 1, 13:3 (Fall 1997), 7-17; part 2, 13:4 (Winter 1998),
---- "Race to Chicago." Railroad History, no. 183 (Autumn 2000), 6-29. (Michigan Central, Michigan Southern)
---- "Overwhelmed with Good Fortune." Railroad History no. 188 (Spring 2003), 60-71. (Grand Trunk Western)
---- "Race to the Straits." South Shore Shorts Summer 2005, 1-4. (Straits of Mackinac) <188>
---- “The Fruit Belt Line: Southwest Michigan’s Failed Railroad.” Michigan Historical Review 31:2 (Fall 2005), pp 117-148.
---- “Detroit’s First Big Industry: Railroad Cars.” Chronicle 29:4 (Winter 2007), 6-12.
---- “On to Mackinaw!” Chronicle 31:1 (Spring 2008), 6-10. (Straits of Mackinac lines)
---- “The Hopkins Family Business.” Chronicle 31:4 (Winter 2009), 7-11. (Bear Lake & Eastern)
---- “George Sheffield and His Wonderful Velocipede.” Chronicle 32:2 (Summer 2009), 13-16. (Track equipment)
---- “Rails West to Chicago.” Central Headlight 38:4 (2008), 6-14, 39:1 (2009), 23-30. (Michigan Central, Michigan Southern)
---- “Alexander H. Morrison and the First Railroad to St. Joseph.: Chronicle 36:1 (Apr. 2013), 18-20. (Pere Marquette)
---- “The Men Who Made the Pere Marquette: H. C. Potter.” PM Tracks 20:1 (Jan.-Feb. 2015), 4-5.
---- “The Men Who Made the Pere Marquette: George C. Kimball.” PM Tracks 20:2 (Mar.-Apr.2015), 4-6.
---- “Rain on the Rails.” Central Headlight 45:3 (3rd Q 2015), 26-27. (Michigan Central)
---- “The Men Who Made the Pere Marquette: Stanford T. Crapo.” PM Tracks 20:3 (May-June 2015), 4-5.
---- “The Men Who Made the Pere Marquette: Alexander H. Morrison.” Pere Marquette Tracks 20:4 (July-Aug. 2015), 4-6.
Merk, George P. "A Portrait of Courage." Michigan History 87:1 (Jan.-Feb. 2003), 28-39. (Russell A. Alger)
Merritt, D(aniel) H. “History of the Marquette Ore Docks.” Michigan History, 3:3 (July 1919), 424-30. (DSS&A and predecessors)
"The Michigan Central [Your Dearborn Heritage]." Dearborn Heritage, 26:3 (Summer 1986), 79.
"Michigan Mine Railroad." Railroad 50:1 (June 1942), 77-80. (Detroit & Mack.) <148>
“Michigan Readies Line for 110 MPH.” Trains 74:3 (March 2014), 22-23. (Amtrak; Michigan Central)
Middleton, William D. "Henry Ford and His Electric Locomotive." Trains, Sept. 1976, 22-26. (Detroit, Toledo & Ironton.
Milhaupt, Fritz. “The Kaleva Depot.” PM Tracks 20:2 (Mar.-Apr. 2015), 6-8.(Pere Marquette, Manistee & North Eastern)
Miller, William J. "The 'Polly Ann'--The Thumb's Railroad." The Inside Track, 5:5 (Nov. 1975), 3-11. (Grand Trunk Western)
---- "The Detroit, Bay City & Western Railroad...." Michigan Railfan, 50:2 (Feb. 1989), 3-4.
Million, Art. "The New Kalamazoo, Lake Shore & Chicago." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 20:2 (Feb. 1988), 3-5.
---- "Pere Marquette Cranes." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 20:7 (July 1988), 3-10.
---- "Pere Marquette's Wooden Passenger Car Fleet." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 20:10 (Oct. 1988), 3-19.
---- . "Trains Huffed and Puffed But Never Got to Crash." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 25:1 (Jan. 1993), 7 (Muskegon, Mich.)
---- "Pere Marquette No. 1223." Railway and Locomotive Preservation, 42 (July-Aug. 1993), 8-13. (Locomotive preservation)
---- "Pere Marquette Begins Test of Concrete Roadbed." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, part I, 26:3 (March 1994), 3-9; part II, 26:5 (May 1994), 4-6, 19, part III, 26:6 (June 1994), 6-8
---- "Transporting Autos in the Evans Auto-Loaders." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 27:2 (Feb. 1995), 5-7,
---- "The Pere Marquettes." Pere Marquette Rails, 1 (Apr. 1996), 1-8.
