Mine: Titan Mine, Michigamme, MI

Began → Titan Mine → Became

Operated for 4 years.

From: 1882

Location: Two lots comprising that part of N 1/2-SE Sec. 21 of T48N-R31W not occupied by Beaufort Lake.

Owned by: S.P. Burt. Explored in 1900 by Cleveland-Cliffs Iron co.

Produced: Iron Ore

Method: Underground.

Railroad connection: DSS&A to Marquette dock.

Until: 1888

Lifetime Production: 90,371 tons between 1882-1888.

Reference: [LSIO-1950]


Opened in 1882. shipped every year through 1888. Was operated by a company of which S. P. Burt was President. 

Time Line

1900. Explored by the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co. [LSIO-1952]

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