A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - XYZ
The following sources are utilized in this website. ]SOURCE-YEAR-MMDD-PG]:
- [AAB] = All Aboard!, by Willis Dunbar, Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids ©1969.
- [AAN] = Alpena Argus newspaper.
- [AAR] = American Association of Railroads.
- [AARQJ] = American Association of Railroads Quiz Jr. pamphlet. © 1956
- [AATHA] = Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association newsletter "The Double A"
- [AB] = Information provided at Michigan History Conference from Andrew Bailey, Port Huron, MI
- [ACHS] = Information from the Allegan County Historical Society
- [AGG] = "Aids, Gifts, Grants and Donations to Railroads,..", Michigan Railroad Commission, 1919
- [AGLMH] = Association for Great Lakes Maritime History.
- [AL] = Alan Loftis private collection, Farmington, Michigan.
- [AML] = The American Lumberman. Chicago, IL Published weekly.
- [AN] = The photographer/collector has given permission but wishes to remain anonymous.
- [AOM] = Atlas of the State of Michigan, published in 1873 by the R.M.&S.T. Tackabury Company, Detroit, MI
- [APN] = The Alpena News, Alplena, MI.
- [AR] = Alma Record, Alma, Michigan.
- [ARJ-mm/dd/yyyy] = American Railroad Journal.
- [AS] = Al Smith, historian.
- [ATDC] = Along the Tracks in Dickenson County. William J. Cummings. Secord Press, © 1993. Top
- --------------------
- [BBAN] = Belding Banner newspaper, Belding, Michigan.
- [BBG] =
- [BCE] = Battle Creek Enquirer, Battle Creek Michigan.
- [BCII] = Board of Commissioners of Internal Improvements Annual Report (Michigan)
- [BCMJ] = Battle Creek Moon Journal, Battle Creek, MI.
- [BEN] = Benton Harbor, The Evening News newspaper.
- [BES] = The Concrete Century, Besser Corporation, Alpena, MI © 2004.
- [BH] = Ben Higdon, Kalamazoo.
- [BHHP] = Benton Harbor Herald Palladium newspaper
- [BHN] = Bessemer Herald newspaper, Bessemer, Michigan
- [BHS] = Baraga Historical Society
- [BJ] =, Bay County, Michigan. Website.
- [BMJ] = Battle Creek Moon Journal, Battle Creek, MI.
- [BOM] = Buildings of Michigan by Kathryn Bishop Eckert. Published in 1993 by Oxford University Press.
- [BRO] = Gary Brogan, historian and former editor, Soo Line Historical & Technical Society magazine.
- [BSE] = Berrien Springs Era newspaper, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
- [BUC] = Buchanan Record newspaper, Buchanan, Michigan. Top
- --------------------
- [CAL] = mapping including Lidar overlays
- [CAS] = Cassopolis Vigilant newspaper, Cassopolis, Michigan.
- [CB] = research by historian Carl Bajema, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- [CCA] = The Crawford County Avalanche newspaper, Grayling, MI
- [CCE] = Copper Country Explorer website.
- [CCH] = Charlevoix County Herald, East Jordan, Michigan.
- [CCW] = Cass County Weekly newspaper, Cass City, MI
- [CLH] = City of Clare,
- [CCEN] = The Copper Country Evening News, Calumet, Michigan.
- [CCIH] = Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Company, An Historical Review...", 1920
- [CD] = The Cheboygan Democrat newspaper, Cheboygan, Michigan.
- [CERA] = Central Electric Railfan's Association Bulletin 103, unless a different bulletin is noted.
- [CFH] = Code Family History,
- [CGJ] = Charles Geletzke Jr. railroad historian and photographer
- [GGJ1] = Unit Trains And Other Railroad Stories by Charles H. Geletske Jr. ©2002.
- [CHBK] = Copper Handbook, by Horace J. Stevens, Houghton, MI - on the
- [CLD] = Clare Democrat newspaper, Clare, MI.
- [CLM] = Cloverland Magazine, Roger Andrews, Upper Peninsula Development Bureau, 1911+
- [CLT-yyyy-m] = Classic Trains magazine, Kalmbach Publishing Company, Milwaukee, WI.
- [CMH] = C. Mark Genricks, Member, Muskegon Railroad Historical Society
- [CM] = Clio Messenger, Clio, Michigan.
- [CMS-yyyy] = Annual Report of the Commissioner of Mineral Statistics of the State of Michigan.
- [CMUL] = Central Michigan University Libraries.
