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Interlocking: Beaubien Street Tower, Detroit, MI
Beaubien Street Tower was located on the Bay City Branch at Beaubien Street in Detroit's new center area. This tower was located between Spring Works and Milwaukee Junction on the MC, and between the Amtrak station and West Detroit on the GTW. The double-track MC line crossed the Grand Trunk Western branch here.
Photo info: Top, the Michigan Central Beaubien Tower, as photographed in 1986. The tower was unusual in that it had "moveable point diamonds", which were a necessity due to the severe angle of the diamond crossings. Normal open diamond points would have led to derailments. In the above photo, a southbound Grand Trunk engine set heads towards West Detroit. 2nd photo, taken in a north direction and provides a full view of the tower. [Both, Charlie Whipp]. 3rd photo, a model of the track diagram at Beaubien. [Mike Delaney collection], 4th photo is a Conrail track diagram of the crossing in 1993.
Location: 42o22.176'N / 83o04.058'W.
Interlocker and tower at Beaubien is owned by the four companies 25% each. It is maintained and operated by the MC which bills other roads for their share. Agreement date is January 1, 1912. [GT 1935 memorandum]
Time Line
1900. Railroad Commissioner Osborn took action to-day for better protection of the Citizens' Street Railway crossing with the Grand Trunk, Wabash, Michigan Central and Lake Shore tracks at Beaubien street. The commissioner ordered that the derailing switch, now operated by the street railway conductors, be connected with the railroad signal tower and operated by the men on duty there. This change will relieve the street car men of all responsibility for lost time at the crossing. [DFP-1900-0309]
1903. This was a Saxby-Farmer Lever machine installed by the Union Switch and Signal Co. It was referred to by the Lake Shore line as John R Street. [MCR-1904]
1909. Thomas Lakin, the switchman at the interlocking tower at Beaubien Street, had been charged with enticing two 10-year old girls into the tower. Lakin, 67 years old, excused his actions with the children whom he enticed into his switch tower, by offering a plea of senile dementia. At the time he was arrested, he was operating an interlocking switch for the MCRR where the GT and Lake Shore tracks converge. Lakin guarded 25 levers which were the safeguard of every passenger on 13 passenger trains daily, not to mention numerous freight trains and switch engines. Judge Phelan brought that element into the case. The defendant admitted that his position was a most important one, and also said that he had never mentioned any traces of insanity to his employers. The case, one of the vilest ever heard in the recorders court was adjourned until Wednesday. [DET-1909-0526]
1935: Beaubien Street Tower controlled the crossing and connection of the former MC and NYC tracks, as well as a crossing with the Wabash, and a junction with the west end of the MC's Peninsular Spur. [MC Detroit Terminal Timetable No. 76]
1935: Beaubien Tower was on Grade Line 2 (1 long and 2 short). Grade Line 2 also communicated with Belt Line Junction (2 long, 3 short), Milwaukee Junction (1 long, 3 short), North Yard (3 long, 1 short); West Detroit (2 short); and Vinewood Avenue Switch tender (1 long, 1 short). [MC Detroit Terminal Timetable No. 76]
The following sources are utilized in this website. [SOURCE-YEAR-MMDD-PG]:
- [AAB| = All Aboard!, by Willis Dunbar, Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids ©1969.
- [AAN] = Alpena Argus newspaper.
- [AARQJ] = American Association of Railroads Quiz Jr. pamphlet. © 1956
- [AATHA] = Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association newsletter "The Double A"
- [AB] = Information provided at Michigan History Conference from Andrew Bailey, Port Huron, MI