Railroad: Detroit, Bay City and Alpena Railroad Company

Bay City & Alpena railroadDetroit, Bay City & Alpena railroadDetroit & Mackinac railroad

Reorganized: BC&A in 1883. Line from Prescott to East Tawas.

Operated: 11 Years

Became: D&M in 1894.

Reference: [MRRC]


Bought the Black River Railroad in 1886. Line completed from Alger to Alpena in 1886.

Time Line

1883. There was organized yesterday the DBC&A railroad with Gen. R.A. Alger as President and General Manager, and John S. Newberry as Secretary and Treasurer. Some time ago these gentlemen purchased the Tawas & Bay County Railway, and afterward became the owners of the franchise of the Bay CIty & Alpena Railway Company. Since then, the articles of association of these two companies have been so amended as to make feasible the company just organized, and the new articles go into effect today, 

The Tawas & Bay County Railroad last fall purchased a large number of cars, 13 miles of steel track and a new Mogul engine from the Baldwin Locomotive Works. They now have 134 cars and 20 miles of 50 pound steel rail, besides ordering a heavy Mogul engine, which will make the 5th in the company's service. The present road, which is 28 miles long, extends from East Tawas towards and within 9¼ miles of Wells Station on the Mackinaw division of the Michigan Central, and this line is being re-laid. The road also has 12 miles of branches.

The company has no immediate plans for extending the road to a junction with the Michigan Central. The general business of the road now is the hauling of logs to Tawas. If, however, sufficient encouragement is met, the line will be extended and a passenger business done between Wells and Tawas before the end of this season. 

Should the Oscoda and Au Sable people be wiling to hold out the inducements formerly offered the Bay City & Alpena Railroad, it is strongly probable that the road will be completed to Au Sable this year.

The road is at present a narrow gauge one and will remain so, but it is being fitted with ties of standard length, and its bridges are so constructed that they are sufficiently strong to hold any sized train. Thus it is possible to change the gauge at any future time. The cars are all 8 feet in width and the running gear so constructed as to make the least possible expense in the change.

Milo Eastman, who has been for many years connected with the Detroit, Lansing & Northern, has been engaged in the capacity of General Superintendent, and will take charge of the road the present week. A.P. McCaul, a brother of J.C. McCaul, Secretary of the Alger, Smith & Co., has gone to Tawas to take charge of the books, finances, etc. of the company. [DFP-1883-0403]

1887. March 9. The railroad company have their telephone line completed between Alger and Black River, and will soon have it extended to this city (Alpena). The wire used is No. 9 telegraph wire, and can thus be used if a regular telegraphic system is used. It will be of great convenience to those who have business with the various trains, when the entire line is completed. [AArgus-1887-0309]

1889. August. It is rumored that General Alger is about to dispose of the Detroit, Bay City & Alpena railroad to the Grand Trunk for a northern outlet to their Durand road. [PHTH-1889-0803] Editor's Note: This did not occur.

1893. October 4. The DBC&A railroad company has not paid its employees for the last two months. It is expected that it will soon be able to pay the wages due. As the winter season commences its business improves. [AArgus-1893-1004]

1894. April 25. The Michigan Central train dispatcher came to town [Alpena] Saturday, in a special car, having done so at the request of the superintendent of the Detroit, Bay City & Alpena railroad, his mission being to test the efficiency of various station agents along the road in regard to the new system of moving trains, soon to go into effect. The telephone system was used from the time the road was first built, and it is to be replaced by the telegraph; hence every station master has to be able to send and receive messages by telegraph. [AArgus]

1894. August 22. The DBC&A bridge across the dam (in Alpena) is being repaired. [AArgus-1894-0822]

1894. October 7. The DBC&A railroad will be sold under mortgage foreclosure at Alpena on November 8. [DFP-1894-1007]

1894. November 9. Sold for $1,000,000. Alpena, Michigan. The Detroit, Bay City & Alpena Railroad was sold to-day (November 8) to representatives of Drexel, Morgan & Co., of New York for the bondholders, for $1,000,000. The firm holds $1,750,000 worth of bonds, and could not allow any other company to outbid it.

The road will probably be extended to Bay City from a point near Tawas, and to Mackinaw; taking in Rogers City and Cheboygan, from the terminus of the Alpena & Northern Railroad. The opinion prevails that the two roads will be consolidated as the Northern holds the right of way privileges, that are considered very valuable. In case the road is extended to Bay City, it will meet the Cincinnati, Saginaw & Mackinaw at the Kawkawlin river, five miles north of West Bay City.

The Alpena & Northern is only about fifty miles long, extending from Alpena to McPhee. [DFP]

1895. January 1. The reorganization of the DBC&A railroad under the name of the Detroit & Mackinaw (sic) was no great surprise in Bay City. It has been known that the bondholders for whom the road was recently purchased by the representative of Drexel, Morgan & Co. could not sell or operate the road to a profit with Alpena and Alger as the ends of the line.

Bay Cityans have been looking for an extension of the road to this city for several years. It is figured here that the D&M company will purchase the Alpena & Northern, and extend the northern end to Mackinaw, and the southern end to West Bay City, along with the bay shore east of the MC. The CS&M road has a track as far north as the Kawkawlin river, and it is probable that this strip, five miles in length, may pass into the control of the D&M, and that a crossing of the river will be made at a point selected by the F&PM railroad near Essexville. It is also considered more than probable that the Bay City & Alpena road will make running arrangements with the F&PM, giving it an outlet to Detroit and Toledo. It is also suspected that the D&M and F&PM may become chains in the projected road of Senator Brice from Duluth to the gulf. [DFP-1895-0101]


The following sources are utilized in this website. [SOURCE-YEAR-MMDD-PG]:

  • [AAB| = All Aboard!, by Willis Dunbar, Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids ©1969.
  • [AAN] = Alpena Argus newspaper.
  • [AARQJ] = American Association of Railroads Quiz Jr. pamphlet. © 1956
  • [AATHA] = Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association newsletter "The Double A"
  • [AB] = Information provided at Michigan History Conference from Andrew Bailey, Port Huron, MI

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