---- "Introducing the Pere Marquettes." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 28:8 (Aug. 1996), 3-12.
---- "Wreck at East Paris." Pere Marquette Rails no. 14 (Nov. 2002), 3-8.
---- “100th Anniversary of Michigan’s Worst Railway Disaster, the Salem Wreck, July 20, 1907.” Pere Marquette Rails no. 23 (May 2007), 1-8
Mohowski, Bob. "Hail to the Chief." Railfan, April 1976, 45-47. (Mackinac Transit Co. car ferry)
Moore, David C. "The Sting that Failed." Pere Marquette Tracks, July 1996, 4-5. (Reprinted from South Lyon Hist. Socy. The Witch's Chatter, May and June 1995) (Zimmerman-Morgan era on PM)
Morgan, John M. "The Ashleys Build a Railroad." Northwest Ohio Quarterly, 30 (Spring 1958), 82-99. (Ann Arbor)
---- "The Ann Arbor Strike of 1893." Northwest Ohio Quarterly 30:3 (Summer 1958), 164-176.
Morrison, Neil F. "The Car Ferries, Lansdowne and Huron." Detroit Historical Society Bulletin, Jan. 1958, 10-13.
Mueller, David L. "Ann Arbor Rails to South Lyon." The Ann Arbor Trail, 78:1 (1978), 4 pp.
---- "The Ann Arbor's Special Trains." The Ann Arbor Trail, part 1 79:2 (1979), 5-6; part 2 79:3 (1979), 6-8.
Murphy, Ared Maurice. "The Big Four Railroad in Indiana." Indiana Magazine of History, June-Sept. 1925, 108-273.
Murray, Tom. “World’s Best: Worst to First in 10 Years.” Trains 62:11 (Nov. 2002), 32-45.
---- “The East After Conrail, Part 1.” Trains 65:9 (Sept. 2005), 28-39.
Myers, Robert. "The St. Joseph Valley Railroad." Michigan History, 72:1 (Jan. 1988), 24-30.
---- “The Autotram Experiment.” Michigan History 99:1 (Jan-Feb. 2015), 31-36. (Equipment)
Nelson, Bruce C. "Farewell to the Ann Arbor and Grand Trunk." Railfan & Railroad, 12:11 (Nov. 1993), 50-59.
Nelson, C. C. "Wisconsin & Michigan Railroad." R&LHS Bulletin, no. 116 (April 1967), 5-23.
Neuhaus, Melissa. “Durand’s Grand Depot.” Classic Trains 14:3 (Fall 2013), 78-79. (GTW)
Norman, Harold B. “Had GR&I No. 5 passed Mill Creek?” Trains 34:1 (Jan. 1974), 32-35. (GR&I, wrecks)
Noble, H Howard. “Paying the Bills.” Trains 74:5 (May 2014), 36-39. (Cadillac & Lake City)
Olds, Fred C. "Mackinaw Division." Railroad, Oct. 1952, 14-33. (Michigan Central)
---- "Michigan's Lumber Pikes." Railroad, July 1953, 50-69.
---- "Michigan's Iron Cobweb." Railroad History, no. 129 (Oct. 1973), 18-34. (Pere Marquette)
---- "Rails to the Resorts: The Detroit & Mackinac Summer Service." The Inside Track, 9:5 (Nov. 1978), 1-6.
---- "Petoskey - Northern Michigan Commuter Capital." The Inside Track, 10:3 (May 1979), 3-6.
---- "Last Log Train to Jennings." The Inside Track, 11:2 (March 1980), 3-5.
---- "Michigan's First Logging Line: A New Claim." The Inside Track, 7:5 (Nov. 1977), 19-20.
Olsen, Byron. “Milwaukee Road’s Rescue Was Soo Line’s Triumph.” Trains 73:4 (Apr. 2013), 38-47.
Oom, Maria "The South Shore's Last Decade." South Shore Shorts, June 2001. (Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic)
Oom, Robert A. ["Passenger train service on Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic"] the Soo, 13:3 (July 1991), 40-42.
----, ed. "The South Shore Today." the Soo, 16:2 (Spring 1994), 3-49.
