Bay City, MI - Saginaw River Bridge (MC / H&E) ♦ ♣
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- Hits: 6987
Location: Saginaw River Bridge, Bay City, MI - (H&E)
This bridge, currently used by the Huron & Eastern Railroad, traverses the Saginaw River in downtown Saginaw. The bridge is a through truss movable swing bridge with a center pier. It has a 226 foot main span and 6 approach spans for a total length of 551 feet. It was built for the Detroit & Bay City (later Michigan Central) railroad.
The bridge was built by the Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Company in 1914 according to It replaced an earlier bridge.
The Alpena Argus reports that construction of this bridge, with concrete abutements was begin is 1872. It was called the Detroit & Bay City railroad bridge. {AArbus-12/12/1872]. It may have been rebuilt at a later date.
Photo info: Top (1970's) Dale Berry, Bottom (1983) Jim Slater
This is a fixed through truss bridge which swings in the center. It was built about 1905.
According to, the bridge is 245 feet long with a structural length of 660 feet. It has three approach spans and one main span. It was rehabilitated in 1925.
Time Line
1872. The Alpena Argus reports that construction of this bridge, with concrete abutments was begin is 1872. It was called the Detroit & Bay City railroad bridge. {AArbus-12/12/1872]. It may have been rebuilt at a later date.
1886. The steam barge A.A. Turner ran into the Michigan Central railroad bridge at 7 o'clock this morning. The east span was carried off its abutments for several feet and travel was suspended. All trains for Chicago and Mackinac were made up on the west side of the river, and baggage and passengers transferred bny means of hand cars. A force of men was put to work immediately and this afternoon the span was back in position. Trains will be able to cross tomorrow as usual. [DFDP-1886-0506]
1902. August 23. The Michigan Central bridge across the Saginaw River in Bay City was put out of commission today and passengers are being transferred in hacks between Bay and West Bay City. The barge Mary N. Bourke, of Detroit, was in tow to the Bay City drydock of Davidson's shipyard for extensive repairs. The barge, rudderless, was about to pass through the railroad bridge and the stern swung to the east. There being a long tow line, the tug could not prevent a collision.
The mammoth boat came square up against the end of the draw after breaking down a tier of heavy piles and raised the bridge up over three feet, breaking the main column in two and bending the iron braces in a number of places. The tender of the bridge says he believed for a few seconds that the swing was going into the river. The repairs to the bridge will be completed by Monday when traffic will be resumed. [DFP-1902-0824]
1914. The bridge was built by the Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Company according to
1925. The bridge was rehabilitated.
The following sources are utilized in this website. [SOURCE-YEAR-MMDD-PG]:
- [AAB| = All Aboard!, by Willis Dunbar, Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids ©1969.
- [AAN] = Alpena Argus newspaper.
- [AARQJ] = American Association of Railroads Quiz Jr. pamphlet. © 1956
- [AATHA] = Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association newsletter "The Double A"
- [AB] = Information provided at Michigan History Conference from Andrew Bailey, Port Huron, MI