- Details
- Hits: 2939
Mine: Michigan Mine, Amasa, MI
Gibson Mine → Michigan Mine → Warner Mine
Operated for 23 years.
From: 1893
Location: NE-NW Sec. 9 of T44N-R33W
Owned by: Oliver Iron Mining Co. Leased in 1948 by North Range mining Co.
Produced: Iron Ore, hard, brown, high phosphorus. Part shipped as lump iron.
Method: Underground. Depth: 656 feet.
Railroad connection: C&NW to Escanaba ore dock.
Until: 1916.
Lifetime Production: 350,270 tons between 1893-1916.
Source: [LSIO-1950]
Time Line
1897. The Michigan Mine is closed at Amasa and may be sold. The mine has been inactive for a couple of years. It has two shafts, the deeper being 150 feet, and promising ore bodies have been met with. The ore is of a non-Bessemer grade. The mine has no railroad connections and the ore is hauled in wagons to the North-Western tracks. [DD-1897-0501]
1902. John Fisher has taken a large contract to put in cordwood for the Michigan mine and will start work immediately. He has purchased some timber on the Milwaukee road and will ship over that line. [DD-1902-0125]
1911. The Michigan is located at Amasa, Iron County, Mich., and is operated by the Oliver Iron Mining Company. This property is in the same geological formation as is the Dober. To the East, which would be in its footwall, is a magnetic slate which can be readily traced with the magnetic needle, though the magnetic dip is not large. This slate is in the footwall of the Hemlock and Gibson also. East of the magnetic slate is the Hemlock greenstone. The Michigan formation clips west at a high angle and the strike is nearly north and south. The ore is high in phosphorus, as are the other ores of the same formation.
The mine is operated through one shaft, known as No. 2. This shaft is incline and has three compartments, two for skips and one for ladderway, pipes, etc. The equipment at this shaft consists of the following: One 12”x14” simple duplex slide valve reversible hoisting engine, geared to drum 6 feet in diameter with face 4’ 8”, one straight line, simple steam, single stage air compressor, steam and air cylinders 12”x30” and one 250 H. P. water tube boiler. [LSMI-1911]
1950. Now included in Warner Mine.