2025-0101 - Happy New Year to everyone. Since the last update, we have posted about 200 additional old photographs to the history section of the website, and numerous news reports from over one hundred years ago. We have also created a one-page reference guide to find your way to railroad history in Michigan. Click here: michiganrailroads.com - What Are You Looking For. Also, Dale Berry, Editor will be presenting at the May 8th meeting of the Michigan Railroad Club about how to use michiganrailroads.com.
2024-0830 - Under the maps menu, there are now 3 submenus. One for County Maps, one for Regional Maps, and one for Other Maps. Eight regional maps have been added. These also appear under station maps, but are now organized in one place.
2024-0727 - The background color on displays has been fixed. Also, you may be interested to know that RRHX has 4,383 pages in the Stations | Locations menus; 3,457 Time Line entries; 529 iron mines; 520 railroad companies; 488 state, county and local maps; 282 timetable routes; 226 fatal or major wrecks; 163 railroad stories and articles; 116 copper mines; 109 coal mines and much, much more. Since 2001, 23 years of collecting historical transportation information. You're home page for Michigan railroading.
2024-0724 - The webpages don't correctly display background color in some tables (timetables) and text (time line categories). Trying to figure it out. Hopefully will have it fixed soon. Also, I've counted the number of station | location pages on the website. Over 4,200 pages!
2024-0425 - Continuing to add old photographs. My thanks to David McNeill who sent me his 250+ photo collection of early 1900's stations in Michigan. About half of them are new to this website and I will be adding them to appropriates pages in the next couple of months. Do you have photos to share, send them to
2023-1210 - Continuing to add photos and maps on various pages. If you have historic photos to add to this website, please contact me at
2023-1015 - Split Houghton County Stations and Locations into two sections - North of Portage Canal and South of Portage Canal. Remember, these sections include stations, locations, junctions, mills and smelters, but mines are in their own section on Mines and Mining menu.
2023-1001 - Added new, detailed maps for Ironwood, Iron River, Crystal Falls, Iron Mountain, Benton Harbor/St. Joseph and Kalamazoo. Links included on each station-county page or at the bottom of individual stations-locations., Heading east on I-94 now. Also, I'm continuing to add old photographs.
2023-0825 - Working on copper mines and mills in the Keweenaw County. Also created a map of South Range railroads. Hold [Crtl+Scroll up] to enlarge map. Began using Google generated AI results for simple queries when appropriate, identified with source code [AAGI].
2023-0708 - Visited every station | location page and cleaned up formatting and spelling. Huge job as there are thousands of pages. Also added many new photographs. Finished changing the Wayne County sub-directories. Instead of alphabetical, they are now organized by region: Old Detroit within Grand Boulevard, north and east Detroit, west and southwest Detroit, Dearborn, and northwest/west Wayne County, and southwest Wayne County. Should be easier to find the location you are looking for.
2023-0515 - Added about 100 photographs to individual pages. Posted an interesting article about Michigan Central telegraph and telephone systems in 1921. Continued to edit typos and to standardize page presentations.
2023-0402 - Added newspaper articles for many upper peninsula railroads, timetables, towns and mines.
2023-0209 - Changing the Menu system for mines. Mines used to be in the stations|locations menus by county, at the bottom of the list. They have been moved to the Mines and Mining Menu, which has been moved up to the list of common menu links. Mine pages are now grouped by type, then county and region. This will be easier to use and more useful when researching mines in a certain area. Copper and iron mines have been moved, still working on limestone, coal, etc.
2023--0208 - Cleaning up changes made by the new content management upgrade. Still working out some bugs. Thank you for your patience.
2023-0131 - Converted website to updated content management system. Working out minor bugs. Worked on copper and iron mines to make them uniform. Over the next 60 days, these will be moved to their own History page menu (rather than at the bottom of county-station menus.
2022-0910 - Consolidated a page of all cement plants in Michigan with links to each page. Located in the Stories | Articles section. Added about 100 additional photos.
2022-0612 - Began adding symbols on the station page menu. ♦ = photos on the page. ♣ = time line or additional information on the page other than basic information. This will take several months to complete for all station menus. Also, about 100 more historic photos have been added. My thanks to all that gave permission to add these. Finished on 7/29/22.
2022-0411 - Completed an inventory of stations and locations which have no photo and posted a county-by-county link on the History home page (Other Photos Needed). Cleaned up most Station|Location pages with a similar format.