- [CN] = Calumet News, Calumet, Michigan
- [CNO] = The Courier-Northerner newspaper, Paw Paw, Michigan
- [CNWL] = C&NW Lake Shore Division elevation maps, 1970.
- [CNWV] = Chicago & North Western valuation maps, circa. 1917.
- [CNWPD1] = C&NW Peninsula Division 1940-1996 Volume 1, by James E. Lewnard, ©2020, Four Ways West Publications, La Mirada, CA
- [CNWPD2] = C&NW Peninsula Division 1940-1996 Volume 2, by James E. Lewnard, ©2020, Four Ways West Publications, La Mirada, CA
- [COFTD] = Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Co. Freight Traffic Department Meeting report, White Sul[jir Springs. WV. 1951, unless noted.
- [COHS-mm/yy] = Chesapeake & Ohio Historical Society and/or COHS Magazine + issue date.
- [COP] = Copemish Progress newspaper, Copemish, Michigan
- [CQII] = Conquest II by David W. Messer, Pennsylvania Railroad Technical & Historical Society © 2021.
- [CRAR] = Copper Range Railroad annual reports. State of Michigan Library.
- [CRH] = The Copper Range Railroad by Clarence J. Monett, 1989
- [CPHS] = Copper Range Railroad Historical & Technical Society
- [CRORG] =
- [CRP1] = "The 14th Line Dummy and Milwaukee Junction", by Charles R. Petcher. Michigan Railfan, February, 1981.
- [CRR] = Copper Range Rails by Cecil Cook, © 2022. Available from the [HCHS].
- [CRWS] = Copper Range Web Site
- [CUR] = Current newspaper, Norway, MI
- [CW] = Charles Whipp, railroad historian from Lapeer, Michigan Top
- --------------------
- [DB][DJB] = Dale Berry, editor.
- [DBOC-mmddyy} = Detroit Board of Commerce publication.
- [DD] = Diamond Drill (newspaper), Crystal Falls, Michigan
- [DET] = Detroit Evening Times, daily newspaper, Detroit, MI.
- [DFP] = Detroit Free Press, Detroit, MI
- [DH] = Doug Hefty, retired C&O operator and dispatcher, historian.
- [DHS] = Detroit Historical Society
- [DIG] = Website, Chattanooga, TN.
- [DTIT] = Detroit, Toledo & Ironton employee timetable.+ date.
- [DK] = David Kindem, Grand Haven, Michigan
- [DN] = Detroit News, Detroit, MI
- [DPG] = Dearborn Press and Guide - 9/23/1999
- [DPH] = Detroit, A Postcard History. Reference.
- [DPL] = Detroit Public Library
- [DRK] = Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village Rail Collection, by David R. Kovel, et. al. ©1993.
- [D18] = Detroit 1860-1899 Images of America. Reference.
- [DLC] = Dave LeCount.
- [DL&N-yyyy] = Detroit, Lansing & Northern Ry. Annual Report to Stockholders.
- [DMAR-yyyy] = Detroit & Mackinac Ry. Annual Reports, State of Michigan Library files.
- [DMG] = The Daily Mining Gazette newspaper, Houghton, MI
- [DMH] = Dan Meinhard, Port Huron, MI.
- [DMP] = Directory of Mineral Products. Michigan Dept. of Conservation, Lansing, MI 1965.
- [DSRx] = Detroit's Street Railways, Volume I and II, by Jack Schramm, William Henning and Thomas Dworman, Central Electric Railfans' Association Bulletin 117 and 120 - Books.
- [DSS] = The Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Ry., Steven Gaertmer. Indiana University Press. ©2009
- [DSSM] = DSSA condensed profile maps 1907-1938.
- [DSSS] = "DSS&A Shorts", a publication of the Soo Line Historical and Technical Societ.
- [DT] = The Daily Telegram (Adrian) Newspaper
- [DTSL-yyyy] = Detroit & Toledo Shore Line Annual Report.
- [DWS] = Detroit in it's World Setting, edited by David L. Poremba, Wayne State University Press, Detroit. © 2001
- [DWT] = Detroit and World Trade, Detroit Board of Commerce by Thomas Laurencre Munger. October 20, 1920. Top
- --------------------
- [EDP-mm/dd/yyyy] = Escanaba Daily Press
- [EFI] = The Detroit & Toledo Shore Line Railroad Expressway for Industry, by Charles Geletzke Jr. and Wilbur Hague, Kultztown Publishing, © 1912
- [EHMT] = The Early History of a Mining Town, by Robert D. Dobson, Dobson Publications, Negaunee, MI, © 2005
- [ELI] = "Edison, His Life and Inventions", by F. L. Dyer and T. C. Martin.
