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Directors and Officers of Railroads (Michigan residents)
In the 19th Century, many Michigan railroads were owned in whole or in part by Michigan residents. Most roads, after a short period of time, depended on east cost financing - often from Boston, New York and sometimes Pennsylvania. With financing came Board of Directors representation. In most cases, voting stock control of the road was transferred to these investors after a short period of time.
The purpose of this list is to show the names of officials who were resident in Michigan. We have not attempted to show out-of-state officials, as they were numerous, particularly in later years when roads were purchased by eastern capitalists. The list can be used to determine the location of the home corporate office, to see which directors had multiple directorships in various roads, or the progression of a particular officials movement from road to road. It also provides some insight into the naming of towns and junction points (hyperlinked).
Most of the information in this report comes from the Annual Reports filed by the railroads with the Commissioner of Railroads for Michigan. There is a complete set of these reports in the State of Michigan Library. It will take perhaps 10 years or more to list all officials, given that there are 70-80 years of these reports.
Directors are listed by Last Name, First Name or initials, Place of Residence, Road, Position and Year. Click below on the first initial of the individual's last name:
Adams, T. B. - Paw Paw, MI, Paw Paw Railroad, Director 1875
Agens, John L. - St. Clair, MI, Michigan Midland & Canada Railroad, Director 1872
Aldrich, Moses V. - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids and Saginaw Railroad, Treasurer, 1872 (road not built)
Amsden, A. G. - Kalamazoo, MI - Kalamazoo, Allegan & Grand Rapids, Division Supt. 1875
Kalamazoo & White Pigeon Railroad, Division Supt. 1875
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, Division Supt. 1875
Anderson, D. - Bear Lake, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Andrus, R. W. - Chesaning, MI - East Saginaw & Ann Arbor Railroad, Director, 1872 (road not built) - Go To Top
Baer, Jacob - Hancock, MI - Mineral Range Railroad Company, Director, 1873-1875
Bailey, Sloman S. - Grand Rapids, MI - Director, 1872 (road not built)
Baldwin, A. C. - Pontiac, MI - St Clair & Chicago Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872
Baldwin, S. C. - Escanaba, MI - Chicago & Northwestern Railway, Division Supt., 1872
Bancker, Enoch - Jackson, MI - Michigan Air Line Railroad, Secretary, 1872-1875
Bancroft, William L. - Port Huron, MI - Chicago and Lake Michigan Railroad, Director, 1873
Port Huron & Lake Michigan Railroad, President and General Supt., 1872
Chicago & Lake Huron, Receiver, 1875-1876
Barber, E. W. - Charlotte, MI - Grand River Valley Railroad, Treasurer then Secretary, Director, 1872-1875
Barlow, Nathan - Hastings, MI - Grand River Valley Railroad, Vice President, 1875
Barnard, H. - Saginaw, MI - Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad, Vice President, 1875
Barnes, O. M. - Mason and Lansing, MI - Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad, Director, 1875
Barnes, Smith - Traverse City, MI - Traverse City Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Barton, H. - Portland, MI - Coldwater, Marshall & Mackinaw, Director, 1875
Bates, Thomas T. - Traverse City, MI - Traverse City Railroad, Secretary, 1872-1875
Baxter, W. J. - Jonesville, MI - Northern Central Michigan Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Beach, D. S. - Marshall, MI - Coldwater, Marshall & Mackinaw, Director, 1875
Berry, James - Adrian, MI - Adrian & State Line Railroad, President, 1872 (road not built)
Bingham, S. D. - Lansing, MI - Chicago & Northeastern Railroad, Director, 1875
Bird, H. P. - Menominee, MI - Deer Creek & Marble Quarry Railroad, Director, 1872 (road not built)
Black, Malcom - Battle Creek, MI - Chicago and Lake Huron Railroad, Division Supt., 1873
Blodgett, P. S. - Detroit, MI - Detroit, Monroe & Toledo (LSMS), Division Supt., 1875
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, Division Supt., 1875
Bockee, Isaac S. - Owosso, MI - Owosso and Northwestern Railroad, Treasurer, 1872
Bowne, Andrew J. - Hastings, MI - Kalamazoo Lowell and Northern Michigan Railroad, Director, 1872 (road not built)
Brackett, Martin S. - Bellevue, MI - Peninsular Railway, Secretary, Attorney, 1872
Bradford, Edward - Sparta, MI - Grand Rapids Newaygo & Lake Shore Railroad, Director - 1872-1876
Breen, Bartley - Menominee, MI - Deer Creek & Marble Quarry Railroad, Director, 1872 (road not built)
Breen, Thomas - Menominee, MI - Deer Creek & Marble Quarry Railroad, Director, 1872 (road not built)
Briggs, E. O. - Paw Paw, MI - Paw Paw Railroad, Director, 1873
Brockway, W. H. - Albion, MI - Northern Central Michigan Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Brown, E. C. - Jackson, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Division Superintendent, 1875
