- Details
- Hits: 2147
Mine: Volunteer Mine (Old), Palmer, MI
Palmer Mine/Emma Mine → Old Volunteer Mine → Became
Operated for 35 years.
From: 1871
Location: SE and S 1/2-SW Sec. 30 and N 1/2-N 1/2 Sec. 31 of T47N-R26W
Owned by: Donora Iron Co., then Volunteer Iron Co. (Piickands Mather & Co. agent)
Produced: Iron Ore
Method: Underground, caving system. Maximum depth 600 feet.
Railroad connection: DSS&A to Marquette dock; C&NW to Escanaba dock.
Until: 1906
Lifetime Production: 1,705,971 tons between 1871 and 1916.
Source: [LSIO-1950]
Sometimes refered to as the Maitland-Volunteer mine.
Includes Palmer mine, formerly known as Howe and Cascade mint which was operated by Donora Iron Col. with shipments in 1896 and 1906. Shiipments 1871-1907 made by Volunteer Iron Co.; 1911-1916 by Volunteer Ore Co. N 1/2-NW Sec. 31 sometimes called the West End mine. NE-NE Sec 31 once part of Emma mine property (E 1/2-NE)
Time Line