- [ELSW] = Escanaba & Lake Superior web site history.
- [EMP] = Escanaba Morning Press, Escanaba, Michigan
- [EMRn] = When Eastern Michigan Rode the Rails. n=Book number. Jack E. Schramm - William H. Henning - Richard R. Andrews. © 1994 Transportation Trails.
- [ERM] = Electric Railways of Michigan, Central Electric Railfan's Association Bulletin 103, Chicago, IL, © 1959
- [ESC] = East Saginaw Courier newspaper, East Saginaw, MI
- [EXFI] = The Detroit & Toledo Shore Line, Expressway for Industry, by Charles Geletzke Jr., © 2012. Kutztown Publishing, Kutztown, PA. Top
- --------------------
- [F&PM-yyyy] = Flint & Pere Marquette Annual Report to Stockholders
- [FB] = Facebook social media site.
- [FEN] = Fenton Courier newspaper, Fenton, MI
- [FFTF-IR] = Frames For The Future Iron River Area. Marcia Bernhardt, Editor, Iron County Historical and Museum Society, Iron River, Michigan. © 1980
- [FHS] = Frankenmuth Historical Museum, Frankenmuth, MI
- [FIN] = The Fenton Independent newspaper, Fenton, MI
- [FLS] = Fires in Lake Superior Iron Mines, by Edwin Higgins. Higgins, Edwin.
- [FL] = The Fishing Line, by Graydon M. Meints, Michigan State University Press, ©2018
- [FP] = Frank Passic, Albion area historian.
- [FPMTT] = Flint & Pere Marquette employee timetable.
- [FWRHS] = Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society, Fort Wayne, IN Top
- --------------------
- [GAN] = The History of the Gandy Dancer, Landry Restaurant Corporation
- [GB] = Greg Bunce, former E&LS Employee and rail historian
- [GCC] = Genesee County Courier newspaper, Flint, Michigan
- [GDJ] = George "Sandy" Duffy, Jr., President PH&S Historical Society.
- [GEM] = Google Gemini Artificial Intelligence inquiry and result
- [GG] = Glenn Gould.
- [GGAI] = Content generated by Google Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) and verified.
- [GHT] = Grand Haven Tribune, Grand Haven, MI
- [GLC] = Information provided by the Great Lakes Central Railroad.
- [GLF] = Gary L. Franks, PE. Perrysburg, Ohio bridge historian.
- [GM] = Graydon M. Meints, historian.
- [GMAP-yyyy] = Google Maps. Usually confirming current information.
- [GOA] = The Gogebic Advocate newspaper, weekly, Ironwood, Michigan.
- [GOOG] = Google search results.
- [GRDE] = Grand Rapids Daily Eagle newspaper, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- [GREP] = Grand Rapids Evening Press.
- [GRH] = Grand Rapids Herald newspaper, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- [GRP] = Grand Rapids Press newspaper, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- [GRWL] = Grand Rapids Weekly Leader newspaper, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- [GS] = Greg Stahl, historian.
- [GSM] = Geological Survey of Michigan, Alfred C. Lane, State Geologist. 1900-1903. Robert Smith Printing. Available on-line.
- [GTBB] = Grand Trunk Ry. System, Bridges, Buildings, Water Stations, Fuel Stations, Etc. August, 1909
- [GTCR] = GTC Reporter, Grand Trunk railroad newsletter.
- [GTD] = Grand Trunk Western Directors Tour map book, c. 1980.
- [GTOS-yyyy] = Grand Trunk Western dispatchers record from 1915. Provided by Julian Erceg.
- [GTM] = "Ghost Towns of Michigan", Wakefield, Larry. Thunder Bay Press.
- [GTM2] = "Ghost Towns of Michigan", Volume II", Wakefield, Larry. Thunder Bay Press. © 1995
- [GTWET] = Grand Trunk Western Employee Timetable
- [GTWHS-mm/yy] = "The Semaphore", Grand Trunk Western Historical Society.
- [GW] = Wakeman, George L., "My Story of the Detroit & Mackinac Railroad". Library of Michigan, Lansing, 1940. Top
- --------------------
- [HAL] = Hallowed Ground, by Larry Lankton, © 2010. Wayne State University Press, Detroit, MI
- [HAM] = Historic Arcadia, Michigan website
- [HATHI] = Hathi Trust.
