Mine: Red Jacket Mine, Calumet, MI 

Began Red Jacket Mine → Became

Operated for:

From: 1889

Owned by: Calumet & Hecla Mining Company

Produced: Copper Ore


Railroad connection:

Stamp Mill/Smelter:


Lifetime Production: 


Red Jacket Mine, known as the Red Jacket shaft of the Calumet & Hecla mine was begun in 1889 as a means to access to the lowest levels of the C&H mine on the north end of the district. The shaft is located just northwest of the village of Calumet.

Note: "Red Jacket" was the original name for what is now known as Calumet, Michigan.

Times Line

May 14, 1893. Red Jacket Shaft Mine, Calumet, Houghton Co. - Overwind of hoisting cage causing 10 fatalities.

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