Michigan Air Line, Division Superintendent, 1875 - Michigan Central Railroad, Division Superintendent, 1875
Detroit & Bay City Railroad, Assistant Division Superintendent, 1875
Bruce, George - Adrian, MI - Adrian and Detroit Railroad, Treasurer, 1872 (Road not built, 12 miles graded as of 1872)
Brush, Edmund A. - Detroit, MI - Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad, Director, 1872-1876
Bryant, B. H. - Grand Rapids, MI - Chicago, Saginaw & Canada Railroad, Chief Engineer, 1875-1876
Buckland, D. C. - Pontiac, MI - St. Clair & Chicago Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872
Buhl, Christian H. - Detroit, MI - Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana Railroad, President, Director, 1872
Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad, Director, 1872-1876
Detroit Hillsdale & Southwestern, Director, 1873-1876
Bundy, J. F. - Saginaw, MI - East Saginaw & Ann Arbor Railroad, Treasurer, Director, 1872 (Road not built)
Burch, L. D. - Ann Arbor, MI - Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Railroad, General Superintendent or Manager, 1872
Bush, C. B. - Saginaw, Bay City and Jackson, MI - Grand River Valley Railroad, Division Superintendent, 1872-1875
Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad, Division Superintendent, 1873-1875
Detroit & Bay City Railroad, Division Superintendent, 1876
Bush, Daniel - Corunna, MI - East Saginaw & Ann Arbor Railroad, Director, 1872 (Road not built) - Go To Top
Callaway, S. R. - Detroit, MI - Detroit & Milwaukee Railroad, Ass't. Supt., 1876
Campbell, George - Bay City, MI - Glencoe, Pinconning & Lake Shore Railroad, President, Director, 1876
Campbell, Hugh - Pinconning, MI - Glencoe, Pinconning & Lake Shore Railroad, Vice President, Ass't. Supt. 1876
Camm, John - Calumet, MI - Hecla & Torch Lake Railroad, Secretary, 1873-1876
Carpenter, Charles K. - Orion, MI - Detroit & Bay City Railroad, Vice President, Director, 1872-1876
Chandler, J. H. - Hancock, MI - Mineral Range Railroad, Director, 1875
Chapin B. S. - Jackson, MI - Fort Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Railroad, Treasurer, Ass't. Secretary, 1872-1875
Charlesworth, T. J. - Albion, MI later Lansing, MI - Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, Lansing Div. Supt. 1872-1875
Northern Central Michigan Railroad (LSMS), Div. Supt., 1872-1875
Chase, D. J. - Bay City, MI - Detroit & Bay City Railroad, Div. Supt., 1875
Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad, Div. Supt., 1875
Childs, Charles D. - Detroit, MI - Detroit Lansing & Lake Michigan, Auditor, 173
Childs, William A. - Calumet, MI - Hecla & Torch Lake Railroad, Gen. Manager, 1872-1876
Clay, David P. - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids Newaygo & Lake Short Railroad, President, Director, General Manager, 1872-1876
Michigan Lake Shore Railroad, Receiver, 1873-1875
Close, James A. - Hancock, MI - Mineral Range Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Cobb, S. S. - Kalamazoo, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven, 1872
Cobb, Thomas S. - Kalamazoo, MI - Kalamazoo Lowell and Northern Michigan Railroad, President, 1872-1875 (road not completed)
Collier, Victor P. - Battle Creek, MI - Mansfield Coldwater & Lake Michigan Railroad, Director, 1872-1875 (road not completed)
Comstock, Charles H. - Adrian, MI - Adrian and Detroit Railroad, Secretary, 1872 (road not built, 12 miles graded as of 1872)
Comstock, E. B. - Pontiac, MI - St. Clair & Chicago Air Line Railroad, Treasurer, 1872
Conger, N. - South Haven, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Director, 1875
Cony, J. D. - Manchester, MI - Detroit Hillsdale & Indiana Railroad, Director, 1872
Cook, Rufus - Ionia, MI - Grand Rapids and Saginaw Railroad, President, Director, 1872 (road not built)
Covey, J. D. - Manchester, MI - Detroit Hillsdale & Indiana, Director, 1873
Cowles, F. M. - Lansing, MI - Chicago & Northeastern Railroad, Director, 1875
Crane, C. S. - Marshall, MI - Marshall & Coldwater Railroad, Vice President, 1872 (road not completed)
Coldwater, Marshall & Mackinaw, Vice President, Director, 1875 (road not competed)
Craw, E. L. - Chicago, Saginaw & Canada Railroad, President, Director, 1875
Crawford, Charles A. - Traverse City, MI - Traverse City Railroad, Treasurer, 1872-1875
Crocker, George M. - Detroit, MI - Detroit & Mackinac Railway, Vice President, Auditor, 1901
Crofoot, M. E. - Pontiac, MI - Michigan Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
St. Clair & Chicago Air Line, President, Gen. Manager, Director, 1872
Cummin, James - Corunna, MI - East Saginaw & Ann Arbor Railroad, Director, 1872 (road not built)
Curtis, George E. - Kalamazoo, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Division Supt., 1872
Curtin, J. E. - Elkhart, IN - Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad, Mich. Div. Supt, 1872
Curtis, Lorenzo - Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis, Director, 1872 - Go To Top