- [HB-mm/yyyy] - Hotbox, publication of the North Central Region, National Model Railroad Association
- [HBO] =
- [HCHS] = Houghton County Historical Society, Lake Linden, MI.
- [HCKS] = A History of the Chicago, Kalamazoo & Saginaw Railroad, by Florence Sergeant Lang, © 1970. Barry County Historical Society.
- [HCN] = A History of the Cincinnati Northern Railroad, Jim Brown, Little Falls Press, Cataract, Wisconsin. © 2003.
- [HCSC] = Houghton County's Streetcars and Electric Park, Clarence J. Monette, Greenlee Printing Company, © 2001.
- [HDO] =
- [HDN] = Hillsdale Daily News newspaper, Hillsdale, MI
- [HES] = The Holland Evening Sentinel newspaper, Holland, Michigan.
- [HGD] = The Historical Geography of Detroit, by Almon Ernest Parkins. PhD. University of Chicago Libraries. 1918.
- [HGJ] = A Historical Geography of Jackson, Michigan: A Study on the Changing Character of An American City 1829-1969, Richard A. Santer. 1972.
- [HH/MIHX8] = Hugh Hornstein, 8th Michigan Railroad History Conference, St. Ignace, MI.
- [HMRB] = History of the Maumee River Basin by Charles Slocum. Published in 1905.
- [HNM] = The History of Northern Michigan, Perry F. Powers, Lewis Publishing Company, 1912.
- [HI] = High Iron Along the Huron Shore.
- [HIM] = It Happened in Michigan, by Colleen Burcar c2019, , The Rowand and Littlefield Publishing Group, Lanham, Maryland.
- [HMC] = "The History of the Michigan Central Railroad Co., West Detroit Shops, Canada Southern Bridge Co., and the Detroit River Railroad Tunnel", by G. F. Kuschel, before the Wolverine Railroad Historical Society, Detroit, November 30, 1950
- [HOM] = The Homer Index newspaper, Homer, Michigan.
- [HP] = The Herald Press, Saint Joseph, Michigan.
- [HPAL] = The Herald-Palladium, Benton Harbor Michigan
- [HREG] = The Holly Register newspaper, Holly, Michigan.
- [HS] = The Hillsdale Standard newspaper, Hillsdale, Michigan
- [HSE] = Huron Shore Express. D&M Railway Historical Society.
- [HBHT] = Harbor Beach Huron Times newspaper.
- [HWC] = History of Wayne County and the City of Detroit, Clarence M. and M. Agnes Burton Editors, The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1930. Top
- --------------------
- [I&L] = The Forgotten Path of the Ionia & Lansing Railroad Company, Merritt B. Scharnweber. © 1997.
- [ICCV] = Interstate Commerce Commission valuation.
- [ICHS] = Iron County Michigan Historical Society
- [IDG] = Ironwood Daily Globe, Ironwood, MI
- [IGAZ] = Iosco Gazette newspaper, Tawas City, MI
- [IMIM] = The Iron Mining Industry of Michigan, by R.C. Allen, Lansing, MI. 1911 from the Annual Report of the Board of Geological and Biological Survey.
- [IMP] = Iron Mountain Press newspaper, Iron Mountain, MI.
- [INR] = Interstate News-Record newspaper, Ironwood, Michigan.
- [INR2] = Ironwood News-Record newspaper, Ironwood, Michigan.
- [IOHT] = Iron Ore Heritage Train
- [IOI] = Iron Ore Industry and Mines: Earlier era, 1900-1940. C&NW Historical Society, © 2002.
- [IOR] = Lake Superior Iron Ore Railroads, by Patrick C. Doren, Superior Publishing Co., Seattle, WA © 1969
- [IRI] = The Iron river iron-bearing district of Michigan. Allen, R. C. (Rolland Craten), 1881-1948
- [IRR] = The Iron Range, Iron Mountain, MI
- [IT-mm/yr] = Inside Track Magazine
- [ITP1] = In The Pines, (original volume), An Atlas of Michigan Logging Railroads, by James S..Hannum, MD © 2017, Hannum House Publications
- [ITP2] = In The Pines, Volume 2, An Atlas of Michigan Logging Railroads, by James S. Hannum, MD © 2017, Hannum House Publications
- [IRP3] = In The Pines, Volume 3, An Atlas of Michigan Logging Railroads, by James S. Hannum, MD © 2020, Hannum House Publications
- [IWT] = Ironwood Times newspaper, Ironwood, Michigan. Top
- --------------------
- [JCP] = Jackson Citizen Patriot newspaper, Jackson, MI.
