Mine: Tecumseh Mine, Calumet, MI

Began → Tecumseh Mine → Became

Operated for:


Owned by: 

Produced: Iron Ore

Method: Underground shaft (1).

Railroad connection:

Stamp Mill/Smelter:


Lifetime Production: 


South of Calumet.

Possibly: 47.217630, -88.471321

The Tecumseh Mine was sunk (1 shaft) just south of the Osceola Mine, south of Calumet. The mine was never profitable.

Time Line

1896. April 1. The worst storm of the season raged throughout the Copper country last night. A locomotive on the Mineral Range railroad got stuck this morning at Tecumseh, delaying the passenger train forty minutes. It is snowing and blowing hard tonight. Railroad may be blockaded in the morning. All trains are on time toniught. [DFP-1896-0402]

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