Mine: Indiana Mine, Mass, MI

Began → Indiana Mine → Closed

Operated for 3 years.

From: 1862

Owned by: Indiana Mining Co.

Produced: Copper Ore

Method: Shafts.

Railroad connection:

Stamp Mill/Smelter:

Until: 1865

Lifetime Production: None known.


An underground copper mine consisting of two shafts between Mass City and Twin Lakes, MI in Ontonagon County. The Indiana Mining Co. was organized in 1862 and worked for three years until 1865. No copper is known to have been produced during this time. The company reorganized in 1909, but no rock was milled and the mine was abandoned. Copper and datolite can be found here. [MINDAT]

Time Line

1910. December. Rails have been laid to the Indiana Mine. This track is short and are only a couple  of the many spurs built by the COPR to the mines and lumber camps. [CN-1910-1208]

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