- [JEN] = Jackson Evening News, Jackson, MI.
- [JH] = James Harlow, former railroad employee and historian, Dearborn, Michigan. Top
- --------------------
- [KB] = Kenneth Borg, railroad historian, retired DTE employee.
- [KK] = Kevin P. Keefe, railroad historian and former editor and publisher of Trains Magazine. Top
- --------------------
- [LAP] = Lapeer Democrat newspaper, Lapeer, Michigan.
- [LAS] = L'Anse Sentinel newspaper, L'Anse, Michigan.
- [LCS] = The Lake County Star newspaper, Chase, Michigan.
- [LDN] = Ludington Daily News, Ludington, MI.
- [LDP] = Livingston County Daily Press, Howell, Michigan.
- [L&H] = The Lowell & Hastings Railroad Company. Merritt B. Scharnweber, © 1995.
- [LIEM] = Lumbering in Early Michigan - the Kneeland-Bigelow Company Experience. Herman Lunden Miller, Walnut Hill Press, © 1995.
- [LIM] = Lost in Michigan, online blog.
- [LITF] = Life in the Forest: The History of Montmorency County, Michigan, Carol S. Jacobson. Montmorency Co. Historical Society. © 1981.
- [LLE] = Lewiston In The Logging Era, by Herman Lunden Miller, ©2003.
- [LMCF] = "Lake Michigan Car Ferries Bibliography", and "Roster of Lake Michigan Car Ferries", by Paul Trapp, Holland, Michigan. July 28, 2022
- [LOC] = Library of Congress, United States Government
- [LPM] = Lower Peninsula of Michigan, The. An Inventory of Historic Engineering and Industrial Sites. Directed by Charles K. Hide, PhD. Wayne State University. ©1976.
- [LS] = "The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway". David McLellan and Bill Warrick, Transportation Trails, © 1989
- [LSIA] = Lake Superior Iron Ore Association, 1950.
- [LSI1] = "Lake Superior & Ishpeming Railroad In Color Volume 1". David C. Schauer. Morning Sun Books, Inc. © 2015.
- [LSI2] = "Lake Superior & Ishpeming Railroad In Color Volume 2". David C. Schauer. Morning Sun Books, Inc. © 2015.
- [LSIOR] = "The Lake Superior Iron Ore Railroads". Patrick C. Dorin. Superior Publishing Company, Seattle, WA. © 1969.
- [LSJ] = Lansing State Journal newspaper.
- [LSMI-xxxx] = Lake Superior Mining Institute, Ishpeming, MI, Proceedings, year.
- [LSRC] = Information provided by the Lake State Railway. including website and publications.
- [LSRH] = Lake States Railway Historical Association Photo Archives.
- [LWR] = Lansing Weekly Republican newspaper, Lansing, MI Top
- --------------------
- [MHSD] = Marine Historical Society of Detroit. Website.
- [M&O] = The Mason & Oceana Railroad by Rovert W. Garashn, Railroad & Locomotive Historical Society.
- [MA] = Michigan, State of, Archives.
- [MARN] = The Marcellus News newspaper, Marcellus, Michigan
- [MARP] = Michigan Association of Railroad Passengers, "The Michigan Passenger" newsletter.
- [MBGS] = Michigan State Board of Geological Survey.
- [MCAR-YYYY] = Michigan Central Railroad Annual Report.
- [MCDTyy] = Michigan Central Detroit Terminal Timetable Year yy]
- [MCGW] = Michigan Central Great Western public timetable [1871]
- [MCH] = The Minden City Herald newspaper, Minden City, MI.
- [MCHS] = Muskegon County Historical Society
- [MCI-yyyy] = The Michigan Copper Industry in yyyy, Walter E. Hopper.
- [MCOAS] = Michigan Central Railroad Co. List of Officers, Agents and Stations, October 15, 1920
- [MCR/yy] Michigan Commissioner of Railroads Annual Report, State of Michigan Library. yy=Year of report.
- [MCTC] = Motor City Traffic Club
- [MDE] = Marinette Daily Eagle, Marinette, Wisconsin.
- [MDOT] = 150 Years of Michigan's Railroad History, Michigan Department of Transportation
- [MDYyy] = Moody's Manual of Investments + year
- [MEV] = Monroe Evening News
- [MF] = Michael Frezell, Historian.