---- “The Upper Peninsula’s Railroad.” Classic Trains 16:4 (Winter 2015), 16-19. (Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic)
Ouillette, Peter D. "A Soo South Shore Saga: the Story of Reviving Railroad Service on the Keweenaw Peninsula." The Soo, 21:3 (Summer 1999), 28-35.
Parker, Jack. "Michigan's Backyard Railroad." Inside Michigan, Dec. 1957, 25-27 (Detroit & Mackinac)
Parkins, A. E. "The Railroads, Industries, and Distribution of Population of Michigan." Journal of Geography, 10 (Oct. 1911), 38-44.
Paxson, Frederic L. "The Railroads of the 'Old Northwest' Before the Civil War." Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Proceedings, no. 17 (1914), 243-274.
Peet, Gregory A. “Railroading Into White Pine.” the Soo, 33:1 (Winter 2011), 38-41. (Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic)
Percival, John T. "Railroads in Ottawa County." M.P.H.C., vol. 9 (1886), 270-280.
Pere Marquette Ry. "Agreement of Merger into Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Co." Pere Marquette Rails, 3 (Apr. 1997), 1-9. (Document text abridged)
Pfeiffer, David A. ”Researching Railroad Records at the National Archives ...." R&LHS Newsletter 19:2 (Spr. 1998), 5-6.
Pinkepank, Jerry. "Crossing Over Jordan." Trains, Jan. 1962, 22-24. (East Jordan & Southern)
---- "A Tale of Two Tunnels." Trains, Sept. 1964, 36-44 (St. Clair River); Oct. 1964, 40-47 (Detroit River, Michigan Central)
----- “East Jordan & Southern Mixed Special. Classic Trains (Sum. 2018), 40-41.
---- "Unretarded Progress." Trains, Jan. 1963, 18-27. (Grand Trunk Western, Battle Creek)
---- "GTW: Without a doubt, a separate personality." Classic Trains, 5:2 (Summer 2004), 14-17.
Pletz, William C. "The Railroad That Went No Place...." The Inside Track, 10:5 (Nov. 1979), 3-7; 11:1 (Jan. 1980), 3-6. (Detroit, Toledo & Ironton)
---- "DTI: A Railroad Link Between the Ohio and Detroit Rivers." GT Reporter, 15 (July-Aug. 1980).
Quastler, I. E. “An Interview with John Burdakin: Former President of Grand Trunk Railroad and Grand Trunk Corporation.” CN Lines, 15 (May 2010), 8-17.
"Rails Across Lake Michigan." The Double A, 1:2 (1985), 4-6. (Reprint of article, Railway Age, March 3, 1952.)
Rapp, William F. "A Short History of the Ann Arbor Railroad." Railway History Monograph, 3:1.
[Railroads in Niles] Niles Daily Start, March 25, 1961., 4.
Ransom, W. C. "The Railroads of Michigan" in The Semi-Centennial of the Admission of the State of Michigan into the Union. Michigan Commission for the Semi-Centennial Celebration, 183-185. Detroit: Detroit Free Press, 1886.
Rector, William G. "Railroad Logging in the Lake States." Michigan History, 36:4 (Dec. 1952), 351-362.
Reddy, William L. "Pere Marquette Canada Division." Pere Marquette Tracks, Mar, 1997, 6-7.
Rich, Stuart M. "Michigan Railroad Employment and its Decline Since 1977." The Small City and Regional Communities: Proceedings of 1992 Conference. Western Michigan University, vol. 10, 246-262.
Riddering, Don. "The Railroad Comes to Salem." Salem Area Historical Socy. Historical Monograph 1, May 1987.
---- "The Great Salem Wreck." Salem Area Historical Socy. Historical Monograph VII, 1991.
Robinson, Vince and Larry Baggerly. “Tragedy at Trenton.” Michigann History 99:2 (Mar.-Apr. 2015), 40-45. (Michigan Central; wrecks)
Roth, Andrew. "The Marquette Hill." the Soo, 14:2 (April 1992), 26-32.
---- "The Copper Country Limited." the Soo, 15:2 (Spring 1993), 32-39.
---- "Kichi, Michigan." The Soo, 19:4 (Fall 1997), 34-44.
Rothwell, John W. "Michigan Railroads." The Timetable Collector 95 (Fall 2001). (Michigan timetables)
---- "Railway Mail Service on the Pere Marquette, 1900-1947." Pere Marquette Rails no. 13 (May 2002), 3-20.