Davenport, W. H. - Saline, MI - Detroit Hillsdale & Indiana Railroad, Director, 1872
Dennis, D. B. - Coldwater, MI - Mansfield, Coldwater & Lake Michigan Railroad, Treasurer, 1872-1875 (road not completed)
Desmond, J. - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand River Valley Railroad, Div. Supt, 1872
Devereaux, J. R. - Houghton, MI - Mineral Range Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Dewey, Thomas D. - Owosso, MI - Owosso and Northwestern Railroad, President, 1872
Dibble, C. P. - Marshall & Coldwater Railroad, Treasurer, 1872 (road not completed)
Coldwater, Marshall & Mackinaw, Treasurer, Director, 1875 (road not completed)
Dibble, Leonidas D. - Battle Creek, MI - Peninsular Railway, President, Director, 1872
Douglas, Silas H. - Ann Arbor, MI - Toledo Ann Arbor & Northern Railroad, President, 1872
Dykman, A. S. - South Haven, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Dykeman, B. H. - South Haven, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Director, 1872-1875 - Go To Top
Eastman, Loton H. - East Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad, President, Director, 1872-1875
Eaton, Jerome B. - Jackson, MI - Michigan Air Line Railway, President, Director, 1872-1875
Edwards, D. - Detroit, MI - Chicago & Canada Southern Railroad, Gen. Supt., 1872
Ely, S. P. - Marquette, MI - Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon, Vice Pres., Director, 1872
Ernst, William A. - Jackson, MI - Fort Wayne Jackson & Saginaw Railroad, supt., 1872
Evans, John L. - St. Louis, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad, Director, 1872-1875 - Go To Top
Fay, C. B. - Menominee, MI - Deer Creek & Marble Quarry Railroad, Secretary, 1872 (Road not built)
Ferry, Edward P. - Grand Haven, MI - Chicago, Saginaw & Canada Railroad, Treasurer, Director, 1875-1876
Michigan Lake Shore Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Fisher, Benjamin - Hillsdale, MI - Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana Railroad, Director, 1872
Fisk, James - Allegan, MI - Michigan Lake Shore Railroad, Vice President, Director, 1872-1875
Fisk, Joseph - Allegan, MI - Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad, Director, 1872
Mansfield, Coldwater & Lake Michigan Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Fitzhugh, C. C. - Bay City, MI - Detroit & Bay City Railroad, Director, 1873-1876
Flower, T. A. - Pontiac, MI - St. Clair & Chicago Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872
Ford, J. C. - Lawton, MI - Paw Paw Railroad, Secretary, Director, 1875
Ford, Henry - Paw Paw, MI - Paw Paw Railroad, Director, 1875
Foster, Wilder D. - Grand Rapids, MI (died 1873) - Grand Rapids, Newaygo & Lake Shore, Director, 1872
Fox, W. D. - Albion, MI - Northern Central Michigan Railroad, Secretary, 1872
French, A. S. - Lakeview, MI - Chicago, Saginaw & Canada Railroad, Director, 1876
French, George H. - Homer, MI - Michigan Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Fuller, Edward P. - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids, Newaygo & Lake Shore Railroad, Treasurer, Director, 1872-1875
Fuller, William D. - Newaygo, MI - Grand Rapids, Newaygo & Lake Shore Railroad, Director, 1872-1876 - Go To Top
Gale, A. B. - Corunna, MI - Chicago & Northeastern Railroad, Vice President, Director, 1875
Gale, Isaac - Corunna, MI - Chicago and Lake Huron Railroad, Director, 1873
Port Huron & Lake Michigan Railroad, Director, 1872
Garnett, Stephen - Geneva, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven, Director, 1872
Gillette, John B. - Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis, General Superintendent, 1873
Godfrey, F. - Grand Rapids, MI - Chicago and Michigan Lake Shore, Director, 1872
Goodell, H. C. - Detroit, MI - Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana Railroad, General Superintendent, 1872
Gorham, F. A. - Grand Rapids, MI - Mansfield, Coldwater & Lake Michigan Railroad, Director, 1875
Goss, George - Kalamazoo, MI - Chicago and Canada Southern Railroad, General Manager, 1872
Toledo, Canada Southern & Detroit, Director, 1873
Gossage, B. W. - St. Clair, MI - Michigan Midland & Canada Railway, General Manager, Director, 1873-1875
Grafton, J. J. - Detroit, MI later Ionia, MI - Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana Railroad, Assistant Superintendent, 1872
Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan, Assistant Superintendent, 1875-1876
Gray, Edward L. - Newaygo, MI - Grand Rapids, Newaygo & Lake Shore, Director, 1872
Green, A. L. - Olivet, MI - Marshall & Coldwater Railroad, President, 1872 (road not completed)
Grosvenor, E. O. - Jonesville, MI - Fort Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Railroad, Vice President, Director, 1872-1876
Hadley, M. S. - Pontiac, MI and Romeo, MI - St. Clair & Chicago Air Line, Division Superintendent, Director, 1872
Michigan Air Line Railway, Division Superintendent, 1875
Hale, Marshall - Schoolcraft, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven, Director, 1872
