- Details
- Hits: 2873
Mine: James Mine, Iron River, MI
Osana Mine → Spies Mine → James Mine → Became
Operated for 48 years.
From: 1906
Location: N 1/2-NE Sec. 23 and NW-NW Sec. 24 (Spies Mine) of T43N-R35W.
Owned by: Mineral Mining Co., then James Mining Co. in 1925, Pickands Mather & Co. operating.
Produced: Iron Ore, soft, yellow, high phosphorus. Some crushed.
Method: Underground, worked by stoping and sub-level caving method. 2 shafts. Depth: 900 feet.
Railroad connection: C&NW to port of Escanaba.
Until: 1954
Lifetime Production: 8,326,342 tons 1906 through 1954. Continues. Adjoining Wauseca property may have been part of this between 1911 and 1922.
Adjoins the Davidson #2 and #3 mines on the north, and the Davidson #1 on the west. [SMG-1967]
Connected at the lower levels with the Davidson mine.
Time Line
1906. Mine opened
1936. Shipping from stockpiles was speeded up as four mines put their shovels on a heavy operating schedule. The properties loading from ore in stock were the Bates and Hiawatha, the James and the Forbes. According to railroad officials, it was estimated that 60 cars, each containing from 48 to 50 tons would be loaded at each mine. This is the heaviest tonnage to be sent to the Escanaba docks so early in the season since 1928. In addition to loading from stockpiles, all active mines are shipping from the pockets. [IDG-1936-0505]