- Details
- Hits: 2745
Mine: Albion Mine, Calumet, MI
Began → Albion Mine → Became
Operated for: 3 years.
From: 1853
Owned by: Albion Mining Company, then Cacique Mining Co.
Produced: Copper Ore
Method: 3 Underground shafts and an adit.
Railroad connection: None.
Stamp Mill/Smelter: On site.
Until: Mid-1850's.
Lifetime Production:
SE ¼ of Section 35, T36N-R55W.
Albion Mine was an underground copper mine in Calumet/Laurium. This was an unprofitable mine which had three shafts and an adit. It was first worked in 1853.
One opening known as the silver shaft because of the profusion of that metal. Company spent too much money on surface before opening the mine and failed in the mid-1850's. [CHBK]
Time Line
1854. Built a 16-stamp mill.