---- "Pere Marquette Timetables." Pere Marquette Rails no. 17 (May 2004), 3-23.
---- "The Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad." The Timetable Collector No. 108 (Winter 2004-2005). (Timetables)
---- and Hannah, Kent. “Michigan Central Railroad--Chicago’s Forgotten Rail Route to the East.” The Timetable Collector #115 (Fall 2006).
Rupley, Richard M. “The Great Train Robbery.’ Michigan History 91:2 (Mar.-Apr. 2007), 10-15. (Mineral Range)
Saillard, Louis R. “North to the Chief.” Railfan & Railroad, 44:6 (June 2015), 44-53. (Michigan Northern)
Scheiber, Harry N. "Urban Rivalry and Internal Improvements." Ohio History, 71 (1962), 227-239.
Schmid, Alfred Allan. “Michigan’s Telegraphy Pioneers: The Speed Line.” Chronicle 36:2 (Summer 2013), 24-25.
Schneider, Paul D. "Ferry Tales ... and Tribulations." Trains 51:4 (Feb. 1991), 10-18. (Michigan-Wisconsin car ferry) <156>
Schramm, Jack and Schramm, Ken. “A Brief D.S.R. History.´ Michigan Railfan 67:2 (March-April 2006), 6-7.
Schultz, Robert E. "The Bridges on the River St. Joe." Pere Marquette Tracks, July 1996, 3.
Scott, Gene. “Train Stations Restored as Museums.” Chronicle, 33:2 (Summer 2010), 26-28.
Scribbins, Jim. "Ore Hauler." Trains 14:12 (Dec. 1954) pp.54-57. (Lake Superior & Ishpeming)
Sears, Marian V. "A Michigan Bureaucrat Promotes the State's Economic Growth: George F. Porter Sells Michigan's Central Railroad to Eastern Capitalists." Explorations in Entrepreneural History, 3 (1965-1966), 200-217.
Seavoy, Ronald E. "Borrowed Laws to Speed Development: Michigan, 1835-1863." Michigan History, 59:1-2 (March 1975), 38-68.
Segar, Ned. The Detroit-Grand Rapids Division of the Pere Marquette." Pere Marquette Rails, 9 (May 2000), 3-8. (Reprinted from Chesapeake & Ohio Lines Magazine, Aug. 1939)
Shade, William E. "The Background of the Michigan Free Banking Law." Michigan History, 52:3 (Sept. 1968), 229-244. (Railroad banks)
---- "Banks and Politics in Michigan, 1835-1845: A Reconsideration." Michigan History, 57:1 (March 1973), 28-52. (Railroad banks)
Shaver, Carl W. "Coal on the Pere Marquette." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, ??, 10-12.
Shedd, Tom. "AA: The Customer Is Priority One." Modern Railroads, Jan. 1989, 23-26. (Ann Arbor)
Shoemaker, Michael. "Historical Sketch of the City of Jackson, Mich." M.P.H.C., vol. 2 (1877-78), 217-319, 343-346.
"Short Lines Keep Michigan on Steel Wheels." [Canadian National] MOVIN, Autumn 1997, 12-14.
Shuster, Phil. “Saginaw Division, 1969.” Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine 41:1-2 (Winter 2009), 48-55.
"Sidelights on Early Michigan Railroads." Michigan History, 8 (1924), 392-401.
Simon, Elbert. “The Passenger Trains of Grand Trunk Western.” Passenger Train Journal, 41 (2018-3), 22-33.
Simmons, Jack. The Arcadia and Betsey River Railway. PM Tracks 17:1 (Jan. 2012), 4-7.
Simonaitis, Darwin F. "Rails East, Water West from Ludington." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 13:7 (July 1981), 4-10.
Simonson, Mark. "Lake Superior & Ishpeming." CTC Board, Jan. 1990, 24-37.
Skidmore, Howard. "Young's Young Men - and Old." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, part I, 24:2 (Feb. 1992), 6-10; part II, 24:3 (March 1992), 3-9.
"Slices in Time." North Western Lines, 25:1 (Winter 1998), 51-80. (Chicago & North Western corporate chronology)
Sloan, Jean. "Durand's Durable Depot." Chronicle, 19:2 (Summer 1983), 24-29.
Smith, Douglas N. W. "The St. Clair Tunnel 100th Anniversary." Canadian Rail No. 426, Jan.-Feb. 1992, 3-23.
