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Story - Lone Robber Gets $50,000 - Blissfield - 1928
Man Holds Up Express Car of New York Central Train
Blissfield, Mich. June 23, 1926 (AP) - One lone bandit held up the express car of the Detroit – Toledo New York Central passenger train here tonight and escaped with the money shipment estimated at $50,000, according to reports to local officials.
The robber who is believed to have boarded the train at Adrian, pushed the express messenger onto the station platform as the train slowed down here and then leaped off the train himself and escaped in a waiting automobile.
The robber obtained about $50,000 in currency from one bag and rifled through the others, according to the messenger. The latter was unable to say if additional loot was obtained. The $50,000 was in bills of small denomination, the messenger said.
Attention of persons on the station platform was attracted to the messenger, bound hand and foot, and little notice was taken of the robber as he dropped down from the express card here.
Had accomplices, Belief.
Released from his bonds, the messenger said he was sorting mail when someone from behind pressed a gun to his back. The messenger was commanded to stand in a corner, hands raised, while the robber, after glancing hastily over the bags, immediately picked out the one containing the money shipment.
The loot was placed in a handbag and the robber then went through the others leisurely until the train reached here, according to the messenger.
Police believe the robber had accomplices waiting for him in the automobile here.
Authorities of all surrounding towns were immediately notified to be on the lookout for the robber car, but at a late hour no trace of the machine or fugitive had been found.
The robber was described by the messenger, according to police, as being little more than a boy, fashionably dressed in a blue suit, tan shoes and a light felt hat. The messenger said he is about 5'10" tall and weighed about 160 pounds.
Watch For Man
Monroe, Michigan, June 22 – AP – authorities here were notified late tonight to be on the lookout for a gang of train robbers who held up New York Central passenger train number 14 near Blissfield and robbed the express messenger of upward of $50,000.
No Report.
New York, June 22 – AP – the offices of the New York Central Railroad here had received no information tonight regarding the holdup of passenger train number 14 near Blissfield, Michigan
The train, which operates over a branch line between Chicago and Toledo, Ohio, was due out of Blissfield at 9:58 PM central standard time. It makes connections at Toledo with trains to points east
The following sources are utilized in this website. [SOURCE-YEAR-MMDD-PG]:
- [AAB| = All Aboard!, by Willis Dunbar, Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids ©1969.
- [AAN] = Alpena Argus newspaper.
- [AARQJ] = American Association of Railroads Quiz Jr. pamphlet. © 1956
- [AATHA] = Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association newsletter "The Double A"
- [AB] = Information provided at Michigan History Conference from Andrew Bailey, Port Huron, MI