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Railroad: Leelanau Transit Company
The Leelanau Transit Company was purchased the lines of the Traverse City, Leelanau & Manistique from Traverse City to Northport in 1919. The same year, the lines were leased to the Manistee & Northeastern and later to the Pere Marquette and Chesapeake & Ohio.
The C&O surrendered the lease around 1982, and the LT subsequently operated under its own name beginning in 1992 as the Leelanau Scenic railroad. The lines were abandoned about 1995. [MRL]
Traverse City, Leelanau & Manistique → Leelanau Transit Company → Manistee & Northeastern railroad
From: Traverse City, Leelanau & Manistique (Hatch's to Northport) in 1919.
Became: Manistee & Northeastern - 1919.
Reference: [MRRC]
Photo Info: An early photo of the stone depot at Sutton's Bay. [Alan Loftis collection].The railroad had a similar stone depot at Northport.
Later became part of the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad in 1955.
The Leelanau Scenic Railroad ran over these tracks after they were abandoned by the C&O.
Time Line
1919. June 7. The Traverse City, Leelanau & Mackinac railroad has been purchased from the Detroit Trust company by a Leelanau county organization and will be hereafter be known as the Leelanau Transit company, according to announcement made in Traverse City Saturday. The purchase price was $65,000. It was accepted when a committee waited upon officials of the Detroit Trust company who had dropped the price from $110,000 to $80,000 and then accepted the final offer, $65,000 when it was made plain that this was all that Leelanau county could raise.
Immediately thereafter Senator W. W. Smith's bill to remit taxes on the road was presented in Lansing and in record time had passed both houses and gone to the governor for his signature. Taxes were remitted by the bill total $38,000 though the actual tax which has not been paid since 1905 is $18,000 the rest being penalties and interest.
The road will be operated by the Manistee & Northeastern and train service will be started at once. The nature of the service will be announced later. [DFP-1919-0608]
1923. The receivers of the M&NE are authorized by the MPSC to lease the Leelanau Transit Co. for one year unless the lease is terminated by the U.S. district court,. The line extends from Hatch's Crossing to Northport. [MPSC-1923]
The following sources are utilized in this website. [SOURCE-YEAR-MMDD-PG]:
- [AAB| = All Aboard!, by Willis Dunbar, Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids ©1969.
- [AAN] = Alpena Argus newspaper.
- [AARQJ] = American Association of Railroads Quiz Jr. pamphlet. © 1956
- [AATHA] = Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association newsletter "The Double A"
- [AB] = Information provided at Michigan History Conference from Andrew Bailey, Port Huron, MI