- Details
- Hits: 2635
Mine: Trader Mine, Antoine, MI
Began → Trader Mine → Became
Operated for:
From: 1895
Location: S 1/2 of SW 1/4 of Section 17, T40N-R30W.
Owned by: Antoine Ore Company
Produced: Iron Ore
Method: Underground.
Railroad connection:
Stamp Mill/Pellet Plant:
Lifetime Production:
Photo info: A view of an adit entrance to Traders Mine, late 1800's. [MINART]
The Traders Mine was an iron ore mine located at Antoine, MI in Dickenson County.
See also Antoine Mine and Clifford Mine.
Time Line
1895. Mine is opened.
1911. This company is operating the Clifford-Traders Mine, located on Sections 17 and 20, Town 40, Range 30, near Iron Mountain. The mine is worked open pit and the present depth of the shaft is 135 feet. The ore is crushed before being shipped, a No. 7½ Gates crusher handling the product as mined. Frank Carbis of Iron Mountain is superintendent. [LSMI-1911]