- [MFM] = Michigan Flywheelers Museum, Kim Ingles
- [MH-mm/yyyy] = Michigan History Magazine
- [MHA] = Mining History Assocation, publications and newsletters.
- [MHM] = Michigan historical marker
- [MHS] = Mark Hindsdale, photographer and historian.
- [MID] = Mid-Continent Railway Museum, North Freedom, WI.
- [MIHX8] = Information provided at the 8th Michigan Railroad History Conference in St. Ignace, MI.
- [MILB] = M.C.R.R. Mileage Book 1890 (HathiTrust]
- [MILV] = CMStP&P (MILW) Valuation Maps Superior Division, 1918.
- [MIN][MINDAT] = Hudson Institute oif Mineralogy -
- [MINART] = Mining Artifacts & History -
- [MIRC1] = Michigan Railway Company Northern and Southern Divisions, by Norman R. Krentel, Michigan State University Press. ©2024
- [MIS] = "The Miscowaubik", magazine of the Copper Range Railroad Historical & Technical Society.
- [MLI] = on-line newspaper
- [MMJ] = Marquette Mining Journal, Marquette, MI.
- [MMKR] = Michigan Markers website -
- [MMS-yyyy] = Mines and Mineral Statistics, State of Michigan (annual report of the Michigan Commissioner of Mineral Statistics)
- [MOD-mm/yy] = Model Railroad Craftsman Magazine
- [MOL] = Michigan Ore Lines, The. Eric Hirsimaki, Paulhamus Litho, Inc., Montoursville PA. © 2002
- [MPN] = Michigan Place Names, Walter Romig, Wayne State university press, Detroit. © 1986.
- [MPSC-yyyy] = Michigan Public Service Commission Orders.
- [MPUC-yyyy] = Michigan Public Utilities Commission Orders.
- [MRC-mm/yy] = Michigan Railfan, Michigan Railroad Club
- [MRD] = Michigan Rail Disasters, Mark Worrall and Benjamin L. Bernhart, c 2007 Outer Station Project, Dauberville, PA
- [MRF-mm/yy] = Michigan Railfan, Michigan Railroad Club
- [MRL] = Michigan Railroad Lines, by Graydon Meints. Published by Michigan State University Press, © 2005.
- [MRP-vol] = Michigan Rail Preservation, by David R. Kovl
- [MRRL] =
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - [MRRC] = Michigan Railroads & Railroad Companies, by Graydon "Don" M. Meints. Published by Michigan State University Press. © 1992.
- [MSAI] = Michigan State Archives Interlocker Files.
- [MSL] = A Most Superior Land, Michigan Natural Resources Magazine, © 1983.
- [MST] = The Michigan Statesman newspaper, White Pigeon, MI.
- [MT] = Mark Tomlinson, historian, Kalamazoo MI.
- [MTU] = Michigan Technological University Archives, Houghton, Michigan.
- [MTB] = Mike Tabone, South Lyon, MI.
- [MUSC] = Muskegon Chronical newspaper.
- [MW] = Mark Worrall, historian.
- [MWD] = Mark W. Dobronski, Historian. Top
- --------------------
- [NCME] = The Native Copper Mining Era of Keweenaw Copper County, map by Taung Kilperla, © 1990
- [NDEM] = The Niles Democrat newspaper, Niles, MI.
- [NDS] = Niles Daily Star newspaper, Niles, MI
- [NDU] = Niles Daily Sun newspaper, Nile, MI
- [NEW] = Newberry News, Newberry, Michigan
- [NHMC] = Nautical maps, Historical Map & Chart Collection, U.S. NOAA Office of Coast Survey.
- [NHS] = Negaunee Historical Society, newsletters. Negaunee, MI
- [NK] = Studies of Nick Korstange (Railroads of various counties).
- [NL] = The Newberry Library, 60 West Walton Street, Chicago, IL 60610,
- [NN] = Nathan Nietering.
- [NREP] = The Niles Republican newspaper, Niles, Michigan
- [NTR] = Northern Tribune, Cheboygan, Michigan.
- [NWL-q/yyyy] = Northwestern Lines Magazine, C&NW Historical Society.
- [NWM] - Niles Weekly Mirror, Niles, Michigan
- [NWO] = Northwest Oakland County Herald Advertiser.
- [NYCF] = New York Central Facilities by Geoffrey H. Doughty. Published by Morningside Books, © 2002.
- [NYC-mm/yyyy] = The Central Headlight, New York Central System Historical Society, Inc.