2022-0318 - Added about 400 new photos and a dozen new articles. Keyword search has been added to the website (i.e. you will be able to click on an underlined keyword - like "Milwaukee Junction" - and be taken directly to its own page).
2021-1101 - Corrected many, many spelling errors on the site. Added about 150 new stations and locations in the Upper Peninsula. Restarted the Calendar for events post-COVID.
2021-0222 - Added about 100 old photographs of mines in the upper peninsula. To view, go to Stations|Locations, click on a particular county. At the bottom of the station lists will be a mine listing if the county had significant mines.
2020-1222 - Added many new stories. Edited typos in articles with more to do. The RRHX History section of the website currently has 4,113 stations and locations, 652 mines of all types, and 167 stories and articles, with more being added every week.
2020-1011 - Added about 200 more photos to various station and railroads in history sections. Also, cleaned up the photo links in the railroad passes section. This was a left-over transfer issue from the old HTML website. Fixed more spelling and tpo errors.
2020-0920 - Added about 25 stories from the old legacy website to the current website. Go to History | Stories for an alphabetical list. Also continue to correct spelling and typos.
2020-0620 - Further development of iron mining regions in Iron and Gogebic counties. Compiled a time line for Crystal Falls, Iron River and Ironwood. Working on others. Additional articles added to the site from the old website in the Stories Section.
2020-0401 - Added about 500 photos to various pages in the stations section. Still have about 500 to add. Working on it.
2020-0101 - Added forts & major military installations in Michigan in the More Menu. Though not usually served by railroads, these provide historical information on the establishment of commerce in the Michigan territory and state. Click here.
2019-1220 - Links repaired to ICC accident reports in the Wrecks and Wreck Outfits Section. Click here.
2019-1120 - Cleaning up typos on many articles. Added about 200 photos, mostly to station pages. Added articles [Stories section] about Jay Gould ad the Wabash railroad in 1881.
2018-1208 - Michigan Railroad History Conference. The date for the 2019 History Conference has been selected. It will take place on Saturday, September 21, 2019 at Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor. Click here for information.
2018-1130 - Mine information. Individual pages for Iron and Copper mines have been moved to the Stations | Locations sections. Details (type of ore, mining method, railroad and dock service, ownership, etc. have been added from information received from the summary provided by the Lake Superior Iron Ore association (1950). To view the mines, go to the Station list, select the county, and the mining menu's are at the bottom of the page.
2018-1116. The upper peninsula mines have been removed from the individual county station lists, and added to their own list at the bottom. Many additional mines have been identified in all ranges.
2018-0515 - An article about the Ford Rouge Industrial Railroad, and a newspaper account of the E&LS in the upper peninsula.
2018-0409 - Updated Research Section 4 (Serials) and Cross Reference. My thanks to Don Meints for keeping this current. Click Here.
2018-0408 - Added article about the beginning of the Detroit, Bay City & Alpena railroad.
2018-0224 - Bridges. Cleaned up the bridge pages and menu. Added many new significant railroad bridges.
2018-0217 - Link Fixes. Many of the County Maps did not display correctly. These have been fixed.
2018-0105 - Research. The Research Section, which Don Meints maintains, has received its annual update. Also added is a cross reference section. My thanks to Don for keeping this current.
2017-0901 - Maritime. A new "Maritime in Michigan" page has been added to the "More" Menu with links to Marine Traffic Ship Finder and the BoatNerd.com website.
2017-0815 - Historical Markers. The list of railroad related historical markers has been updated with about six additional markers added to the list. Access via the Railroad History menu.
2017-0809 - News Feeds. RSS News Feeds have been added to the bottom of "Today's Railroads" and to the bottom of most railroad webpages. See the latest news articles about the railroad industry.
2016 - Moved the site from the original 2001 HTML site to a content management system.
Instructions for Posting Photos on Discussion Boards. Instructions for posting photos on the discussion boards has been added to the Discussion page.
Passwords. You do not need a password to view MichiganRailroads.com or to view the discussions board. The password login on the More Menu is for administrative purposes for people who edit pages. It is not for general use. However, you WILL need a password to POST to a Discussion Board page. To receive a password to post on a Discussion Board, send your 1) Desired Username, 2) Desired Password, 3) Email address and 4) your real first and last name to
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