Mine: Pioneer Mine, Negaunee, MI

Pioneer Opening, Jackson Mine → Pioneer Mine → Jackson Mine

Operated for 2 years.

From: 1886

Location: NW-SW Sec. 4 of T47N-R26W

Owned by: Pioneer Iron Co. under lease from Iron Cliffs Co.. Interest by the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co.

Produced: Iron Ore

Method: Underground - 1 shaft.. Surface workings.

Railroad connection: 

Until: 1888

Lifetime Production: 15,409 tons from 1886-1888

Source: [LSIO-1950]


Known as the Pioneer Opening. At the Jackson Mine in Negaunee.

Worked by the Iron Cliffs Company, Output included in the Jackson Mine totals.


Time Line

1886. Mine oppened.

1888. Mine closed.

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