- [NYC-MC] = Michigan Central District, New York Central Historical Society
- [NYT-mm/dd/yyyy] - New York Times Top
- --------------------
- [OAK] = Oakland County Advertiser, Holly, Michigan
- [OCA] = Otsego County Advance, Gaylord, MI
- [OG-mmddyyyy] = Official Guide of the Railways
- [OHT] = Otsego Herald and Times, Gaylord, MI
- [OR] =
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - [OT] = Owosso Times, Owosso, Michigan. Top
- --------------------
- [PD] = Peter Dudley, Detroit area historian.
- [PG] = Priscilla Geyer, Curator of the museum for the Crawford County Historical Society
- [PHDH] = Daily Herald newspaper, Port Huron, MI
- [PHDT] = Port Huron Daily Times newspaper, Port Huron, MI
- [PHO] = Photo evidence.
- [PHTH] = Times Herald newspaper, Port Huron, MI
- [PIN] = Presque Isle Newspapers, Rogers City, MI
- [PINO] = Onaway Awakens, tribute to the 125th Anniversary of Onaway. [PIN-2024-0627]
- [PMAR-yyyy] = Pere Marquette Railroad Annual Report.
- [PMHS] = Pere Marquette Historical Society Web Page
- [PMT] = Tracks, a Pere Marquette Historical Society Publication
- [PMTL] = Pere Marquette Telegraphers Agreement 1927
- [PM45] = The Pere Marquette in 1945. © 1990 C&O Historical Society, Inc. Clifton Forge, VA
- [PNR] = Petoskey News-Review, Petoskey, Michigan
- [POR] = Portland Observer newspaper, Portland, MI
- [PPD] = Preserve, Protect and Defend, an Illustrated History of the Michigan State Police in the 20th Century by Phillip Schertzing, Turner Publishing Co. © 2002
- [PRRHTS-X/yyyy] = "Keystone" magazine. Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society.
- [PWL] = Peter White Library, Marquette, MI Top
- --------------------
- --------------------
- [R&LHS-nnnn] = Railway & Locomotive Historical Society nnnn=year or bulletin numbe
- [R&R-mm/yyyy] = Railfan and Railroad Magazine.
- [RA-mm/dd/yyyy] = Railway Age or Railway Age Gazette
- [RAHN] = Rahn Stokes, former PC/Conrol employee and railroad historian.
- [RAUS] = Railroad Atlas of the United States in 1946, Richard C. Carpenter, John Hopkins Press © 2008
- [REM] = Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way, published monthly by The Railway List Company, Chicago, IL.
- [RG-mm/dd/yyyy] = Railway Gazette
- [RCOM] = Information from RailComm, Inc.
- [RIW] = Robert I. Warrick, Mount Pleasant, MI. Railroad historian.
- [RL] = Railway Life magazine.
- [RMK] = Remember When, D&M Historical Society, by Rosemary Klenow, former D&M employee.
- [RMLC] = Railroad Maps of the United States. A Selected Annotated Bibliography of Original 19th-century Maps in the Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress.
- [RNE] = Rails Northeast.
- [RO] = Robert Oom, Kalamazoo, Michigan
- [RR] = Railway Review, Chicago, IL
- [RRM] = Railroad Magazine.
- [RS] = Russell Smeltzer, Frankfort, MI
- [RSC] = Railway signaling and communications.
- [RSE] = Railway Signal Engineer, Simmons-Boardman Publishing Company, successor to The Signal Engineer.
- [RSG] = Railway Signaling.
- [RTR] = The Range-Tribune, Iron Mountain, MI
- [RWC] = Robert Cosgrove, Past Trustee, New York Central System Historical Society Top
- --------------------
- [SAG] = The Saginaw News newspaper, Saginaw, MI.
- [SAM] = S. A. McCall, Historical Dates. Just when did That Happen?
- [SBM-yyyy] - Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps - year.
- [SCH] = The Saginaw Courier-Herald newspaper, Saginaw, Michigan.
- [SEB] = The Sebewaing Blade newspaper, Sebewaing, Michigan.
- [SEM] = The Semaphore, a quarterly publication of the Grand Trunk Western Historical Society,
- [SEN] = Soo Evening News newspaper, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.
- [SJDP] = St. Joseph Daily Press, St. Joseph, Michigan.
- [SJH] = St. Joseph Herald, Saint Joseph, Michigan
- [SJR] = The St. Joseph Republican newspaper, St. Joseph, Michigan
- [SLD] = The Soo Line, by Patrick Doran, c1979, Superior Publishing Company.
