- Details
- Hits: 2740
Mine: Maas Mine, Negaunee, MI
Began → Maas Mine → Became
Operated for 47+ Years
From: 1903
Location: Part of NW-NW Sec. 5; part of N 1/2-N 1/2 Sec. 6 of T47N-R26W; E 1/2-E 1/2-SW, SE Sec. 31 and part of W 1/2-SW Sec. 32 of T48N-R26W
Owned by: Cleveland Cliffs Mining Co.
Produced: Iron Ore, soft, red, bessemer and non-bessemer. Crushed.
Method: Underground shaft. Worked by top-slicing and caving method. Greatest depth, 1,438 feet.
Railroad connection: LS&I to Empire Mill and Presque Isle dock.
Stamp Mill/Pellet Plant: Empire pellet plant in later years.
Until: At least 1950 but continues.
Lifetime Production: 16,043,021 tons between 1907-1950.
Discovered by George Mass and leased to the cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co. in 1901. Shaft started sinking in 1902. First shipment in 1907.Work was started on this mine in January, 1901 with drilling operations on an extensive scale. Sinking of the shaft began in 1903. A steel head frame was erected in 1907 and a permanent surface plant was completed in 1908.
The ore hoist was a first motion Corliss 20"x48" and operates two skips at up to 2,400' per minute. The skip carries four tons of ore.
The cage hoist is a smaller Corliss 14"x24" and operates at 700 feet per minute.
Compressed air is provided by a Corliss compound condensing, two-stage machine. It furnishes air for the Maas and Negaunee mines.
The mine has an electric railroad operated by a 100kw generator driven by a tandem compound, high speed engine 11" and 20"x14" stroke which operates condensing. The mine has six and 1/2 ton locomotives which are used underground on a 30" gauge track with 40 lb. rail.
Includes Race Course tract.
Time Line
1902. The Michigan Railroad Commission approves an extension by the LS&I to Maas Mine with two crossings of the Duluth, South SHore & Atlantic railroad, both of such crossings to be protected by first-class interlockers. [PHTH-1902-0523]