- Details
- Hits: 2474
Railroad: Lansing Manufacturers Railroad Company
Built → Lansing Manufacturers Railroad → LS&MS and NYC → New :York Central
Built: 1905.
Became: 50% to Michigan Central, 50% to Lake Shore & Michigan Southern in 1905.
Reference: [MRRC]
It was reported that this railroad was built by the Olds Motor Works, Old Engine Works and the American Suction Gas Producer Co., for the purpose of providing rail service to a new Oldsmobile plant on the west side of Lansing. Upon inception, the railroad interchanged with the Michigan Central, Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, Pere Marquette and Grand Trunk Western. [DFP-7/2/1905]
This railroad runs adjacent and parallel to Clare Street on the west side of Lansing, before turning northeast and east along the Pere Marquette railroad to North Lansing.
Time Line
1905. March. A construction contract is let for this railroad to the W.E. Tench & Co. of Detroit, a distance of six miles. Work will begin as soon as frost is out of the ground. [RG-1905-0331][LSJ-1905-0318]
1905. April 26. Grading is complete and the road is expected to be open no later than June 15. The bridge over the Grand River a little over a mile below the Seymour St. bridge will be the principal factor in delaying operation. The pile driver which is to be used for construction is being placed in position today and the piles and timbers will be delivered next week. As far as was possible, all materials used and labor employed have been obtained in this city. The steel work for the bridge is to be furnished by the Jarvis Co., while another local concern furnishes the fencing used along the line. [LSJ-1905-0426]
1905. July 17. Wanted-50 men. Apply at coal dock Olds Gasoline Engine Works at 6:00 tomorrow morning for work on the Lansing Manufacturers' railroad. Jno. S. Potter, Foreman. [LSJ-1905-0717]
1905. The Union Trust Company sells 5% bonds to fund the Lansing Manufacturers' Railroad, described as a terminal railway. The 25-year bonds pay 5%. The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern and Michigan Central lease the line and pay 4% rental. Taxes, renewals, additional sidings and all other expenses are paid by the railroads and all betterments revert to the Lansing Manufactures' Railroad at the termination of the lease.
The President of the Manufacturers Railroad is James H. Seager; and the road is owned by the Olds Motor Works, the Olds Gasoline Engine Works and the American Suction Gas Producer Company. Union Trust recommends these bonds: Price to net 4 1/2 per cent. [DFP-1905-0923]
1930. The MC and LS&MS renew their lease on this line for an additional 30 years. [DFP-1930-0813]
The following sources are utilized in this website. [SOURCE-YEAR-MMDD-PG]:
- [AAB| = All Aboard!, by Willis Dunbar, Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids ©1969.
- [AAN] = Alpena Argus newspaper.
- [AARQJ] = American Association of Railroads Quiz Jr. pamphlet. © 1956
- [AATHA] = Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association newsletter "The Double A"
- [AB] = Information provided at Michigan History Conference from Andrew Bailey, Port Huron, MI