Smith, Jack B. “Grand Rapids Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad.” Newsletter, Grand Rapids & Indiana Chapter, PRRT&HS, Jun 09 (22:2) 3-8.
Smith, Jeffrey S., ed. “The Life and Times of Big Blue.” NRHS Bulletin 70, Winter (2005), 3-39 (Conrail)
Smith, Jesse J. "The Campaign Train of President George Bush." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, part I, 24:11 (Nov. 1992), 6-11; part II, 24:12 (Dec. 1992), 4-10.
Smith, Michael O. "The City as State: Franchises, Politics, and Transit Development in Detroit, 1863-1879." Michigan Historical Review, 23:1 (Spring 1997), 1-32.
"The South Shore Today." The Soo, 16:2 (Spr. 1994), 3-47. (Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic lines)
Specht, Ray. "The Milwaukee & Northern." R&LHS Bulletin, no. 121 (Oct. 1969), 1-31.
---- "Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western." R&LHS Bulletin, no. 121 (Oct. 1969), 35-72.
Springer, George T. “Old Forest Railroads: Nahma & Northern Railway and the Garden Bay Railway Company.” Soo Liner (July-Sept. 1959), 15, 25, 29.
---- “Old Forest Railroads: The Manistique Railway.” Soo Liner (Oct.-Dec. 1959), 15, 23-24.
---- “Lake Michigan and Superior Railroad.” Soo Liner (Jan.-Mar. 1960), 12, 19).
Stahl, Greg. "Marquette Iron Range Ore Operations." South Shore Shorts, Apr. 2004.
Staring, Charles P. "Hazen S. Pingree: Another Forgotten Eagle." Michigan History, 32:3 (June 1948), 129-149.
Stegmeier, Harry, Jr. "The Short and Sometimes Happy Life of the 'Mohawk'." The Inside Track, 3:5 (Nov. 1973.), 1-2, 6. (Grand Trunk Western)
---- "The Train of Tomorrow: The Mercury." The Inside Track, 8:4 (Sept. 1977), 3-6; 8:5 (Nov. 1977), 3-5.
---- "The Mercury." Passenger Train Journal, Oct. 1987, 18-27.
Stephens, Bill. "Conrail, Unconsolidated." Trains, 58:9 (Sept. 1998), 24-27.
---- "Automotive Artery." Trains 56:1 (Jan. 1996), 42-55. (Wabash) <152>
Stevens, John F. "Am Engineer's Recollections: Winter Work on the South Shore Railroad." the Soo, 13:3 (July 1991), 48-50 (excerpt from book of same title, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1939)
Stevens, Sherman. "The Building of the Pontiac Railroad." M.P.H.C., 13 (1888), 484-486.
---- "Sketch of Early Pioneer Life." M.P.H.C., 7 (1886), 93-98. (Detroit & Pontiac)
Stimson, Glen K. "Rail Growth of Michigan's Capital City." Michigan History, 4:3-4 (July-Oct. 1921), 461-492.
Stover, John F. "Iron Roads in the Old Northwest: The Railroads and the Growing Nation" in Transportation and the Early Nation: Papers Presented at an Indiana American Revolution Bicentennial Symposium. Indianapolis: Indiana Hist. Socy., 1982, 135-156.
Strum, John. "If Not Toledo..Havre." Michigan History, 72:1 (Jan.-Feb. 1988), 44-47.
Swanberg, J. W. “The Bad Old Days.” Railroad History No. 217 (F-W 2017), 46-65. (Penn Central)
Swartz, William. "The Wabash Railroad." Railroad History, no. 133 (Oct. 1975), 5-30.
Sywassink, Don. "Álma and Edmore in the 1950s." Pere Marquette Rails, 6 (Oct. 1998), 3-12.
Takis, John. “An Awful Doom Revisited: The Staples & Covell Logging Disaster of 1894.” Chronicle, 34:3 (Fall 2011), 22-25. (Logging railroad)
Tamlin, Tim. "Distinctive Durand." Michigan History, 77:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1993), 68-69.
Telfer, Richard G. "Glimpses of Early Transportation in Washtenaw County." Michigan History, 33:4 (Dec. 1949), 323-327.
Terry, Jeff. “The Pride of Grand Haven: Pere Marquette No. 1223.” Railfan & Railroad, 31:3 (March 2012), 13-15.
