- Details
- Hits: 32
Railroad: Toledo, Saginaw & Mackinaw Railroad
Built → Toledo, Saginaw & Mackinaw railroad → Cincinnati, Saginaw & Mackinaw railroad
Built: 1888 - Durand to Bay City via Saginaw
Operated for 1 year.
Sold to: 1889 - Cincinnati, Saginaw & Mackinaw Railroad
Became: Grand Trunk Western in 1901
Reference: [MRRC]
Time Line
1887. July. Engineer Charles Holmes left this morning (from Saginaw) for Durand with a party of surveyors to make surveys of routes from that place to East Saginaw for the TS&M railroad. [SAG-1887-0718]
1887. July. Mr. Ashley's project is to continue the Saginaw & Durand railroad from Saginaw to West Bay City, then north between the MC and Detroit & Alpena roads. Instead of building north of Bay City, the paper speculates that the TS&M might connect with the Detroit & Alpena road at Alger. Ashley is with the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan. [AAN-1887-0720]
1887. July 23. Rumor in Durand is that the TS&M will avoid Durand and instead built 2.5 miles south and make a connection with the TSS&NM. They want better inducements from Durand to have the right-of-way and terminal facilities built there. The town of Flushing is attempting to raise a $25,000 bonus asked by the new company to have the road touch that place. [SAG-1887-0723]
1887. July. The old Saginaw county fair grounds near the race track, owned by Hon. John Welch, were sold yesterday to the TS&M. The city Common Counsel approved the TS&M right of way in East Saginaw. It will be 66 feet wide. The permission noted that no cars on Water street are to be moved by locomotive except between 9 o'clock p.m. and 6 o'clock a.m. An amendment was approved providing that the railroad shops shall be located in this city, which was accepted by the railroad officials. [SAG-1887-0729]
1887. August. The TS&M have secured 14 lots on Washington avenue opposite Bristol street for depot purposes. Talks are also underway with the Port Huron & Northwestern company to allow them to use the right of way and facilities of the TS&M. [SWC-1887-0811]
1887. September 30. Railroad Commissioner John T. Rich and members of the State Board of Railroad Crossings arrived at Saginaw and registered at the Bancroft. They toured the proposed route of the TS&M in the carriage of W.R. Burt to the various crossings made by the new road over the F&PM and MC railroads. The proposed crossings over the Saginaw & St. Clair railroad near Hoyt Park on King street, also several spur lines leading to the mills and which the F&PM strongly objects to as needless and too many. The MC objects on general principles to any crossing of their lines. The board will meet soon to act on the requests. [SAG-1887-0930]
1887. October 26. The state railroad crossing board approves the revised route of the TS&M in East Saginaw. [LSJ-1887-1026]
1887. December. The TS&M and the F&PM are involved in a bitter dispute in Saginaw Circuit Court restraining each other from interfering with construction of tracks in Saginaw. [LSJ-1887-1209] In December, the court rules in favor of the F&PM, noting testimony that the property in question has been owned by the railroad since 1872. [SAG-1887-1228]
1887. The stock of the TS&M railroad is now owned entirely by Saginaw capitalists, the seven-tenths interest held by Mr. Ashley of the TAA&NM road having been purchased from him. [SAG-1887-1227]
1887. December 29. The TS&M is now wholly in the hands of Saginaw capitalists. Owing to financial difficulties of the Ashley's in building the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan railroad, the Ashley's have sold their stock in the TS&M. The Ashley's had owned 30% of the stock. Initially it was thought that the TS&M would be operated by the TAA&NM but the action indicates such is not likely to result. [SWC-18l87-1229]
1888. March 6. Officials of the TS&M are negotiating for the purchase of W.H. Warner's residence, on South Washington avenue for depot purposes. The figures mentioned range between $8,000 and $10,000. It is one of East Saginaw's landmarks. [SAG-1888-0306] Some of the property was purchased but not the house. [SAG-1888-0409]
1888. March. Mr. Ashley, now of the Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon is in Saginaw, arranging to complete this line from Ashley east to Saginaw.. He is attempting to secure terminal facilities. The Chicago, Kalamazoo & Saginaw is also seeking to enter into Saginaw. [SWC-1888-0329] Editors note: Neither of these lines were successful in coming to Saginaw.
