Mine: Himrod Hematite Mine, Negaunee, MI

Began → Himrod Hematite Mine → Mary Charlotte Mine (part)

Operated for 1 year.

From: 1873

Location: NW 1/4 and SE in Section 7 of T47N-R26W. West of Partridge Junction, south of Rolling Mill road.

Owned by: Himrod Hematite Company

Produced: Iron Ore, magnetite, hematite and geothite.

Method: Shaft (1).

Railroad connection:

Stamp Mill/Pellet Plant:

Until: 1874 ceased operations.

Lifetime Production: 5,065 tons.

Source: [DIG]


Just south of the Rolling Mill Mine. Also known as Orion Mine.

Formally included NE-SE Sec. 7 which has long been a part of the Mary Charlotte.

Time Line


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