---- “Preservation in Upper Michigan Part 1: Lake Linden & Torch Lake.” Railfan & Railroad 31:11 (Nov. 2012), 15-17.
---- “Henry Ford’s 4-4-0 Steams Again. Trains 73:12 (Dec. 2013), 78. (Detroit, Toledo & Ironton)
Thompson, Kenneth A. "U. S. to Canada." Chesapeake & Ohio Historical Magazine, 34:3 (March 2002), 12-15. (Reprint of article (C&O) Tracks, May 1956.) (Pere Marquette Detroit River crossing)
Threkeld, Robert D. "A Pow-Wow with the Chief." NRHS Bulletin, 41:6 (1976), 12-17. (Mackinac Transportation car ferry)
Trap, Paul. "1223 Finds a Home." The Grand River Valley Review, no. 3 (Fall-Winter 1981), 22-27. (Pere Marquette, Chesapeake & Ohio)
---- "Two Sisters." Chronicle, 19:2 (1983), 34-37. (Pere Marquette locos.)
---- "Foreign Railroads in Michigan: 1857-1893." The Old Northwest: Journal of Regional Life and Letters, 13:4 (Winter 1986), 371-397.
---- "The Detroit & Pontiac Railroad." Railroad History, no. 168 (Spring 1993), 17-50.
---- "Rails Across the Water." Michigan History, 77:6 (Nov.-Dec. 1993), 24-30. (Lake Michigan car ferry service)
---- “The Epworth League Railway. PM Tracks 19:1 (Jan.-Feb. 2014), 5-7.
Treppa, Allan R. "The 'Ypsi-Ann'--Michigan's First Interurban. Detroit in Perspective, 1:3 (Spring 1973), 191-201.
Uckley, John. “Genius at the Junction.” Rail Classics 9:2 (March 1980), 68-75. (Thomas Edison)
---- "Tracing History Along the Old Road." Rail Classics, March 1983, 48-53, 60-71. (New York Central)
---- "Coal into Kilowatts." Rail Classics, Nov. 1983, 54-66. (Detroit Edison rail movements)
---- “Saying Good-bye to the 5:20.” Rail Classics 13:3 (May 1984), 64-71. (Grand Trunk Western, SEMTA)
---- "Railroad Third Degree." Rail Classics, Sept. 1984, 12-17. (Port Huron & Detroit)
---- "To Be, or Not To Be." Rail Classics, March 1985, 51-63. (Ann Arbor)
---- "Back Door to Michigan." Rail Classics, May 1985, 30-37, 54-57. (Detroit, Toledo & Ironton)
---- "Railroads Across the Waters." Rail Classics, Nov. 1985, 8-17.
---- "Hundred Year Tunnel." Rail Classics, Feb. 1990, 24-27, 57-65. (St. Clair River tunnel)
---- "From Horseflesh to Horsepower." Rail Classics, 7:1 (Jan. 1978}, 58-69. (NYC in Lenawee county)
---- "Island Depot." Rail Classics, 8:4 (July 1979), 64-71, 79-81. (Grosse Ile)
Underwood, Thomas L., Jr. "A Survey of the C&O and Predecessor Lines in Michigan." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 17:11 (Nov. 1975), 6-12. (Pere Marquette, Chesapeake & Ohio)
---- "A Survey of C&O Lines in Canada." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 17:12 (Dec. 1975), 4 (Pere Marquette, Chesapeake & Ohio)
VanCleve, F. H. "Railroads of Delta County." Michigan History, 6:2-3 (1922), 460-475.
---- "An Early View of the C&NW in Delta County." North Western Lines, 8:3 (1981), 6-11. (Chicago & North Western)
VanderYacht, Clifford J. “High Bridge on the C&WM.” PM Tracks 19:2 (March-April 2014), 4-14. (Pere Marquette)
Vande Vusse, Robert. "The Depots of Holland, Michigan." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 24:6 (June 1992), 6-9.
---- "Setting the Standard: The Centennial of the Pere Marquette (15)" Pere Marquette Rails, 2 (Oct. 1996), pp.1-7.
---- "The Pere Marquette/C&O Fleet." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 29:10 (Nov. 1997), 3-11.
---- “The Zeeland Wreck of 1905.” PM Tracks 18:6 (Nov. 2013), 5-6.
---- “The East Jordan and Southern. PM Tracks 19:5 (Sept.-Oct. 2014), 4-6.