1888. March. Thomas Creswell has completed his contract for driving piles for the foundation of bridges on the TS&M line between East Saginaw and Durand, some 2,700 piles having been driven. [SAG-1888-0331]
1888. April. It has been rumored for some time that the Chicago & Grand Trunk railroad has been anxious to secure an entrance to the Saginaw's, and yesterday the report was strengthened by an assertion made on what seemed good authority that the company's desired object is about to be accomplished by means of the TS&M road. It was stated that a meeting had occurred between officers of the two roads and an arrangement reached by which the GT would be enabled to use the TS&M track from Durand to Saginaw. A News reporter interviewed some TS&M officers to learn what foundation there was for this statement but the gentlemen declared there is no truth, whatever in the rumor. No arrangement has been made with the GT or any other road to use the new line, nor was there any suggestion offered that such an arrangement is likely in the near future. [SAG-1888-0411]
1888. June. M.S. Stewart of Flint has been awarded the contract by the TS&M for the erection of five new depots, one in each of the following places: Foster's, Taymouth, Montrose, Lennon and Brent Creek. [SAG-1888-0601]
1888. June 25. The track of the TS&M railroad will be completed from Durand to Flushing by July 4, upon which a grand excursion will be run into the latter town. [SAG-1888-0625]
1888. July. The work of driving piles for the foundation of the TS&M depot, corner of Thompson and Franklin streets commenced this morning. The depot will have a frontage on Thompson street of 160' and 60' on Franklin. [SAG-1888-0718]
1888. August 1. J.M. Ashley and other officers of the Toledo, Saginaw & North Michigan railroad were in the city yesterday. It is stated that the Ashley's will make an effort to obtain possession of the TS&M railroad as soon as it is completed. [SAG-1888-0801]
1888. The near completion of the TS&M leads to considerable speculation among railroad people generally as to who is to control the road. The Grand Trunk people take it as settled that the road will be turned over to them, but the following from the New York Commercial Bulletin indicates that the Ashley's are in the east considered most likely to capture the road. The increased activity of the TAA&NM bonds in this market since the recent sale of a large block for extension to a local syndicate has caused greater attention to be made to the road's affairs.
For this reason there have been frequent inquiries concerning the report circulated for some days that the company proposes to acquire the Saginaw & Durand railroad probably by lease. The line, according to an official of the Ann Arbor company who has just returned from a thorough inspection. Whether the Ann Arbor gets control of the line or not, its location is proof that this line and the Ann Arbor will operate in perfect harmony and will furnish the shortest line from Toledo to Saginaw and Lake Huron. Ashley will not commit to a lease, but makes a statement as follows: "We have not made any arrangement with the [TS&M], which controls about 70 miles of road and we are not yet in position to speak concerning the probability of our making one. At all events, the road will be a valuable feeder".
1888. August 16. Hon. James J. Ashley and J.M. Ashley Jr. of Toledo., were in Saginaw yesterday. Their frequently pilgrimages to this city are understood to have reference to the new railroad about to be completed between this city and Durand, and which connects at the latter place with (their road) the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan. The new road would prove a valuable acquisition to the Ashley's. Businessmen in this city would be probably satisfied with such an arrangement, although many of them would prefer to have the TS&M line operated by the Grand Trunk system. [SWC-1888-0816]
1888. August 18. The last spike in the TS&M railroad between East Saginaw and Durand has been driven. Trains will be running regularly within 30 days. [SAG-1888-0818]
1888. August 23. The last rail on the TS&M railroad was laid Friday and a continuous length of steel unites East Saginaw and Durand. Ballasting will not be completed until September 15. The length of the line is 40 miles and there are 15 miles of sidings and spurs. Not a dime has been borrowed or bond issued for its construction, and the corporation is free from debt.