Hall, Lowell - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids and Saginaw Railroad, President, Director, Acting General Manager and Superintendent, 1872 (road not built)
Hamilton, William - Flint, MI - Chicago & Lake Huron, Treasurer, Director, 1873-1876
Hanchett, Benton - Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad, Director, 1875
Hann, Augustus - Bloomingdale, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven, Director, 1872
Hannah, Perry - Traverse City, MI - Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad, Director, 1872
Traverse City Railroad, President, Director, 1872-1875
Hannahs, George - South Haven, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Harris, R. L. - Grosse Isle, MI - Chicago & Canada Southern Railway, Chief Engineer, 1873
Harris, William - Houghton, MI - Mineral Range Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Harrison, C. A. - Paw Paw, MI - Paw Paw Railroad, Treasurer, Director, 1875
Hart, A. N. - Lansing, MI - Detroit & Bay City, Director, 1873
Northern Central Michigan, Director, 1872 -
Harvey, James D. - Traverse City, MI - Traverse City Railroad, Director, 1872-1875 -
Haven, A. - Bloomingdale, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Director, 1875
Hawks, J. D. - Detroit, MI - Traverse City Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Hay, James - Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad, Director, 1875
Hayden, H. A. - Jackson, MI - Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad, President, Director, 1873-1875
Haze, C. W. - Pinckney, MI - Michigan Air Line Railroad Co., Director, 1872-1875
Hine, Milton B. - Cannon, MI - Grand Rapids and Saginaw Railroad, Director, 1872 (road not built)
Hinkle, O. N. - Ionia, MI - Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan, Assistant Superintendent, 1873
Hoar, R. M. - Houghton, MI - Mineral Range Railroad, Vice President, Director, 1873-1875
Holland, Charles E. - Hancock, MI - Mineral Range Railroad, President, Director, General Superintendent, 1873-1875
Hollingsworth, E. W. - Albion, MI - Northern Central Michigan Railroad, Treasurer, 1872-1875
Hollister, Harvey J. - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad, Director, 1872-1876
Hollister, William H. - Battle Creek, MI - Peninsular Railway, General Freight and Passenger Agent, 1872
Holmes, Nelson - Gratton, MI - Grand Rapids and Saginaw Railroad, Director, 1872 (road not built)
Hooper, A. W. - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids, Newaygo & Lake Shore, Superintendent, 1873-1876
Hooper, J. S. - Michigan City, IN - Michigan Air Line Railroad, Division Superintendent, 1872
Hopper, George C.- Saginaw, MI - Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad, Division Superintendent, 1873
Howard, J. E. - Detroit, then Ionia, MI - Detroit & Bay City Railroad, Secretary, 1873
Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan, Assistant Superintendent, Assistant Treasurer, 1873-1876
Howard, William A. - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad, President, 1872
Hubbard, J. H. - Waterloo, MI - Michigan Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Hubbard, Theron T.. - South Saginaw, MI - East Saginaw & Ann Arbor Railroad, Director, 1872 (Road not built)
Hubbell, Jay A. - Houghton, MI - Mineral Range Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Hughart, W. O. - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad, President, General Manager, Director, 1875-1876
Hughes, D. D. - Grand Rapids, MI - Mansfield, Coldwater & Lake Michigan Railroad, Director, 1875
Hurd, C. H. - Detroit, MI - Michigan Central Railroad, Assistant General Superintendent, 1873
Ihling, J. - Lawton, MI - Paw Paw Railroad, Superintendent, 1875
Ingalls, E. S. - Menominee, MI - Deer Creek & Marble Quarry Railroad, President, 1872 (Road not built)
Ingersoll, George - Marshall, MI - Marshall & Coldwater Railroad, Secretary, 1872 (road not completed)
Coldwater, Marshall & Mackinaw, Secretary, Director, 1875 (road not completed)
Irwin, S. V. - Albion, MI - Northern Central Michigan Railroad, President, Director, 1872-1875
Ismon, Henry - Jackson, MI - Paw Paw Railroad, Secretary, 1872
Ismon, Horace S. - Jackson, MI - Paw Paw Railroad, President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director, and General Manager, 1872-1875
Jerome, David H. - Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad, President, Secretary, Director, 1872-1875
Jerome, George - Detroit, MI - Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Saginaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad, Director, 1875
Jerome, Timothy - Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad, Director, 1875
Joy, James F. - Detroit, MI - Chicago & Michigan Lake Shore, President, Director, 1872-1876
Detroit & Bay City Railroad, President, 1873-1876
Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana Railroad, Director, 1872
Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan, President, Director, 1872-1876