Viekman, William K. "How to Own and Operate a Short Line." Trains, Feb. 1980, 20-26. (Cadillac & Lake City)
Volgenau, Gerald. "I Know I Can, I Know I Can." Detroit Free Press, March 25, 1979, 8-15. (Michigan Northern)
Vrooman, Robert L. "Hudson, Michigan Station, Lake Shore & Michigan Southern RR." Central Headlight, 26:1 (1st Q, 1996), 20-27.
Wakefield, Larry. "The Day Coal Cars Ran Wild Through TC." The Double A, 2:3 (1986), 8-11.
---- "The Railroad Comes to Traverse City." The Fishing Line 17:4 (Dec. 2004), 3-4.
Warnes, Kathy Covert. “James Mitchell Ashley - Radical Republican and Railroad Baron.” Chronicle, 33:1 (Spring 2010), 13-15.
Warrick, Robert I. “Ann Arbor Rode the Waves to Success.” Classic Trains 9:3 (Fall 2008), 16-19.
“WC Chooses a Future Without Burkhardt.” Trains 59:10 (Oct. 1999), 18-19. (Wisconsin Central)
Wells, Charles Chauncey. “Ride of a Lifetime.” Classic Trains, 11:1 (Spring 2010), 82-85. (Grand Trunk Western)
Welton, Jim. "The Port of Gladstone." The Soo, part 1, 25:3 (Summer 2003), 28-32; part 2, 25:4 (Fall 2003), 8-19. <189>
Wilder, Carson. “The Last Run of the Copper Country Limits.” the Soo, 31:2 (Spring 2009), 25-30. (Soo Line)
Wilhelm, Robert D. "A History of Chessie in Michigan's Livingston County and Environs." Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine, 30:2 (Feb. 1998), 3-9.
[Williams, Anthony M.] "History in a Trunk-Grand Trunk." GT Reporter, Nov. 1978, 2-8.
Wilson, Dale and Cleary, Mike. "What's At the Saults (Beside the Locks)." The Inside Track, 12:3 (May 1981), 3-12. (Sault Ste. Marie railroads)
---- "Ann Arbor Number 3." AARRT&HA Newsletter, 1985:1, 3-8.
Winslow, Jim. "Employee Timetables for the GR&I/PRR Line in Michigan and Indiana." The Fishing Line 15:1 (April 2002), 3-4.
Wise, Bob. "The Tuscola & Saginaw Bay." Railfan, March 1986, 38-47.
Wood, Frances. "Steam Travel Bids Grand Rapids Farewell." Michigan History, 44:1 (March 1960), 75-81. (Grand Trunk Western)
Woodford, John P. "People Movers 'Acoming'." Natural Resources, 42:6 (Nov. 1973), 10-13.
Worrall, Mark. “The DSS&A and the 1908 Deer Hunting Season.” The SOO 36:1 (Winter 2014), 28-30.
Worthington, Samuel P. ”Michigan's Interurbans." NRHS Bulletin, 27 (1962), 6-14.
Wright, Augustine W. "The First Chicago Railroad." North Western Lines, 25:1 (Winter 1998), 14-17.
Wyllie, Cleland B. "Route of the Freight 400's." Trains, 7:3 (Jan. 1947), 14-25. (Grand Trunk Western)
---- “GTW Reverses the Trend.” Trains 10:2 (Dec. 1949), 46-50.
---- "The Grand Trunk Main Line - and How It Got That Way." The Inside Track, 2:5 (Sept. 1972), 1-2, 6.
---- "A Trunkful of History." The Inside Track, 10:1 (Jan. 1979), 3-11. (Grand Trunk Western)
Zimmerman, Karl. "Red Sky at Morning for Chessie's Boats." Passenger Train Journal, Jan. 1980, 24-31. (Chesapeake & Ohio car ferries)
---- "Renaissance on the Ann Arbor." Passenger Train Journal, Feb. 1980, 24-31. (Ann Arbor car ferries)
---- "A Miracle in Mackinac." Passenger Train Journal, March 1980, 36-41. (Mackinac Transportation Co. car ferry)
---- "Where U. P. Means Ore and Alcos: Railroading in Michigan's Upper Peninsula." Railroads Illustrated, 1:4 (Summer 1981), 8-14; 2:1 (Fall 1981), ??. (E&LS; LS&I, C&NW)
---- "The Badger is Back." Railfan & Railroad, 12:10 (Oct. 1993), 46-51.