The original projectors of the TS&M were A.W. Wright, W.R. Burt, P.H. Ketcham, W.C. McClure, C.W. Wells, F.C. Stone and Thomas Merrill of the Saginaw's, and the Ashley's of Toledo. [SWC-1888-0823]
1888. August 23. A fight occurred at Flushing between American and Italian laborers employed on the TS&M railroad. During the fight a man named Joseph Quirk was stabbed and probably fatally injured by one of the Italians, who used a butcher's steel sharpened at the point. He was arrested and is now in jail at Flint waiting examination on a charge of attempted murder. Quirk has a bad stab in the back and another in the left side. [SAG-1888-0823]
1888. September. M.B. Wilkinson, Superintendent of the Saginaw, Tuscola & Huron railroad, has been appointed General Superintendent of the new TS&M road. The gentleman has all the necessary qualifications and a better appointment would be hard to make. [SAG-1888-0913]
1888. October 9. The leasing of the TS&M railroad to the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern railroad, known as the Ashley system, was consummated last evening, the former road entering into an operating contract with the latter, who are to equip the road in a first class manner with ample passenger service and rolling stock for freight purposes. This contract goes into effect October 15 for one year, and as long as it is in operation the line from Saginaw to Toledo will be the main one, thus giving a direct line into Toledo. It will throw open direct communication with the coal and oil fields of Pennsylvania and Ohio. The new depot will be so far completed by the 1th that it will be ready to receive passengers. [SAG-1888-1009]
1888. November. The TS&M is trying to lay a short branch south of Holland Street, east from Sheridan Street to almost Genesee Street. The stated purpose of the branch is to reach industry. But the unstated purpose is to give the Port Huron & Northwestern railroad a route to the TS&M depot downtown if they convert from narrow to standard gauge. The line must cross several industrial leads on the F&PM which is parallel. The F&PM is keeping a locomotive across the desired crossing to prevent the installation of a crossing diamond. [SAG-1888-1128]. Editors Note: This is east of the Sheridan interlocking. The PH&NW was not yet under F&PM control at this time. The matter was resolved in December.
1888. December. Bay City looks forward to the extension of the TS&M railroad to that point next summer, if they give proper terminal facilities. [SAG-1888-1210]
1889. January. W.R. Burt tells the Bay City Tribune that the TS&M has secured right-of-way for its road nearly the whole distance between Saginaw and Bay City and is now anxious to be given a fair show to get into that place. But it is difficult to secure this at present as the Battle Creek road (Bay City & Battle Creek railroad) appears to have been given a monopoly of Water street by the Common Council. The TS&M will try to find a remedy for "the evil" and then the road will be pushed on towards Mackinaw. [SAG-1889-0107]
1889. January 13. It is rumored that a deal is being about closed, by which the Canada & St. Louis railroad purchases the TS&M road from Saginaw to Durand. C.P. Huntington is said to be behind the deal, and the line from Bay City now running to Midland will be extended toward the Straits instead of to Battle Creek. [DFP-1889-0113] On January 15, this was labeled as a false report by the TS&M. [SAG-1889-0115]
1889. January. It is probable the BC&BC railroad and the TS&M will agree upon terminals in Bay City, which include the joint right of way down Water Street. [SWC-1889-0124]
1889. April 2. The TS&M begins work tomorrow on driving piles for a new railroad bridge across the Saginaw River from the foot of Thompson street. The bridge will be of iron, estimated cost of $25,000 and expected to be complete in July. [SAG-1889-0402]
1889. April 20. W.R. Burt will be travelling to England to place some bonds for the TS&M railroad with London bankers. [SAG-1889-0420]
1889. April 25. The GT believes to have closed a deal to purchase the Toledo, Saginaw & Mackinaw railroad. The Detroit Evening News says "...it is generally understood that the road now belongs to the GT system. Despite its high-sounding name, it is but a short line of 39 miles. It was built by W.R. Burt in his antagonism to the Flint & Pere Marquette." It was understood when it was completed that the GT would operate it and eventually buy it. But Ashley has been operating it for the last year. [SAG-1889-0425]
1889. April 27. In an interview with ex-Congressman S.O. Fisher of Bay City, answered a query "What is to become of the road when the lease held by the Ashley's expires?". He said "I haven't the least doubt but that it will go to the Grand Trunk people. It was a grievous disappointment to them when the Canadian Pacific gobbled up the Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic. Why, the Grand Trunk had officials out looking over that line of road the very day the sale was made. It cut them out of a vast amount of traffic from the Northwest and was a severe blow to their proposed plans of operation. Now they want the Durand road with a view to extending it north to the 'Soo' and ultimately to Marquette. This is the one way in which they can recover the ground lost through the capture of the South Shore road by the CP, and I haven't the least doubt but the GT will be the purchaser of the Durand line."