Fort Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Railroad, Director, 1872
Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad, Director, 1873
Michigan Central Railroad, President, Director, 1873-1875
Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Keeler, Sanford - East Saginaw, MI - Flint & Pere Marquette Railway, Assistant Superintendent, Superintendent, 1873-1876
Kelsey, Sullivan - Corunna, MI - East Saginaw & Ann Arbor Railroad, Director, 1872 (Road not built)
Kendall, Lucius B. - Kalamazoo, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Treasurer, Director, 1872-1875
Kenyon, F. P. - Chesaning, MI - East Saginaw & Ann Arbor Railroad, Director, 1872 (Road not built)
Kidder, George F. - Kalamazoo, MI - Kalamazoo, Lowell and Northern Michigan Railroad, Secretary, Treasurer, Director, 1872 (road not built)
Kimball, C. F. - Pontiac, MI - St. Clair & Chicago Air Line Railroad, Secretary, 1872
Kimball, George - Muskegon, MI - Chicago & Michigan Lake Shore, General Manager, Receiver, 1875-1876
Kimball, George C. - East Saginaw, MI - Flint & Pere Marquette Railway, General Superintendent, 1872
Kitton, John E. - St. Clair, MI - Michigan Midland & Canada Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Knapp, S. O. - Jackson, MI - Michigan Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Koon, E. L. - Hillsdale, MI - Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana, Director, 1872
Lacy, Edward S. - Charlotte, MI = Grand River Valley Railroad, Secretary, then Treasurer, Director, 1873-1875
Landon, R. W. - Niles, MI - Michigan Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
St. Clair & Chicago Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872
Lawler, C. M. - St. Joseph, MI - Chicago & Michigan Lake Shore, Division Superintendent, 1875-1876
Lawton, George W. - Lawton, MI - Paw Paw Railroad, Director, 1873
Leach, DeWitt C. - Traverse City, MI - Traverse City Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Ledlie, Gilbert W. - East Saginaw, MI - Flint & Pere Marquette Railway, Director, 1872-1875
Ledyard, H. B. - Detroit, MI - Detroit & Bay City Railroad, Assistant General Superintendent, 1875
Michigan Central Railroad, Assistant General Superintendent, 1875
Grand River Valley Railroad, Assistant General Superintendent, 1875
Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad, Assistant General Superintendent, 1875
Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Assistant General Superintendent, 1875
Michigan Air Line Railroad, Assistant General Superintendent, 1875
Leonard, J. C. - Union City, MI - Michigan Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Lewis, H. C. - Coldwater, MI - Mansfield, Coldwater & Lake Michigan Railroad, President, Vice President, 1872 (road not built)
Coldwater, Marshall & Mackinaw, Director, 1875
Lindsey, W. B. - Escanaba, MI
Chicago & Northwestern, Division Superintendent, 1875-1876
Livermore, C. F. - Detroit - Michigan Central Railroad, Treasurer, 1875
Loomis, P. B. - Jackson, MI - Fort Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Railroad, President, Director, General Manager, 1873-1876
Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Lord, Henry W. - Pontiac, MI - St. Clair & Chicago Air Line, Vice President, President, Director, 1872
Lyon, Gilbert - Owosso, MI - Owosso and Northwestern Railroad, Secretary, 1872
Luce, C. W. - East Tawas, MI - Detroit & Mackinac Railway, Chief Engineer, 1875
Martin, Edwin - Paw Paw, MI - Paw Paw Railroad, President, Director, 1873-1875
Mason, L. G. - Muskegon, MI - Michigan Lake Shore Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Chicago and Michigan Lake Shore, Director, 1872-1875
McCree, James - Battle Creek, MI - Chicago & Lake Huron, Division Superintendent, 1875-1876
McCurdy, Hugh - Corunna, MI - East Saginaw & Ann Arbor Railroad, President, General Manager, 1872 (Road not built)
McDonald, Jno. - Bay City, MI - Glencoe, Pinconning & Lake Shore Railroad, Secretary, Treasurer, Director, 1876
McKinney, N. B. - Paw Paw, MI - Paw Paw Railroad, Director, 1875
McNaughton, M. A. - Jackson, MI - Grand River Valley Railroad, Vice President, Director, 1872-1875
Michigan Air Line Railway, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Director, 1872-1875
McRoberts, M. - Mason, MI - Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Meddaugh, E. W. - Detroit, MI - Chicago, Detroit & Canada Grand Trunk Junction Railroad, Solicitor, Attorney, 1872-1877
Mellon, Harry - Romeo, MI - Michigan Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
St. Clair & Chicago Air Line, Division Superintendent, 1873
Merrill, N. W. - Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad, General Superintendent, 1875
Merriman, D. - Jackson, MI - Fort Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Railroad, Director, 1872-1876
Merritt, D. H. - Marquette, MI - Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon Railroad, General Superintendent, 1872
