- Details
- Hits: 2443
Mine: Hamilton Mine, Iron Mountain, MI
Began → Hamilton Mine → Chapin Mine (1894)
Operated for 10 years.
From: 1883
Owned by: Hamilton Mining Co. (John T. Jones)
Produced: Iron Ore
Method: Shaft
Railroad connection:
Until: 1893. Closed due to flooding
Lifetime Production:
Hamilton Mine was an iron ore mine located near Iron Mountain, MI in Dickenson County.
NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 30, T40N-R30W.
Opened in 1886.
Became part of the Chapin Mine after 1894.
Time Line
1891. A Rochester hoisting plant will be placed at the 1,325 feet level of No. 1 to hoist from the deep winze going to the 1,490 feet level. A cage will be put into the winze and ore hoisted from the location will be dumped from the cars into the skips. Some trouble has been experienced from water but will soon be remedied and drifting and cross cutting will be vigorously pushed. At No. 2, about 50 feet will be sunk this month, the shaft is now about 1,165 feet deep. [DD-1891-0627]
1893. Work of pumping out the Hamilton-Ludington mines has been stopped until the ore market warrants a further outlay of money. The company has expended $80,000 in pumping. The mine has an inflow of 900 gallons per minute. [LAS-1893-0729]
1894. Purchased by Chapin Mining Co. Pumped out and connected to the Chapin. [UPM]