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- Hits: 216
Location: Grayling, MI - Salling, Hanson & Co.
The Salling, Hanson & Company was a major pine logging company in northern Michigan.
In 1884, the company operated the Pioneer Store, known as the "old reliable", carrying the most complete stock of Lumbermen's Supplies, north of Bay City. This included dry goods, ready made clothing, hats, caps, gloves, mittens, boots and shoes, and groceries of all kings. They also sold stoves, tinware, crockery, glassware, doors, sash, mouldings, brick, lime, lath and shingles. Bran, flour and feed, hay and oats, bran & corn. They manufacturer and dealing logs, lumber, lath and shingles and make "Long Bill Stuff" a specialty. [CCA-1886-0304]
Time Line
The following sources are utilized in this website. [SOURCE-YEAR-MMDD-PG]:
- [AAB| = All Aboard!, by Willis Dunbar, Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids ©1969.
- [AAN] = Alpena Argus newspaper.
- [AARQJ] = American Association of Railroads Quiz Jr. pamphlet. © 1956
- [AATHA] = Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association newsletter "The Double A"
- [AB] = Information provided at Michigan History Conference from Andrew Bailey, Port Huron, MI