Methany, J. M. - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad, Superintendent North Division, 1876
Mille, Chauncey H. - Ann Arbor, MI - Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Railroad, Treasurer, 1872
Miller, C. F. - Battle Creek, MI - Peninsular Railway, General Superintendent, 1872
Mitchell, George A. - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad, Director, 1873
Mitchell, W. H. C. - East Bay, MI - Traverse City Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Moore, Eli - Corunna, MI - East Saginaw & Ann Arbor Railroad, Director, 1872 (Road not built)
Morales, M. M. - Hancock, MI - Mineral Range Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Morgan, E. W. - Ann Arbor, MI - Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Railroad, Secretary, 1872
Morley, George W. - East Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad, Vice President, Director, 1872
Morris, J. H. - Pontiac, MI - St. Clair & Chicago Air Line, Director, 1872
Morrison, A. H. - St. Joseph, MI - Chicago and Michigan Lake Shore, Vice President, General Manager, 1872
Morse, H. - Port Huron, MI - Chicago, Detroit & Canada Grand Trunk Junction Railroad, Division Superintendent, 1875
Muir, James H. - Detroit, MI - Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad, Secretary, 1872-1876
Mulliken, J. B. - Detroit, MI - Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan, General Superintendent, 1875-1876
Newton, James F. - Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis, Director, 1872
Nichols, Edwin C. - Peninsular Railway, Director, 1873
Chicago & Lake Huron, Director, 1873-1876
Nims, F. A. - Muskegon, MI - Chicago, Saginaw & Canada, Solicitor, Director, Vice President, 1875-1876
North, Townsend - Vassar, MI - Detroit and Bay City Railroad, Director, 1872
Norvell, F. - Detroit, MI - Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon Railroad, Secretary, 1872
O'Rourke, P. S. - Monteith, MI - Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad, Superintendent, 1872
Michigan Lake Shore Railroad, General Superintendent, 1873
Owen, John - Detroit, MI - Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana Railroad, Director, 1872
Paddock, Augustus - Newaygo, MI - Grand Rapids, Newaygo and Lake Shore Railroad, Director, 1872
Paine, Alderman B. - Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis, Director, 1872
Palmer, Charles - Imlay City, MI - Chicago & Lake Huron, Director, 1875
Palmer, Charles H. - Pontiac, MI - Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon Railroad, Director, 1872-1876
Palmer, Charles H. - Hancock, MI - Mineral Range Railroad, Chief Engineer, Assistant Superintendent, 1873-1875
Parker, A. - Pontiac, MI - St. Clair & Chicago Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872
Parker, William F. - Ypsilanti, MI - Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana, General Superintendent, 1873
Detroit, Hillsdale & Southwestern, General Superintendent, 1875-1876
Parkhurst, J. G. - Coldwater, MI - Coldwater, Marshall & Mackinaw, Director, 1872-1875 (road not completed)
Payne, Thomas - Detroit, MI - Detroit and Bay City Railroad, Division Superintendent, 1872
Phelps, Edwin - Pontiac, MI - St. Clair & Chicago Air Line, Director, 1872
Potter, Allen - Kalamazoo, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, President, Director, 1872-1875
Potter, Henry C. - East Saginaw, MI - Flint & Pere Marquette Railway, Secretary, Treasurer, Director, General Manager, 1872-1876
Pringle, Eugene - Jackson, MI - Fort Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Railroad, Secretary, Counsel, 1872-1876
Michigan Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Quirk, Daniel L. - Ypsilanti, MI - Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana Railroad, Vice President, Director, 1872
Detroit, Hillsdale & Southwestern, Vice President, President, General Manager, Director, 1873-1876
Randall, Leonard H. - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids, Newaygo & Lake Shore, Director, Treasurer, 1872, 1876
Raynale, S. B. - Corunna, MI - East Saginaw & Ann Arbor Railroad, Secretary, 1872 (Road not built)
Read, Sylvador T. - Cassopolis, MI - Peninsular Railway, Director, 1872
Chicago & Lake Huron, Director, 1875-1876
Reekie, J. F. - Ionia, MI - Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan, Accountant, General Ticket Agent, General Accountant, 1873-1876
Reese, Alvin H. - Detroit, MI - Detroit & Bay City Railroad, General Superintendent, 1872
Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan Railroad, General Superintendent, 1872
Reynolds, W. R. - Jackson, MI - Fort Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Railroad, Director, 1872-1876
Riblet, S. H. - Newaygo, MI - Grand Rapids, Newaygo & Lake Shore Railroad, Director, 1873-1876
Rich, Hampton - Ionia, MI - Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan Railroad, Director, 1872
Richmond, C. H. - Detroit, MI - Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana Railroad, Secretary and Treasurer, 1872
