Photos Needed - Menominee County - 55
Please consider submitting old photos of trains, stations and other facilities from this county. They will be considered for publishing in the Michigan Railroad History section of this website and you will be given credit as the photographer or collector. Please respect the copyright of photographers and publishers, and do not scan photos from existing books or publications. Please note that most photographs and postcards taken prior to 1930 are not copyrighted. Please provide a description of the photograph, who took the photo (if known) and the collector. To send the photo, use this email link.
- Ames depot (W&M) 13 miles s/of Faithorn Jct.
- Bagley depot (C&NW) 3 miles s/of Carney
- Birch Creek depot (C&NW) 6 miles n/of Menominee
- Blom depot (W&M) 4 miles s/of Faithorn
- Carbondale depot (C&NW) s/of Stephenson + charcoal kilns
- Carney depot (C&NW) 8 miles s/of Powers
- Eagles Nest depot (C&NW) 6 miles n/of Menominee
- Everett depot (W&M) 10 miles s/of Faithorn
- Faithorn depot, crossing (W&M)
- Faunus depot (C&NW) 18 miles nw/of Narenta)
- Gardner depot (W&M) 11 miles s/of Faithorn
- Hanson depot (C&NW) 10 miles n/of Menominee
- Helps depot (C&NW) 20 miles nw/of Narenta
- Hermansville depot (Soo)
- Hermansville interlocking tower? (Soo/C&NW)
- Hermansville - IXL plant rail operations
- Houle depot (C&NW) 8 miles e/of Powers
- Indiantown depot C&NW) 7 miles e/of Powers
- Ingalls depot (C&NW) 2 miles s/of Stephenson
- Koss depot (W&M) just n/of Wisconsin state line
- LaBranche depot (C&NW) 14 miles nw/of Narenta
- Leapers depot (C&NW) ore line
- Longrie depot (W&M) 2 miles north of Menominee River
- Menominee (C&NW) depot
- Menominee interurban photos and bridge; car barn
- Menominee John Henes Park interurban station
- Menominee Riverside Park interurban station
- Miscauna Island depot or rail operations (W&M)
- Nadeau depot (C&NW) 6 miles s/of Powers
- Nathan depot (W&M) wiped out by fire in 1900
- Perronville depot (C&NW) Metropolitan branch
- Powers roundhouse (C&NW)
- Spalding depot (C&NW) 1 mile e/of Powers
- Stephenson depot (C&NW)
- Swanson depot, cheese factory (W&M) 8 miles n/of Menominee River
- Talbot depot (C&NW) Depot wiped out by fire in 1906
- Wallace depot (C&NW) 6 miles s/of Stephenson
- Wilson depot (C&NW) 5 miles e/of Powers
Faithorn depot, crossing (Soo/W&M)?
Hermansville interlocking tower? (Soo/C&NW)
Menominee crossing (C&NW/MILW)
Photos Needed - Menominee County - 55
Please consider submitting old photos of trains, stations and other facilities from this county. They will be considered for publishing in the Michigan Railroad History section of this website and you will be given credit as the photographer or collector. Please respect the copyright of photographers and publishers, and do not scan photos from existing books or publications. Please note that most photographs and postcards taken prior to 1930 are not copyrighted. Please provide a description of the photograph, who took the photo (if known) and the collector. To send the photo, use this email link.
- Ames depot (W&M) 13 miles s/of Faithorn Jct.
- Bagley depot (C&NW) 3 miles s/of Carney
- Birch Creek depot (C&NW) 6 miles n/of Menominee
- Blom depot (W&M) 4 miles s/of Faithorn
- Carbondale depot (C&NW) s/of Stephenson + charcoal kilns
- Carney depot (C&NW) 8 miles s/of Powers
- Eagles Nest depot (C&NW) 6 miles n/of Menominee
- Everett depot (W&M) 10 miles s/of Faithorn
- Faithorn depot, crossing (W&M)
- Faunus depot (C&NW) 18 miles nw/of Narenta)
- Gardner depot (W&M) 11 miles s/of Faithorn
- Hanson depot (C&NW) 10 miles n/of Menominee
- Helps depot (C&NW) 20 miles nw/of Narenta
- Hermansville depot (Soo)
- Hermansville interlocking tower? (Soo/C&NW)
- Hermansville - IXL plant rail operations
- Houle depot (C&NW) 8 miles e/of Powers
- Indiantown depot C&NW) 7 miles e/of Powers
- Ingalls depot (C&NW) 2 miles s/of Stephenson
- Koss depot (W&M) just n/of Wisconsin state line
- LaBranche depot (C&NW) 14 miles nw/of Narenta
- Leapers depot (C&NW) ore line
- Longrie depot (W&M) 2 miles north of Menominee River
- Menominee (C&NW) depot
- Menominee interurban photos and bridge; car barn
- Menominee John Henes Park interurban station
- Menominee Riverside Park interurban station
- Miscauna Island depot or rail operations (W&M)
- Nadeau depot (C&NW) 6 miles s/of Powers
- Nathan depot (W&M) wiped out by fire in 1900
- Perronville depot (C&NW) Metropolitan branch
- Powers roundhouse (C&NW)
- Spalding depot (C&NW) 1 mile e/of Powers
- Stephenson depot (C&NW)
- Swanson depot, cheese factory (W&M) 8 miles n/of Menominee River
- Talbot depot (C&NW) Depot wiped out by fire in 1906
- Wallace depot (C&NW) 6 miles s/of Stephenson
- Wilson depot (C&NW) 5 miles e/of Powers
Faithorn depot, crossing (Soo/W&M)?
Hermansville interlocking tower? (Soo/C&NW)
Menominee crossing (C&NW/MILW)