Is it to complete such an arrangement that Mr. Burt has gone to England? "No, sir. I am thoroughly satisfied that railroad matters do not enter into Mr. Burt's mission to the other side. Any business with the GT must be transacted at the headquarters of the company in Toronto. Any conference with English stockholders would be attended to by the proper officials of the road. I am satisfied that Mr. Burt went abroad in the interest of the salt trust. It would not take him five or six weeks to arrange for the placing of a few railroad bonds, yet he informed me that his business in England would occupy that length of time." [SAG-1889-0427]
1889. May 6. It is said the TAA&NM will not purchase the TS&M when the latter's lease expires in July. It will be secured by the GT and extended to Mackinaw in order to forestall possible competition by Kalamazoo, Saginaw & Mackinaw and St. Louis & Canada railroads to the Straits of Mackinaw. [SAG-1889-0506]
1889. September 5. The papers have been made out and signed by which the TAA&NM road will buy from what is known as the Saginaw construction company the Durand branch of said road, known as the TS&M railroad. It is to be transferred to the Ashley's when the construction company completes the extension to Oataka Beach, 20 miles north. The terms were not given but the construction company's capital stock is $1 million. The Grand Trunk has been trying to get the road, but the Ashley's outbid that corporation. [LDP-1889-0905]
1889. October. The TAA&NM is hauling nearly all the salt for the Michigan Salt Association at the Saginaw end of the river. [SCH-1889-1024]
1889. December 29. Articles of association of the Cincinnati, Saginaw & Mackinaw railroad company were filed today. The incorporators are A.W. Wright, W.R. Burt, P.S. Ketcham, W.C. McClure, F.C. Stone and C.H. Davis, all of Saginaw, and the capital stock is $5 million.
The incorporators are practically the same as those now owning what is known as the Toledo, Saginaw & Mackinaw railroad constructed from Durand to Saginaw and West Bay City, and which for years past has been operated by the TAA&NM. The object of the new corporation is to avoid confusion of names with the Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon, the initials of both roads being the same viz: "TS&M" and also to effect a change in the southern terminus of the road, which will be built to Cincinnati instead of Toledo, as at first intended, thus giving a longer line and more valuable outlet.
The road will also be extended to Mackinaw and a portion of the line has already been surveyed. The TAA&NM surrendered the line on January 1 and the road from Durand to West Bay City will be operated by the CS&M, rolling stock having been ordered. The operating officers of the new road will be selected Monday. [DFP-1889-1229]
The following sources are utilized in this website. [SOURCE-YEAR-MMDD-PG]:
- [AAB| = All Aboard!, by Willis Dunbar, Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids ©1969.
- [AAN] = Alpena Argus newspaper.
- [AARQJ] = American Association of Railroads Quiz Jr. pamphlet. © 1956
- [AATHA] = Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association newsletter "The Double A"
- [AB] = Information provided at Michigan History Conference from Andrew Bailey, Port Huron, MI