Robb, Thomas P. - Battle Creek, MI - Chicago and Lake Huron Railroad, Division Superintendent, 1873
Robinson, A. B. - Muir, MI - Coldwater, Marshall & Mackinaw, Director, 1875
Robinson, C. K. - East Saginaw, MI - East Saginaw & Ann Arbor Railroad, Vice President, Director, 1872 (Road not built)
Rogers, N. F. - Hubbardston, MI - Coldwater, Marshall & Mackinaw, Director, 1875
Rogers, Samuel - South Haven, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Root, Amos - Jackson, MI - Grand River Valley Railroad, President, Director, 1873-1875
Rose, D. F. - East Saginaw, MI - East Saginaw & Ann Arbor Railroad, Director, 1872 (Road not built)
Rose, Julius K. - Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis, Director, 1872
Ruppe, Peter - Hancock, MI - Mineral Range Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Rust, Ezra, Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad, Secretary, Director, 1872-1875
Ryan, Edward - Hancock, MI - Mineral Range Railroad, Director, 1873
Sargent, H. E. - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand River Valley Railroad, General Superintendent, 1872
Kalamazoo& South Haven Railroad, General Superintendent, 1872 (Chicago)
Michigan Air Line Railroad, General Superintendent, 1872
Sargeant, T. B. - Detroit, MI - Detroit & Bay City Railroad, General Superintendent, 1873
Sawyer, Justin - Coldwater, MI - Mansfield, Coldwater and Lake Michigan Railroad, Assistant Secretary, 1872 (road not completed)
Saxton, S. P. - Menominee, MI - Deer Creek & Marble Quarry Railroad, Vice President, 1872 (Road not built)
Scheunerman, Philip - Hancock, MI - Mineral Range Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Schoch, Samuel - Marquette, MI - Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon, General Manager, Superintendent, Director, 1873-1875
Sears, F. P. - East Saginaw, MI - East Saginaw & Ann Arbor Railroad, Director, 1872 (Road not built)
Sears, William - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids, Newaygo & Lake Shore Railroad, Director, 1876
Seaver, George L. - South Haven, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Secretary, Director, 1872-1875
Shaw, John E. - East Saginaw, MI - Chicago, Saginaw & Canada, Director, 1875
Shaw, Joseph E. - East Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Shaw, Gentry A. - Eaton Rapids, MI - Grand River Valley Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Shaw, H. A. - Eaton Rapids, MI - Grand River Valley Railroad, Director, 1872
Sheffield, William - Napoleon, MI - Mansfield, Coldwater & Lake Michigan Railroad, Director, 1875
Shelby, William R. - Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad, Secretary-Treasurer, 1872-1876
Michigan Lake Shore Railroad, Secretary-Treasurer, 1873-1875
Shepherd, Elisha - Charlotte, MI - Chicago & Lake Huron, Director, 1873-1876
Peninsular Railway, Director, 1873
Shepherd, Miles - Menominee, MI - Deer Creek & Marble Quarry Railroad, Treasurer, 1872 (Road not built)
Simonson, John L. - North Newburg, MI - East Saginaw & Ann Arbor Railroad, Director, 1872 (Road not built)
Skinner, T. B. - Battle Creek, MI - Mansfield, Coldwater and Lake Michigan Railroad, Director, 1872
Smith, Eben - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids and Saginaw Railroad, Secretary, Director, 1872 (road not built)
Smith, F. V. - Coldwater, MI - Mansfield, Coldwater & Lake Michigan Railroad, Secretary, Director, 1875
Smith, Hiram H. - Jackson, MI - Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan Railroad, President, Director, 1872
Fort Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Railroad, Director, 1873, 1876
Detroit and Bay City Railroad, Director, General Manager, 1872-1875
Smith, S. L. - Marquette, MI and Lansing, MI - Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon Railroad, Director, General Manager, 1872-1875
Stanton, A. A. - Oxford, MI - Detroit and Bay City Railroad, Director, 1872
Stanton, J. T. - Oxford, MI - Detroit and Bay City Railroad, Director, 1872
Stebbins, F. R. - Adrian, MI - Adrian and Detroit Railroad, Vice President, 1872 (Road not built, 12 miles graded as of 1872)
Stephenson, C. D. - Paw Paw, MI - Paw Paw Railroad, General Superintendent, 1872
Stewart, David - Kalamazoo, MI - Toledo, Canada Southern & Detroit, Director, 1873
Stone, W. B. - Adrian, MI - Adrian & State Line Railroad, Treasurer, 1872 (Road not built)
Stout, B. G. - Pontiac, MI - St. Clair & Chicago Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872
Taylor, Edward B. - Port Huron, MI - Port Huron & Lake Michigan Railway, Secretary, Director, 1872
Chicago & Lake Huron, Secretary, General Superintendent, 1875-1876
Templeton, Thomas G. - Battle Creek - Peninsular Railway, Superintendent of Motive Power, 1872
Thayer, Artenias - Flint, MI - Port Huron & Lake Michigan Railroad, Director, 1872
Thomas, M. T. - Detroit, MI - Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan, Chief Engineer, 1875-1876
Thompson, W. D. - Jackson, MI - Paw Paw Railroad, Director, 1873
