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Humorous Nicknames of Michigan Railroads
(Sobriquets, pseudonyms, aliases | All from Le Roy Barnet, unless noted)
Amboy, Lansing & Traverse Bay (AL&TB)
Awfully Long & Terribly Bumpy
Cadillac & Lake City (C&LC)
Catastrophe & Lost Cause
Chicago & North Western (C&NW)
Cheap & Nothing Wasted
Chicago, Kalamazoo & Saginaw (CK&S)
Cuss, Kick & Swear
Detroit & Mackinac (D&M)
Defeated & Maltreated
Detroit, Toledo & Ironton (DT&I)
Darn Tired & Irksome
Down Trodden & Infirm
Henry Ford's Railroad
Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic (DSS&A)
Damn Small Salary & Abuse
Damn Slow Service & Abuse
Dead Slow Service & Agony
Delayed, Short-Steamed & Antiquated
Damn Slow and Sure Awful
Damn Slow, Shabby Affair
Empire & Southeastern (E&SE)
Empire Slow & Easy
Empire & Something Else
Escanaba & Lake Superior (E&LS)
Easy, Lazy & Slow
Grand Rapids & Indiana (GR&I)
Go Ragged & Independent
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern (LS&MS)
Long Stops & Muddy Stations
Long Suffering & Much Sorrow
Large Stations & Miserable Salaries
Less Sleep & More Speed
Lake Superior & Ishpeming (LS&I)
Lazy, Slow & Independent
Manistee & Northeastern (M&NE)
- Manistee & Nowhere Else [from retired C&O employee via Mark Hershoren]
Manistique & Lake Superior (M&LS)
- The Haywire [from Mike Repp]
- Muck & Loon Shit
Pere Marquette (PM)
Poor Management
Pontiac, Oxford & Northern (PO&N)
Poor, Old & Neglected
Pants, Overalls & Necktie
Port Huron & Detroit (PH&D)
Poor, Hungry & Destitute
Intellectual Line (PhD)
Toledo & Western (T&W)
Teeter & Wooble
Tired & Weary
Le Roy Barnett retired in 2001 as an archivist with the State of Michigan Archives. Throughout his career, Dr. Barnett made note of railroad trivia as well as interesting railroad facts which he has shared with RRHX. We hope that you enjoy reading them. Many of these "sayings", slogans, film names will bring back memories for you. If you have other factual bits of trivia to add, there is a hot-link on each page for you to use.
The following sources are utilized in this website. [SOURCE-YEAR-MMDD-PG]:
- [AAB| = All Aboard!, by Willis Dunbar, Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids ©1969.
- [AAN] = Alpena Argus newspaper.
- [AARQJ] = American Association of Railroads Quiz Jr. pamphlet. © 1956
- [AATHA] = Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association newsletter "The Double A"
- [AB] = Information provided at Michigan History Conference from Andrew Bailey, Port Huron, MI