- [SMcD] = Steven J. McDonald, Cadillac, Michigan
- |-----[SMA] = State of Michigan Archives, Lansing, Michigan
- |-----[SMA-IF] = State of Michigan Archives, Railroad Interlocker Files (Department of Transportation archives)
- |-----[SMG] = State of Michigan DNR Geological Survey Division reports
- |-----[SML] = State of Michigan Library, Lansing, Michigan
- [SMR] = Small Model Railroads-Huron Bay Terminus Railway, research by Marshall Stull, February 14, 2021. Link.
- [SMRS-mm/yy] = Soo, a publication of the Southern Michigan Railroad Society Cross Tracks.
- [SOO-Qtr/yy] = The Soo Line Historical and Technical Society.
- [SRI] = Steam Railroading Institute, Owosso, Michigan.
- [SRJ] = Street Railway Journal.
- [SSDiv-mm/yyyy] = South Shore Division Bulletin of the Soo Line Historical & Technical Society.
- [SSJB] = DSSA Web Page, John P. DuLong, Berkley, MI.
- [SSP] = Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Track Profile - 1907 as amended
- [SSS] = South Shore Shorts, Soo Line Historical Society.
- [SSV] = Steve Selvig
- [STB] = Surface Transportation Board
- [STOV] = The Routledge Historical Atlas of the American Railroads. John F. Stover. © 1999.
- [SWC] = The Saginaw Weekly Courier, Saginaw, MI Top
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- [TB] = The Toledo Blade newspaper.
- [TBMS] = Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Final Environmental Impact Statement, May, 1999 U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA
- [TCRE] = Traverse City Record Eagle
- [TDD] = The Diamond Drill (newspaper), Crystal Falls, MI.
- [THF] = The Henry Ford (Greenfield Village, Henry Ford Museum and Benson Ford Archives.
- [TJG] = T. J. Gaffney, Curator, Port Huron Museum.
- [TR-mm/yy] = Trains Magazine.
- [TRT] = The Railroad Telegrapher, by the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, 1918 edition unless noted.
- [TSD] = Trackside Around Detroit Downriver 1946-1976, by Jerry Pinkepank, ©2004 Morning Sun Books
- [TSE] = The Signal Engineer, Simmons-Boardman Publishing Company.
- [TT] = Trackside Toledo 1946-1976 Emery Gulash, by Jerry A. Pinkepank, Morning Sun Books, Inc., © 2012
- [TTN] = The True Northerner newspaper, Paw Paw, Michigan
- [TTT] = Trains, tracks and travel, by T, W, Van Metre (Hathi Trust)
- [TTUP] = True Tales, the Forgotten History of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, by Mikel B. Classen, Modern History Press, Ann Arbor, MI © 2022 Top
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- [UMB] = University of Michigan Bentley Historical Library (Website)
- [UMS] = Upper Michigan Source, operated by TV6 in Marquette.
- [UWML] = University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Library (Website)
- [UPM] = Upper Peninsula of Michigan, The. An Inventory of Historic Engineering and Industrial Sites. Directed by Charles K. Hide, PhD. Wayne State University. © 1978.
- [USC] = United States Census.
- [USGS] = United States Geological Survey maps.
- [UVC] = The Unionville Crescent newspaper, Unionville Michigan. Top
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- [VOI] = Vein of Iron, The Pickands Mather Story, World Publishing Co. New York, © 1958 Top
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- [WAK] = The Wakefield News, Wakefield Michigan.
- [WAR] = Robert Warrick, railroader and railroad historian. Mt. Pleasant, MI
- [WD] = William Dunham collection.
- [WEX] = The Weekly Expositor newapaper, Brockway Centre, Michigan.
- [WFD] = Railroading the Wabash Fourth District by Victor A. Baird. Erstwhile Publications. © 2013.
- [Wiki] = Wikipedia,
- [WikC] = Wikipedia Commons,
- [WPAL] = The Weekly Palladium, Benton Harbor, MI.
- [WS] = Wayne Summers, historian from DeWitt
- [WSJ] = Wall Street Journal
- [WSTAR] = The Windsor Star newpaper, Windsor, Ontario
- [WUCO] = Western Union and the Creation of the American Corporate Order, 1845-1893, by Joshua D. Wolff, ©2013, Cambridge University Press, New York. Top
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- [YEX] = Yale Expositor, The, Yale, MI Top
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- [ZTS] = Conrail Stations Department Quality Control ZTS Maps Issue, February, 1984 Top