Fort Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad, Treasurer, Director, 1873-1875
Tripp, Charles - Ann Arbor, MI - Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Railroad, Vice President, 1872
Trowbridge, Charles C. - Detroit, MI - Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad, President, Director, 1872-1876
Turner, James M. - Lansing, MI - Chicago & Northeastern Railroad, President, Director, 1875
Uhl, Edwin F. - Ypsilanti, MI - Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana Railroad, Secretary & Treasurer, 1873
Van Aiclen, Aaron - Paw Paw, MI - Paw Paw Railroad, Director, 1875
Van Etten, George H. - Bay City, MI - Glencoe, Pinconning & Lake Shore Railroad, Director, 1876
Veile, A. H. - Hancock, MI - Mineral Range Railroad, Secretary, Treasurer, 1875
Waite, Jonathan G. - Sturgis or Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad, Director, 1872
Wakelee, C. - Battle Creek - Peninsular Railway, Treasurer, 1872
Waldron, William - Hillsdale, MI - Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana Railroad, Director, 1872
Walker, Henry N. - Detroit, MI - Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad, Director, 1872-1876
Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon Railroad, President, 1872
Wallace, William - Battle Creek, MI - Peninsular Railway, Director, 1872
Wallen Jr., H. D. - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad, Superintendent North Division, 1873-1875
Ward, E. B. - Detroit, MI - Flint & Pere Marquette Railway, President, 1872
Ward, Joseph M. - Battle Creek, MI - Peninsular Railway, Director, 1872
Chicago & Lake Huron, Director, 1873-1876
Waterman, H. S. - East Tawas, MI - Detroit & Mackinac Railway, Chief Engineer, 1901
Waters, Daniel H. - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids and Saginaw Railroad, Director, 1872 (road not built)
Waters, T. C. - Bay City, MI - Glencoe, Pinconning & Lake Shore Railroad, Director, 1876
Watson, Andrew - Detroit, MI - Detroit & Milwaukee Railroad, General Superintendent, 1872
Webber, William L. - East Saginaw, MI - Flint & Pere Marquette Railway, Director, 1872-1876
Webster, E. A. - Jackson, MI - Fort Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Railroad, Director, 1872-1876
Wells, H. G. - Kalamazoo, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Wesson, W. B. - Detroit, MI - Detroit, Lansing & Lake Michigan Railroad, Director, 1872
Wheaton, William - Kalamazoo, MI - Kalamazoo, Allegan & Grand Rapids Railroad, Division Superintendent, 1872
Kalamazoo & White Pigeon, Division Superintendent, 1872 - Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, Superintendent, 1872
White, Edgar - Port Huron, MI - Port Huron & Lake Michigan Railroad, Treasurer, Director, 1872
Chicago & Lake Huron, President, Director, 1873-1876
White, George - Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad, Director, 1872
Whitney, Channing - Adrian, MI - Adrian & State Line Railroad, Secretary, 1872 (Road not built)
Wilcox, E. R. - Rochester, MI - Detroit & Bay City Railroad, Secretary, Director, 1873
Wilcox, William S. - Adrian, MI - Adrian and Detroit Railroad, President, 1872 (Road not built, 12 miles graded as of 1872)
Williams, George F. - Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad, Vice President, Director, 1872-1875
Wilson, J. E. - Rochester, MI - Detroit and Bay City Railroad, Treasurer, 1872
Wing, Warner - Monroe, MI - Detroit, Monroe & Toledo, Director, 1873
Kalamazoo & White Pigeon, Director, 1872
Winnett, T. G. - Bay City, MI - Detroit & Mackinac Railway, Freight and Passenger Agent, 1901
Withington, William H. - Jackson, MI - Grand River Valley Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Wolf, John F. - Centreville, MI - Michigan Air Line Railroad, Director, 1872-1875
Wood, W. A. - Kalamazoo, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Director, 1873-1875
Woodward, L. - Rochester, MI - Detroit & Bay Cit Railroad, President, Director, 1872-1875
Wright, Ammi W. - Saginaw, MI - Saginaw Valley & St. Louis Railroad, Treasurer, Director, 1872-1875
Wright, D. G. - South Haven, MI - Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad, Director, 1875
Wright, James N. (W.) - Calumet, MI - Hecla & Torch Lake Railroad, Director, 1872-1876
Wright, H. M. - Toledo, OH - Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad, Detroit Division Superintendent, 1872
Detroit, Monroe and Toledo Railroad, Division Superintendent, 1872
Wright, Samuel - Hancock, MI - Mineral Range Railroad, Secretary, 1873
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The following sources are utilized in this website. [SOURCE-YEAR-MMDD-PG]:
- [AAB| = All Aboard!, by Willis Dunbar, Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids ©1969.
- [AAN] = Alpena Argus newspaper.
- [AARQJ] = American Association of Railroads Quiz Jr. pamphlet. © 1956
- [AATHA] = Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association newsletter "The Double A"
- [AB] = Information provided at Michigan History Conference from Andrew Bailey, Port Huron, MI