Mine: King Philip Mine, Winona, MI

Began → King Philip Mine → Winona Mine

Operated for:

From: 1864

Owned by: King Philip Mining Co.

Produced: Copper Ore


Railroad connection:

Stamp Mill/Smelter:


Lifetime Production: 


An underground copper mine consisting of two shafts located in the town of Winona, southeast of Houghton in Ontonagon County. The King Philip Mining Co. was organized in 1864. Work at the mine was sporadic in nature. In 1911, after the reorganization of the Winona Copper Co., King Philip was absorbed. King Philip, like Winona, worked the Winona Amygdaloid which was thought to be the southern extension of the famous Isle Royale Lode. Minerals found here include copper and datolite. [MINDAT]

Time Line


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